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Denied Why Am I Banned

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by BARNBOY78, Feb 20, 2014.

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  1. BARNBOY78

    BARNBOY78 Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): BANRBOY78
    Date/Time: 8PM
    Reason: apparently ''Ban evading multiple times after being banned for inappropriate content"
    Ban Length: Perma on teamspeak
    Staff Member: unknown
    Why we should consider your appeal: Well to be honest I have no idea to why i was banned but the ban msg says ''Ban evading multiple times after being banned for inappropriate content" I would like to know what I said and i have not evaded any ban and how could I? so all i ask for is can I please be unbanned from teamspeak? thank you for reading this.
  2. MeGustaYou

    MeGustaYou Popular Meeper

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    The reason you were banned was for ban evading multiple, multiple times after being banned for hateful content on TeamSpeak. You were banned 3-4 different times and came back with several different aliases but after confronted you changed them to Barnboy78. You played inappropriate songs randomly (without asking other people in the channel's permission, also since this was not in the music channel). I believe you have no other intention but to troll on TeamSpeak and this is not acceptable behavior.
  3. LexKristen

    LexKristen Celebrity Meeper

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    This appeal is denied at this time due to the reasons that MeGustaYou has stated. Feel free to appeal at a later date.
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