IGN (In-Game Name): theonemcd
When you were banned: Thursday.
Reason: Admitting to x-ray
Ban Length: 7 days.
Staff Member: Superbros1211
Why we should consider your appeal:
I'll make this one shorter because I know you guys have a very short attention span and probably have stopped reading this sentence already because it is too long for you to comprehend. I did not break your stupid rule because I did not admit to x-raying. Saying "x-ray gives me lag" is in no way whatsoever equal to "I x-ray on this server lol." So, all of your arguments that I know the rules, that the rule applies, that I should not joke admit to x-raying on the server are irrelevant because I did not admit to x-raying on the server. There, I made it bold so your deficient minds will notice it, because you obviously did not notice my argument in my last ban appeal.