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Where are you now?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Metzy, Mar 30, 2020.

  1. ProofMan

    ProofMan Active Meeper

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    wtf ur gonna be a vet and ur a furry dude ur gonna be operating on a dog and get a mad hardon i cant trust u with my pets
  2. evilalec555

    evilalec555 Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm still depressed
  3. Epicdude141

    Epicdude141 Celebrity Meeper

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    champagne without the "cham"
    Pmx728 and Adrian like this.
  4. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    Sham Pain
    Adrian likes this.
  5. MrTonycat

    MrTonycat Celebrity Meeper

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    Joined June 3rd, 2012 when I was 14. Had a great time on the server for a few years, made a lot friends and had the privilege of being staff for a while. I am now a recent graduate from Iowa State University with a Bachelor's in Biochemistry. Just job searching now.
  6. ProofMan

    ProofMan Active Meeper

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    i am iatemyfriends and i joined in november 2012 and i was 11 years old and i got staff when i was like 13 and hot asian beans called me a little shit in nice words. there is a big difference now and the person i used to be as i am now 19

    i am a sophmore at university of ottawa for polisci
  7. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    Joined 2012, 22 now. 1 child, building house when the right land shows, finishing diploma, self employed, no debt, life’s great. Much love to you all and a hope next year is better for everyone.
    OKNEM, dragon8877, ENIbeast and 8 others like this.
  8. GroovyGrevous

    GroovyGrevous Break hearts not blocks

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    daddy that u
    Adrian, Kling, Pmx728 and 1 other person like this.
  9. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    GroovyGrevous likes this.
  10. Ninja_of_Tempest

    Ninja_of_Tempest Celebrity Meeper

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    Wooow, I got a feeling to log back into forums, what a perfect thread to find! Nice to see some familiar faces from childhood (well teen years, close enough)

    I believe I first logged into Meepcraft on Christmas of 2012 when I first got premium but started playing fully later into 2013. Meepcraft certainly had some of the best gaming memories for me, very nostalgic stuff. I'm currently in my second year of architecture school, thank goodness for all that practice in Minecraft! xD
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2020
  11. Klitch


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    idk if I responded to this but joined nov 2012 at 13, 21 now 4th year of college majoring in construction mgmt. live in my own apt, bike, climb, beach, music, etc are my fun times. chili’s reigns
  12. Selchie

    Selchie Celebrity Meeper

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    i think i joined maybe gosh 6-7 years ago but i had no rank for 2 years and a different name so no one paid attention to me lmAo and then i got elite in 2015 and became selchie and my very first friend was qaws and then 2leah2 idk where leah is : ( but i'm still friends with peter and i still live in rhode island, i'm a lot more grown up and mature now and definitely love myself so much more than when i first joined, i paint, sew, play tennis, cook, collect a lot of clothes/jewelry and creepy decor and i'm in a permanent metal/punk/emo/goth phase (thanks mom) but i also really love folk music and i am secretly the BIGGEST deadhead and hippie u will ever meet, music is everything to me i had 75k min on spotify last year tryna get to 100k this year lol, and i am so happy that most of us have stayed in touch bc online friends are great and amazing and just as good as irl friends, i love this place it's part of me :')
  13. Jaina

    Jaina Celebrity Meeper

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    I joined in March of 2015 because I'd been asked to join a town with some friends and ended up quitting in November of that same year. Throughout those 8 months I ended up changing my name a ton on the server, and making more friends with each name change. While I don't talk much to anyone that I met on the server, there are still a couple that I keep in contact with everyday, almost 5 years after leaving. One of those people being my best friend that I wouldn't have known if it wasn't for this server.

    I remember staying up super late on Teamspeak to play Boomo, make dumb things and skin comps in Creative, fly like a jack*** around spawn, or just mess around in general. I remember nagging my parents to let me get ranks because I wanted to be able to unlock the special features. I remember dedicating so much time to trying to complete the parkours and I don't know how many I actually completed.

    I'm not gonna lie, there's been a lot of rough patches since then but right now I think I'm the best that I have ever been. I'm currently a Freshman in college majoring in international business and minoring in French. I play Minecraft only to use a Disney World server and dedicate more time than I should to playing Animal Crossing.

