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Best Posts in Thread: Who do you ship yourself with?
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well @xXAdotXx and I are married if that counts
cooey, CrazyYoungBro, Summers and 8 others like this. -
@IGotBored @Fangdragon1998 @Darke_Amethyst @Window_Licker1 @Jwarian
@DevilSpawn112 @TheAngelEclipse
@Bob4444444 @GingerManOWNS
In no particular order.
I really connect with all of these people. Some more than others. And others more than that. They've seen me at my best. They've seen me at my worst. It has been great to get to know so many individuals in my time here on Meep.
I connect a lot more with others on Skype. I know I'm missing some. And they will have to forgive me.Fangdragon1998, cooey, GroovyGrevous and 7 others like this. -
^ The winner right here xD
I didn't expect anyone to actually pay attention to this thread but apparently people do.. This is actually interesting. More staff have replied to this than I remember for most other threads. xD
CrazyYoungBro, BooBear1227, metr0n0me and 5 others like this. -
I don't have a bae, so i'll do the ppl I talk with the most.
@2004grevous @SpongeyStar @Cherrykit @Baby Elsa
I'm not that creative I guess xD
Oh wait. Darke_AWESOME
@618AWESOMEcooey, BooBear1227, Toostenheimer and 5 others like this. -
I'm bored and I want something to amuse me.
I've also seen this a lot in chat, so I assumed here there'd be a lot of people in that too.
Who's your bae in-game, who's your bby on the forums, and who are you closest with in the community?
It can be multiple, or just one.
For example:
Besties: Darke_Amethyst, 2004grevous, SpongeyStar, CherryKit, ~math-pro-100~
My bae (because I can): metr0n0me
Last edited: Nov 2, 2015iKitten, CrazyYoungBro, KyloMeep and 5 others like this. -
Besties: _hollyleaf_, deljijko, bam_bitro, shains, duckeh_the_fox, like a lot of other people I can't remember.
Meep husband: simplearchitectLast edited: Dec 28, 2015cooey, CrazyYoungBro, BooBear1227 and 4 others like this. -
cooey, Splasho, GroovyGrevous and 3 others like this.
@Qwikin god he's hot
Zoe89, Muunkee, BooBear1227 and 3 others like this. -
cooey, metr0n0me, Bob4444444 and 3 others like this.
cooey, LadyCassandra, GroovyGrevous and 2 others like this.
Achmed loves anyone under the age of 7 or over the age of 40.
cooey, XxNine_TailsxX, GroovyGrevous and 2 others like this. -
BooBear1227, TheAngelEclipse, Ace and 2 others like this.
Senpai_Master or Spongey_Master or Candy_Senpai or Candy_Spongey
2004senpaigrevouscooey, CrazyYoungBro, Candy_Master and 2 others like this. -
I'll ship myself with my bf you silly, creepy, geese
Last edited: Nov 1, 2015KyloMeep, Toostenheimer, GroovyGrevous and 2 others like this.
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