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Best Posts in Thread: Media Application from Gaeyeong

  1. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

    Likes Received:
    I could have sworn I put my warning points in my pocket, oh wait here they are.
    All players arguing between one another will receive a warning point, if it happens again it's a red card. Comment about the applicant please.
  2. cdhoff

    cdhoff Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    So, where do I begin?

    Your video: 480p with Xbox Live quality mic... nuff said.
    Your channel: The only video with over 1k views is both scammy and clickbait...y (Disregarding whatever the heck that 10k video is)?
    Your "confidence": Way too much, to the point of cockiness
    Your subscriber count: Sure, its moderate, but I doubt its legitimate. If it is, power to ya, but subs aren't what count, quality of videos and amount of people reached is important.
    Again on your video: Seriously?! Not even windows live movie maker?!

    Tips to maybe help next time:

    1: Better mic
    2: Use OBS with higher quality and bitrate
    3: Learn how to use even the youtube video editor
    4: Be more considerate all of the time
    5: It looks like you changed your IGN from this video, I would recommend changing your username on here too.

    I'm not being disrespectful, in my opinion, just trying to offer constructive criticism :)

    Am I leaving anything out anybody?

    EDIT: So, I just looked back at the original post, and...

    So, either you are a chain-smoker, you lied about your gender, or these aren't your videos. Hope its the first one.

    Another edit: I would refrain from using copyrighted music
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2017
  3. ekjhgekuie

    ekjhgekuie Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I sincerely believe that this application is a joke. It may be real, however. I will give you my comments.

    Let me start with a reiteration of some of the points that your colleagues at PseudoCorp left on the recent helper application by @bloodyghost. These two are direct quotes.

    A good staff member has continuous decent behavior and activity, not just a week of you shoving bull down everyone's throats while you pretend to be changed. Look how it has worked out in the past, every single time: PseudoGod, Spider_Strike, rAwsondayc, Muunkee, Summrs. All acted decently as staff but showed their true selves after being demoted or resigning.

    Before you get to it - no one changes. You can pretend to be someone you're not when in reality you can't change your sarcastic, demeaning attitude.

    The comments on bloodyghost's application used the term 'candyarsing.' In the context of bloodyghost's application, 'candyarsing' meant putting on a fake appearance shortly before you apply for staff in an attempt to make anyone think you possess qualities of a staff member when you do not. Gaeyeong's recent change in behavior can be classified as candyarsing.


    EDIT: After digging through screenshots, I'd like to share some of my interactions with Gaeyeong.

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2017
  4. Epicdude141

    Epicdude141 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Look I get it your applying for staff and have to appear to be somewhat nice but c'mon could you kiss up a little less please? It's kinda easy especially when you take a much different tone with your other posts...

    While going thru your post history I realized that you are Imacutyou or whatever that dumb ign is. The review above is from a completely different perspective assuming you were someone I had never interacted with. Needless to say that realizing who you are changed absolutely nothing for me but I hope it allows other's to put your application into perspective.

    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 30, 2017, Original Post Date: Dec 30, 2017 ---
    Okay this is off topic but did you really pull an r/iamverysmart and put your PSAT scores in your signature?