    Well I don't plan on returning to the server despite the recent spikes of popularity it's had recently, I am beyond glad that I was able to join it and just experience an amazing time with great company.
    Adrian likes this.
  14. 2klassy

    2klassy Celebrity Meeper

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    Aye nice thread!
    I joined meep back when it was only a few months old. Fuzzlr was online regularly, and times were way better. I think joined like Jan/Feb 2012. I was a wee lad at the age of 13. Now I'm 22 and I almost am done with my Bachelors in Business Entrepreneurship! Right now college and work are destroying me mentally and physically. I work full time to pay my mortgage and other bills, and I go to college full time. *Next semester is my last though!!!* Graduating 2021!

    After college I have aspirations of opening a video game lounge here in Arizona. The prime focus would be to create an awesome community and a safe spot for anyone and everyone to game how they please. Everything from PC and Xbox/Playstation gaming to Tabletop/card games. It's honestly still just huge dreams, but hopefully I can develop a great business plan after college, so I can present it to some investors. Anyways wish me luck everyone!

    In all honesty, Meep was a big influence in my early days. I think everyone can agree that we all made some great friends here. I honestly think about the good old meepcraft days often. I was there for so much of Meep history, and I am real glad to dweeb out with so many cool friends back in the day. I miss all the good times I had building towns, pvping, playing minigames, and I think we can all agree we've all ran in circles just talking in chat endlessly way too many times. This was a great server! I'll be sad to see it die if it was ever to come to that. Meepcraft will forever have a place in my memories of childhood.

    PS: little intoxicated typing this so grammar might be crap. Also hmu if yall are playing other games! I nerd out on world of warcraft, call of duty, league of legends, and I still play minecraft occasionally!
  15. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    that sounds like an awesome idea pal, I’d definitely visit if I were in Arizona. good luck and I hope it takes off!!
    BooBear1227 likes this.
  16. bbycakes2012

    bbycakes2012 Half baby, Half cake

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    I joined in January 2014 when I was 19 , quit..... summer of 2015 when I was 20 ? who knows, I've been so off and on since then. It's been an insane 5 years at that too. I moved to and lived in Orlando in fall of 2015 with @Courtneyyy after high school graduation. We both got dream jobs and worked at Disney World... I got married 12/31/2015 to my high school BF of 4 years and we then moved to San Diego CA in Feb 2016 for military stuff, now I'm back in Georgia on the East Coast for the last 2 years & soon enough going to celebrate 5 years of being married. I decided college wasn't for me after 1 semester but my hubs is now a sophomore in college & I couldn't be prouder! (I legit couldn't do it lmao)
    So now I have 2 dogs and 2 guinea pigs, we bought our first house this year, I finally settled into my career at a family Business this past August. I still am good Pals with 3 meepers & I even met one IRL on my birthday last year! ( looking @ you @hippapajoe o_O)
    It's cool to pop in & see so many old players on this thread that I completely forgot about. While I'll probably never play meep seriously again, it was so cool to scroll though and see everyone's life updates!
    Wish everyone well,

  17. ImNotBlonde

    ImNotBlonde Celebrity Meeper

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    Reading this thread was so nice!! I started playing when I was like 15/16 I think? I’m 24 now! I live in Los Angeles and I’m an accountant ! I love counting math and that’s what I do <3 so lovely to see these familiar faces
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2020
  18. Dart_Knight

    Dart_Knight Popular Meeper

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    Wow, I randomly thought of Meepcraft today and decided to check out forums, pleasantly surprised to see a lot of familiar handles.

    According to forums I joined 2013. Recently I’ve been just super busy with interning/work and school. I’m currently in my last year of university studying Computer Science, with a focus in Cyber Security - penetration testing and red teaming.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  19. DeerlandingXD

    DeerlandingXD what tha!!

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    I was introduced to the server in late 2013 (I was 11) by a friend, got stuck in a maze somewhere and quit for several months before rejoining (after I lost contact w/ that friend). proceeded to have a hell of a time for the next 4 years, owned a few towns, made many friends, applied for architect when I was 13 and got it! helped build some things (most of which were lost in the reset teehee), played a TON in early 2016 and resigned after being inactive in early 2017. sometimes I still check in (like today)!

    I'm 18 now, and taking a gap year before I go to my dream school next fall! working part time at a grocery store and part time as a research assistant at a mine, studying rocks and stuff since I'm majoring in earth science. so I guess in that aspect, not much has changed except I'm mining in real life now! I still talk to some friends I made on Meepcraft everyday, which is kinda crazy.
  20. Adrian

    Adrian Epic Staff Member Administrator

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    We still have the old Arch worlds, your builds still should be around! If you're looking for anything specific, I can probably find it for you.
    Also you can download the old Alpha/Beta worlds here!

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