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Comments on Profile Post by monkeydude132

  1. Pmx728
    Your account is your responsibility. People say this almost every time they get banned, and it won't get you unbanned. It's better to just fess up as if you did it yourself. Anyways, good luck on your appeal.
    Mar 9, 2016
  2. Pmx728
    Also btw, staff can check ips to see if you were not at your normal location when you were banned. Make sure to file a ban appeal, as profile posts won't get you unbanned
    Mar 9, 2016
  3. monkeydude132
    Just saying i was on a different ip and Seriously i was taking a dump.
    Mar 9, 2016
    Summers likes this.
  4. Qaws
    L O L
    Mar 30, 2016