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Best Posts

  1. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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    Okay Poopface
  2. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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    To address this ban, we must ask ourselves an important question. Do we really want a player named xxpoopblockxx playing on this server? What example does this set for the children that play on this server? Are we sending children the message that being a block of poop is acceptable? We must rise above this and remove the Poop Block immediately. Please go poop somewhere else. Denied.
    Meznik, Sqreix, MeepLord27 and 176 others like this.
  3. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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    Recently, MeepCraft has undergone a leadership change. On July 12, 2013, due to specific hardships that we were facing with our leadership, our team replaced MeepNetworks with the original MeepCraft minecraft server which is now solely owned by myself and operated by the MeepCraft development team.

    Previously, I had given a co-ownership opportunity to an individual known as CrueltyGaming to whom we invested 20,000 dollars to fund the datacenter. He brought many technical benefits to MeepNetworks and offered his time to help manage and grow the establishment. While his intentions were for the betterment of the server, we observed over the past few months that his changes were not benefiting the welfare of the server but rather diminishing its level of potential success.

    It's not easy to turn the #1 Minecraft server in the world, with 1,100 players online simultaneously and one of the most active online communities in Minecraft into a small hamlet hardly peaking at 300 players. Somehow, that's what happened under the direction of CrueltyGaming. Several hilariously dumb decisions were made, such as the cancellation of the MeepHalo project, the cancellation the CreativCubed server, for the sole reason that sharing 50% of the profits with any third party was "unacceptable". And ironically enough, just as soon as these projects were cancelled or let go, we ended up sacrificing huge opportunities in advertising and server development. Under CrueltyGaming’s directive, the original community forums and custom systems were deleted, the entire original staff of MeepCraft was fired and disbanded, and it was rumored that the very next directive was to reset the Towns world with a new rank system (which would result in the removal of the ranks that you payed for!).

    For the last 2 years I have spent a great portion of my time building and developing the community and game of MeepCraft. We had collected over a hundred thousand dollars in cumulative donations and almost 95% of those expenses were put back into helping develop and improve aspects of the server. When CrueltyGaming locked me out the machines, as had happened multiple times in the past, it was a moment of realization for me. For the next 48 hours, our team recreated the entire original MeepCraft server from scratch – without the original server files! I am especially thankful to my friend Coelho, (who is the developer of our cloud system), for contributing a hypervisor machine, on which we will be developing the new MeepCraft cloud.

    It is the best interest of the players and administration of MeepCraft to remove this individual from authority. It is a great sacrifice to leave behind our investments but the correct choice is now clear. The decisions made under his administration were clearly not beneficial in the very least. I believe that the main lesson we can all learn from this is that with any large organization, you can go sole proprietor or board of directors, but by all means stay away from dual partnerships. You should always keep your goals and ideals close to your heart and stick to them. I will sleep better at night knowing that we will be enjoying a higher level of enjoyment and success in all aspects of this game.

    - Fuzzlr

    More gamemodes such as The Walls are coming soon to MeepCraft
  4. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    For years, people have argued about the types of rights LGBTQA+ people get. Some people are die hard supporters, and other people are seated to their beliefs that homosexuality is wrong and immoral. Everyone comes from different backgrounds and beliefs, so determining the future of these rights is difficult.

    In some countries, being gay means losing your friends. In other countries, being gay means losing your life. Many LGBTQ teens around the globe have been bullied and have had their rights teared apart. Some countries will hold public executions for people who have participated in gay sex. Other countries might throw you in jail at the mere assumption that you are gay. People in the LGBTQ community go through a lot in their lives; being ridiculed, harassed, fired from work, kicked out of buildings, beaten, disowned by family, and sometimes even murdered. Let us remember that history is destined to repeat itself, and that LGBTQ people are not the only people in history to have gone through tough times. Should we consider LGBTQ rights as part genuine civil rights? Or should we continue to discriminate against those whose rights have been taken from them?

    I believe being gay is innate, and not a choice. Studies have shown being gay is caused the same way people become left handed. In fact, lesbians are x2 more likely to be left handed than straight women. I can go on and on and on about the biology behind homosexuality, but that's not important. What is important is the love that two consenting adults share with each other. The reason LGBTQ people are so discriminated against is because of the lack of desire for change. People hate what they cannot understand. They don't know what it's actually like to be gay, and they mock those who are simply because of their differences. Even if being gay was a choice, what happens in the bedroom is none of your business.

    There's those who want to ban gay marriages because of their own religious beliefs. Well, let me tell you something. Equal rights are not to be voted on. Allowing gay marriages doesn't make people conform against your beliefs. Allowing gay marriage vindicates the right of all faiths to freely exercise their religious practices. Many Native American tribes have allowed same-sex marriages. Their belief was that the man and woman exists within everyone, and same-sex marriages are no different than opposite-sex marriages. Love is love, and that's all there is to it.

    Why is it more socially acceptable to be 16 and pregnant than it is to be gay? It seems as if people worry more about LGBT than they do about the real problems of the world. People are throwing millions and millions of dollars to taking away the rights of gay people, and they forget about the real issues. Problems like poverty, famine, disease, and violence are practically pushed aside while big organizations fight to protect "the sanctity of marriage". Why are people able to get married to a hooker, drunk, in Las Vegas by a guy dressed as Elvis and then get a divorce 4 hours later, but not be allowed to get married if they're gay? There's gay people with stronger, more loyal relationships than some of the marriages that are legal. According to the government, two straight people who hate each other have more of a right to get married than two gay people who love each other.

