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Best Posts in Thread: Why meepcraft has now stalled.

  1. EllieEllie

    EllieEllie Staff Member Leadership

    Likes Received:
    We have contacted Mojang. Many times. Fuzzlr hasn't just sat there and twiddled his thumbs. Unfortunately the blacklist is still there but we are now a EULA compliant server. I believe the problem Mojang have with us now is for evading the blacklist and still operating.
  2. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I don't think you understand how anything works...
  3. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

    Likes Received:
    It’s ridiculous that my messages are being singled out and continuously being deleted by staff who choose to hate me. You cannot keep deleting MY posts that are MY opinions. That’s defeats the entire purpose of the whole damn forum.

    As I said it’s laziness.
  4. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    Take mojang to court
    Thats hilarious
    Like we have that money
    Like we werent the ones breaking the rules in the first place
    Like we werent warned.

    Also, Ive already made threads about this. People are joining but they are not staying....figure out why they dont stay, and improve it.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
    Courtneyyy, SuperDyl, Pmx728 and 2 others like this.
  5. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    Also, I hope you understand that Minecraft has died in popularity. It also affects Meepcraft, along with the blacklisting.
  6. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    As another staff pointed out, the fact that the blacklist was evaded and worked around automatically ensures Mojang will _never_ unblacklist this server.

    The only real road out of the situation is remaking an entire new server, new name and possibly new owner for Mojang to consider.

    Also right this second MeepCraft isn't "EULA compliant" because their EULA simply states to be compliant you need to be authorized by Mojang to run a server for profit. There is no other metric so since MeepCraft does not have such authorization -- It's not compliant.
  7. Pristicula

    Pristicula Guest

    High amount of purchases does not mean high amount of active players.

    Minecraft is actually dying, especially the Java version.

    It is one of the only games that has had such a lasting presence on the internet. It is not like Fortnite which will die in two or less years after the useless hype dies down. Or CS:GO which is already dying. It is a game that has had, at one time, more popularity than any other video game, ever.

    Now Minecraft has stopped growing in popularity as people move on to new games. The servers that made many people attracted to Minecraft have also died (like Meepcraft).

    Paying developers is a fantastic idea. I would become a developer if I were paid even a small amount. All money is good.

    People will say "where is the money coming from?".

    I would become a developer if I were paid just $50 a month. The server makes over $300 a month in donations. With four developers, this is only $200.

    This investment would pay off over time. Good plugins would attract more players, thus increasing the server revenue and returning to the beginning of this cycle.

    Plugin development is simple. It requires more thinking than actual programming. Syntax and high level concepts are not difficult if you are experienced.

    The API talk that the developers have been giving for months is bogus. If they sat down and devoted a day, maybe two, to the API, it would be completed in a day. It is a Minecraft server, not a reddit or twitter size API.

    This is why the server is dying. It has become uninteresting. I urge other players to leave and find a larger community. Some of you are capable and intelligent enough to start your own server. I highly encourage it. And if you do, message me. I will develop plugins for you.
    cooey, SuperDyl, Pmx728 and 1 other person like this.