Member Name Owen Powell
Additional In Game Names: None
When you were banned: I believe it was late March.
Reason for ban: Toxicity
Ban Length: Perm
Staff member who issued ban: Deinen
Why we should consider your appeal: So, back in March I wasn't playing Meep much anymore, so I decided to get banned. I was mad at the server for something I did (bought elite) and then I spammed "@#!% Meepcraft. I believed that the action would give me some sort of gratification, which it did temporarily. Then, I released I may miss playing Meep some and I didn't know what to do. I had accepted that I donated to the server, not that the server had stolen my money. If I do get accepted back, I will follow the rules and be nice, like I was before this incident. Thank you for considering my appeal.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know:
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