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Comments on Profile Post by Cookies713

  1. creeper2812
    Im sorry. I just wanted him back, and he can't appeal himself.
    Oct 13, 2014
  2. Cookies713
    First off, I kinda blew up then. I said it in the heat of the moment, and IMO it sounds too harsh. Sorry about that :/
    Second, did he say why he couldn't appeal? Can he not make a new account?
    Oct 13, 2014
  3. creeper2812
    Well apparently when he tries logging out, it won't let him. just continues to say "you have been banned"
    Oct 13, 2014
  4. Cookies713
    He can't log out?
    He may have to use a device he's never logged in on before. That should mean he's automatically not logged in to anything. Tell him to try a library computer or some such. That should work.
    Oct 13, 2014
  5. creeper2812
    I gave him the suggestion too and he thinks he'll get denied anyway :/
    Oct 13, 2014
  6. Cookies713
    No harm in trying :3
    Oct 13, 2014
  7. creeper2812
    well I'll tell him on Steam
    Oct 13, 2014
  8. Cookies713
    Wait you said on jacks post below 'Palmo'... Does this by any chance mean Palm Cove, Queensland?

    You can tell me in a convo if you don't want to say here
    Oct 13, 2014
  9. creeper2812
    Palmo = Palmerston which is a suburb of Darwin. If you want to know because you're going there, thought I may just let you know he used to live at Trinity Beach which is a few km's from there.
    Oct 13, 2014
  10. Cookies713
    That's semi creepy... I was just wondering because I've been there twice with my family, and it would be really odd if you and n00b lived there xD
    Oct 13, 2014
  11. creeper2812
    heh it is to think that you and n00b may have been that close to each other IRL before.
    btw don't forget me and n00b don't live together anymore :l
    Oct 13, 2014
  12. Cookies713
    XD that's why I was wondering. Also I read n00bs 'New Fostering' thread so he basically told everyone about being refostered there. He's also told me about you ingame, so yeah :)
    Oct 13, 2014
  13. creeper2812
    well thats semi-creepy.
    btw will you be in game this week at all?
    Oct 13, 2014
  14. Cookies713
    Possibly tomorrow afternoon. I'm banned from Minecraft on weekdays, but if I'll do what I can.
    Oct 13, 2014
  15. Cookies713
    But I'll do what I can* dammit phone
    Oct 13, 2014
  16. creeper2812
    ok. do you have steam btw?
    Oct 13, 2014
  17. Cookies713
    Nope XD what's steam?
    Oct 13, 2014
  18. creeper2812
    it just has a ton of games and stuff.. most have it xD
    anyway if you get it (its free) n00b is on like all the time so you could talk.
    Oct 13, 2014