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Comments on Profile Post by DevilSpawn112

  1. marvelgamer13
    No too bad I will :3 <3
    Apr 8, 2014
  2. DevilSpawn112
    Apr 8, 2014
  3. BooBear1227
    That's a good quote to go by. :)
    Apr 19, 2014
  4. DevilSpawn112
    Apr 19, 2014
  5. marvelgamer13
    Boo appears! She is also a quotist herself! Which one will have the better quote? :o
    Apr 20, 2014
  6. BooBear1227
    DevilSpawn always will.
    Apr 21, 2014
  7. marvelgamer13
    dangit BooBear at least try ;n;
    Apr 21, 2014
  8. DevilSpawn112
    Lol Not really boo... you are quite good.
    Apr 21, 2014
  9. BooBear1227
    “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller
    Apr 21, 2014
  10. marvelgamer13
    That's not yours lol
    Apr 21, 2014
  11. DevilSpawn112
    Love that one!
    Apr 21, 2014
  12. marvelgamer13
    stop no ._.
    Apr 21, 2014
  13. BooBear1227
    Okay fine. " All who wander... are never lost." and "We are all travelers on this path...guided by our hearts."
    Apr 21, 2014