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Best Posts in Thread: Yolo. (Nachzerhrer's staff application)

  1. StopResetting

    StopResetting Popular Meeper

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    Technically that's still editing - DENIED.
    Meh its such a minor detail, so +0.001

    My issue is that the hours you're able to get on is very insufficient with the amount of time you've been on the server (yeah, yeah, I'm going there). This position requires time and dedication. If you're too busy to give more than an hour or two (yeah I read the weekend's hours too), I don't know how you'll be able to get much done along with adjusting to all the new changes going on right now. Like you said - you have not even been on the server for a month. I know you're smart judging from this application but it just seems like you're leaping into this position too quickly. However you are online when most of the mods are not, and I hope you've been helping out the community whilst being online.

    Concerning helping others, I was not too happy with what you said regarding your teamspeak activity. There's no reason for you to not help people now without holding the helper rank. It would go much in your favor if you could tell us, "I still help people in teamspeak despite how awkward and sky I feel." You shouldn't be afraid to speak up, and you should not sit in teamspeak in a room all by yourself (much like the way I always end up doing -.-), and expect to work up your nerve sitting there. So in short - don't be a Liz. Just go for it, you won't get anything done if you sit there contemplating all day. Trust me, you won't.

    I am very happy with the conclusion though (minus the part about your teacher, that seemed to stray a bit off the track imo and it could have been a bit more lengthier). I have hardly seen one where someone actually understands what a conclusion is supposed to be. +18092809282, although that won't count on my overall vote. It still stands at a +0.001.

    The reasons were elaborate but you could have given us more. Yes they were very thoroughly gone over (nice job on that), but you could have given us more reasons as these were only two. I know you have more reasons to give us, you could not have applied for this position on the basis of 2. Unless you're one of those noobs who come in here and are like, "i iz srvr oner, can i haz admin?" Also, the attitude reason should have been "2." as there was no 2, Mr. Skipper of numbers. And the patience sub-point is missing the bold. Just my ocd (shut up Liz).

    Your forums activity could use a bit more work. Stalk around and help more people, get involved, get informed.

    I do think you have potential, but I need more solid ground to tread on. The application overall was lovely, but as there is not enough activity to prove much, you could have given us more reasons to make up for that. Remember - activity is a requirement. And there's no need for you to hold back from helping others simply because you don't hold the helper rank (I'm talking about teamspeak, and if this applies to in-game or forums then be aware of it). So take my +0.001, it still holds significance regardless of how small it may seem.
  2. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    This application will not be denied merely because he forgot to include his age. He caught his mistake within 3 minutes of posting the application and was cognizant enough of the rules to not edit the actual post.