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Accepted Would Love an explaination

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Langston1209, Feb 13, 2014.

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  1. Langston1209

    Langston1209 Popular Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): Langston1209
    Date/Time: approx 1:30 pm EST
    Reason: Major towny theft
    Ban Length: Perm
    Staff Member: Oroperion
    Why we should consider your appeal:

    Saw it coming when Oro started messaging me, though im really not sure what i did. I bought the town from Deinen and got perms to loot it all, was told there were a few members still in there, i checked all around. Dein said i could loot his plots, i did, i started looting another plot(tagsswag head, few stone blocks, and 2 irondoors) then i realized it was owned by iOblivion so i put the head back, and the blocks i think(i believe the doors are still missing but i can put them back.

    Another plot was owned by Old_Pink, again, i destroyed a few blocks on stonebricks, not major griefing, it was late and i was too lazy to replace them, i can fix that.

    I looted a plot of a player 20+ days inactive(if a message was sent out about you have 7-14 days to take your stuff he wouldn't have got it so i assumed it was ok to loot as he hasnt played in awhile).

    I double checked to make sure i didnt loot anyone who owned plots there like Old_Pink, and iOblivion, i replaced what i did take and mailed them asking if they wanted to keep their plots- if they dont reply i dont do anything, if they say they dont want it i will loot it.

    I still have almost everything from that town, aside from some dia and iron i sold, but whatever i "stole" i can return or refund to them.

    Please post the chest logs of what i stole- from people who are active.

    EDIT (7:48pm est) Just want to add in here incase something is done overnight that it was my alt that was banned, and my main Langston1209 was banned for being an alt of my alt. So the the 2 accounts involved are: Langston1209, and, _wony_
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
  2. Oroperion

    Oroperion Celebrity Meeper

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  3. Langston1209

    Langston1209 Popular Meeper

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    I asked him atleast like 7 times if i could loot the hoppers and chest area, he said "yeah" "sure" etc. I remember the line "sure, its not my town anymore, idc" Pretty sure he left the town too meaning he didnt own the plots- not sure about that.

    As for the doors yeah as i said it was late and i forgot about that i can fix that in like 2mins and pay Obliv like 10k for damages.

    I can give back most or all of what i took from dein even though he said i could loot it. Or, by as he says in the skype logs i can keep the stuff, that would make this minor, cause last time i checked 12 ingots and a few stonebricks isnt perma-bannable.
  4. Oroperion

    Oroperion Celebrity Meeper

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    It's not the fact that he doesn't care about the stuff, it's the fact that you took it from his plot, that he still owns, without his permission.
  5. Langston1209

    Langston1209 Popular Meeper

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    If you have the time(though it doesnt matter cause Dein said he didnt care) you may be able to check the chat logs to see what i was talking about, it was Dein, me, and CreepyEnderman talking in local i asked him repeatedly about it and the only answer i ever got was a positive reply being Sure, yes, okay, or idc, etc. never No or dont.
  6. Langston1209

    Langston1209 Popular Meeper

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    If hes okay with it now does it matter? It was a mix up- if that (check chat logs if possible) If he wants it back i will refund him for it, if not it doesnt matter.
  7. iOblivion

    iOblivion Popular Meeper

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    When I logged on i noticed that my doors were gone and my tagswag head was moved. So i did a modreq and Oroperion answered, i got refunded for my doors, but the head was still there. Also when i went onto my plot i noticed that it was for sale so i did /plot nfs, im ok with you getting unbanned, but i ask please do not mess with my plot as i want it.
  8. Langston1209

    Langston1209 Popular Meeper

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    Yeah about the Forsale thing that was before i realized it was owned, thought it was unowned and didnt want my alt to get banned for owning the spawners, then i realized it was owned(again forgot to un-do something). So the plot remained like that. Order of events on your plot were:

    Walked over, broke Tagswag head, walked in, put plot fs but didnt claim with my main, broke some stonebricks to look in(pretty sure i put those back cause water was leaking out. Almost forgot about the tagswag head but i managed to put it back like 30mins later. so only thing for you shouldve been the doors- which i will refund myself for the trouble.

    I believe i broke like 2 blocks(stonebrick) on the top of Old_Pink's embassy plot too- also when i was trying to look it, i will fix that aswell.

    As for that it looks as if this is Very minor towny theft now? iObliv's problem has been resolved, so has Deinen's - i've even offered to refund him if he wishes me to, and i greifed 2 blocks from Old_Pink which im going to replace. Not sure what is left to be done about this? doesn't seem like i need to remain banned though.
  9. iOblivion

    iOblivion Popular Meeper

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    You broke 2 stonebrick(replaced with wood planks), a sign, and the doors which i was refunded.
  10. Langston1209

    Langston1209 Popular Meeper

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    oh, wow i was sloppy xD, yeah.

    I broke the doors cause i was unable to activate the pressure pads with my Main acc(this was before i thought it was owned also).

    When unbanned i will pay you some for your troubles.
  11. iOblivion

    iOblivion Popular Meeper

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    I say +1 for your unban as i see it was an accident, but again please dont mess with my plot, and before you raid plots do /plot perm ;)
    Langston1209 likes this.
  12. Langston1209

    Langston1209 Popular Meeper

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    I was just holding the town temp, Dein shouted he was selling it, Creepy_Enderman wanted it but he owned a town and his alt was still banned so i offered to take it for 1-2 days until he could get his unbanned, in agreement we split the money in the town bank, and i looted most of the town. Everything was done on accident/ due to a mixup.

    Dont know when i will be unbanned seeing as Oro signed off :c
  13. Langston1209

    Langston1209 Popular Meeper

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    I hate to bump this, but i'd really like more input, i wish not to be banned for another 12-24 hours for no reason just because the mod handling this left before it could be fully resolved.

    Not to reiterate too much, but 3 people were affected, in total 4 stone bricks, and 2 irondoors greifed, 2 bricks and both doors were refunded, the victim has agreed he sees it was an accident- and i have offered further compensation in addition to what staff has given him. 2 stone bricks is minor greifing if that probably not even bannable.
    For the theft part, It was a misunderstanding, i attempted to clarify atleast 3-5 times and one of us got mixed up cause the message a clearly got was its all clear "its not my town anymore, idc". EVEN considering that he has said he doesnt care about being refunded- though i have offered to refund him if he changes his mind. I dont understand what further can be done.

    I made a mistake due to a misinterpretation, almost all parties (aside from Old_Pink's 2 stonebricks) have accepted it, agreed that it was a mistake and are willing to move on- and i have even offered more compensation on top of what they already have recieved. I dont see what is left to be done but unban me and left me further compensate those affected by my past actions. Unless there is something else i did, i don't see why another mod, S-mod, or Admin can make a decision on this instead of just waiting for Oroperion to come back, whenever that is.
  14. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    I will unban you. This is based on the fact that two of the people involved are not interested in keeping you banned, and you are correct about the guy being offline for so long. However, I would make sure you collect at least a screenshot of clear proof saying you could take things next time. The next ban of this nature will be longer.
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