Additional In Game Names: Dwarfoo, dwarfmorf101, kawaiidocherty7, jipdos101, mackntosh, macntosh, Redehtodi, and i think my alt had some other names, oh and dwarfrepentant
When you were banned: a couple minutes ago, 45 minutes left.
Reason for ban: Language
Ban Length: 45 minutes left
Staff member who issued ban: ladycassandra
What have you learned and why should we trust you to do better? I was banned for saying "F U" and calling ninjapugx7 a shithead, as far as i know abbreviations are legal (F U, WTF, lmfao, gth, etc.) and i could have been referring to the fact that his head is probably made of what i called him. He routinely causes players to leave, that hurts the server that i spend essentially my life on, I play on meepcraft because until recently it was a place where i could get on an always have a good time, it didn't matter what was going on IRL, meep was always fun. well let me tell you, meep is NOT fun when your chat is being spammed with "Bow down to me you peice of garbage" "I am better than you" "this server doesn't care about you or any of your friends", Now I thought this would just be temporary, as eventually the staff would realize how toxic and how much he was hurting the community, but it went on, for days, and days. so yah eventually i resorted to insults, because nothing else was doing anything, people had modreqed, reported, tried to set up pwarp blacklists just to punish him to get him to stop. I apologize to anyone who saw the insults in /g, but Like hell ill apologize to ninjapug.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: FU is a chinese surname, and
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