In Game Name: slicknsly
Teamspeak Username: Slicks
Mic use: Often
Age: 18
Timezone: EST
Hours online: This fluctuates depending on the day. Afternoon classes are a pain but I've learned to manage time to the point where finishing school only takes about an hour or two of my time. This leaves the possibility for me to be on for over 6 hours in a day if I'm feeling too lazy to be out and about.
Position Changes: Helper to Mod
Yo. This has been a project in the works for about 3 months now called Project Slick Becomes a Mod after Being a Helper for a Long Time a.k.a. PSBMABHLT. The launch date is some time in October and delays are unexpected. Clear skies for the next two weeks are expected. I'd like to say that I've learned all there is about being a Helper.
Why I'm applying:
I've been Helper for a quite some time and while the title change might not affect my in-game abilities, the prestigious title of 'Mod' is a step up for me. It's like... polishing that gold medal from the 5th grade even though you don't even showcase it because people will still see and notice it and it'll make you feel awesome since it's shiny and stuff. Even though it doesn't change anything.
I know commands and how to use them and stuff. I'm also usually fixing and adding and tweaking things that are semi-important but not important enough to be broadcast or important enough to have to restart the server.
Reasons to not accept me even though they add to accepting me:
I'm really bad at starting conversations with people. This leads to people thinking that:
a. I don't like them.
b. I prefer being alone.
c. I ignore everyone in Teamspeak and only talk to admins.
This is usually not true. The only reason I'd dislike a person is if I've seen them do wrong. This is especially true about bullying. If I see it on Teamspeak or in-game there'll be punishments dealt.
There are times where I'd rather be left alone so I can focus on whatever I'm doing. If I'm silent while you're talking to me in Teamspeak there's a good chance that I'm AFK.
I tend not to go above and beyond on the big things but I always focus a lot on the details.
I'd like to become a mod because I'm the last helper from before august who hasn't been demoted or promoted yet.
From the conclusion of my Helper App:
I enjoy playing with the people on the server and talking to member of the community on Teamspeak. I'm glad to have put in a lot of my summer time into this server and I'm prepared to continue to enjoy it while serving the community in ways I couldn't previously.
If you omit the last 5 words, nut(my conclusions)shell.
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