    It wasn't until 2010 that gays were allowed to join the military in the USA. 2010... just imagine that. After 17 years of "Don't Ask Don't Tell", gays were not allowed to fight for their own country. They were not allowed to fight to save the liberty that you all take for granted. There was someone in the military who was gay, and admitted to being gay after he risked his life over seas to fight for our freedom. His confessional was video taped and played in front of a group of GOP members. They responded by "booing" him. What were they booing? Were they booing the fact that he lied to fight for his country? Or were the booing the mere fact that he was gay?

    The state of Mississippi recently passed a law saying that owners of a business reserve the right to not serve people based on one's religious beliefs. This law was specifically directed against gay people, meaning it is now legal in that state to throw someone out of your business if they are gay. History is indeed destined to repeat itself. Americans have fought for the right for people to be allowed to walk into a store without fear of discrimination. Now, it seems as if some people with power feel as if discrimination should be allowed to take place, so long as it is for "religious freedom". But how far does religious freedom take us? Are we allowed to practice whatever we want in church and respect other people's differences? Or, are we allowed to infringe on the rights of others in order to justify our own beliefs? It seems as if the state of Mississippi has chosen the latter. Take a moment to reflect on how far your religious liberty can go, and think about the religious freedom of others and how you must co-exist with them. Humanity can never progress if we are all divided.

    Love sees no gender. That is why I, Skaros123, want to same liberty and rights as everyone else. I'm not a second class citizen, and I do not want to be treated as such. I want to experience what it's like to not live in fear of rejection and humiliation. I look for the day when people will no longer have to come out of the closet, when being gay is socially accepted and everyone can learn to live in peace. I want to get married and find the husband to cares about me most deeply. Someone who will be there for me when I'm alone, to give me a hand when I'm down. Marriage isn't about sex and procreation, it is about love and forever commitment till death do us part. I am thankful to live in a place where same-sex marriage is legal, and rights are given to people who like the same-sex. I hope you will tolerate me, the way I was born, the same way I will tolerate your beliefs.

    Love conquers hate. Support equality, and be proud to love.
  5. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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    Two years ago today, I started a Minecraft community called MeepCraft. This Minecraft server, which I started on my own laptop, has grown to become one of the longest running large Minecraft communities in the world. With over 1 million players served, MeepCraft continues to make countless memories and experiences for the thousands of people around the world that play daily. It was even mentioned in a Forbes article for its innovative and unique virtual economic model.

    From the very beginning, MeepCraft has been unique for its large open community. This community setting has allowed us to grow and maintain the server’s most essential asset: dedicated and devoted players. There is no price tag that can be put on the value of the friendships and unique experiences that have been made over the years. As players, your commitment and dedication to the server has maintained its existence both financially and developmentally, and it has allowed the preservation of a community that, in my opinion, is what makes MeepCraft unique and iconic.

    As a 16-year-old, I am incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to own and administrate one of the world’s largest Minecraft servers. I have learned so much from this experience! These last two years have been so great and I am so thankful for everyone who has helped make this possible.

    Special mention to those who have made a positive and legendary impact on MeepCraft (in alphabetical order): Alien_Venom, aPlasticKnife, btilm305, Chicka2b2b, Coelho (Onis_Luck), Cooleysworld, coolkid1288, damaster97, DancingCactus, Deinen0, Deviant210, DianaB72, Exclaimer999, FluffbearRCT, GreenTempest, iFartonChilren, ImNotBlonde, jamdelaney1, jcbetro1011, Kabixi, Kazarkas, LexKristen, mjacobinc, MrsMegan, Nanniro, nubberoni, Oroperion, Pimpkachu, PhoenixPuppy, Rosenow, Saiyer, SdubsSM, Silent_One, Sirrr_Pig, shainthewolfman, Sjoeppappentrap, Skaros123, Sneekers, TheEditson, Tsong_Jien, zortron
  6. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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  7. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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  8. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    Hello meeps! Today is the day that I will talk my walk and resign from my position as Admin. This is due to me running out of time in real life, running out of motivation because of recent events on the server, and a need for a break. I do trust that Cooleysworld and Sjoeppappentrap will be able to revive MeepCraft to 1000 players again! I would like to say thank you to all of the players I have met over this year long journey, thank you for playing on MeepCraft! I would also like to thank every staff member I've worked with. Without you, the server would not be here. I hope that everyone still enjoys the server now, and for as long as it lives! Perhaps I will see you around, perhaps not. Farewell!
    Adrian, iKitten, agnd and 63 others like this.
  9. benster82

    benster82 Celebrity Meeper

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    image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg I was bored and created a few meepcraft memes! Tell me how I did!
    Last edited: May 17, 2016
    vrohan, Summers, LordInateur and 58 others like this.
  10. xxpoopblockxx

    xxpoopblockxx New Meeper

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    my real account name acually has zeros instead of o's in it so its not really poop. and i created the minecraft account a while ago when i was stupid.
    Thanks for reading this
    -Douche bag-