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Denied Vrassk ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by VrasskBanned, Sep 11, 2013.

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  1. VrasskBanned

    VrasskBanned New Meeper

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    Forum account: Vrassk
    Banning Mod: Unknown
    Reason: Rule violation.

    I would like a list of rules I broke to receive a 7 day man so I may forumalet my appeal correctly.
  2. nasapc123

    nasapc123 Popular Meeper

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    This was due to a meme you posted including innapropriate language, along with the 1 warning point you had already received. This is a 5 day ban.
  3. VrasskBanned

    VrasskBanned New Meeper

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    You mean the meme that I deleted withint 30 seconds when I realised that this forum had rules?

    I can also post proof this was deleted very very quickly as an accidental post. And I was banned for 7 days not 5.

    One moment.


    Here is the post in question if you check it you will see the original which had the fbomb was up for less then 1 minute.


    Here is me apologizing to the person I posted the F word to. He also accepted my apology. In my post you will find a brief explination stateing my intent to mock his use of caps anc acknowlegement of the forums rules and offer of reperations by changing it very quickky. So quick infact he commented that I changed memes on him.


    Here is a link, you will note at 9:22 I made the post. At 9:25 he noticed I changed it from the offending post.
    at 9:31 I apologized and gave my reason and lapse of judgement and offer of correction. at 9:33 he accepted my apology. at 10:38 I was banned.

    So I put it to you. This was not investigated properly and this was a knee jerk judgement that should have not affected me. I had already long deleted the image before it was seen and reported by anyone except 1 person who got very lucky to even see it so quick.
    FluffbearRCT likes this.
  4. Deinen0

    Deinen0 Guest

    You still did it. If you speed, and cop pulls you over, would you say "Yeah, but I was only speeding for 30 seconds, so it's ok."

    I mean perhaps you would, but it's not an excuse, you did it, live with the consequences.
  5. VrasskBanned

    VrasskBanned New Meeper

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    That is an incorrect analagy. What I did was the equivilent of gunning my engine and trust me I won't get a ticket for that it would be dismissed.

    What I had was a lapse of judgement that *I* corrected mysef. This is not the only forum I post on but it is the only one that has such strict content control. I posted my first meme that happend to have an f word, noticed where I posted it and did the right thing. I DELETED IT.
  6. VrasskBanned

    VrasskBanned New Meeper

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    Well here it is a day later. Have you reconsidered your postion yet, I mean aside from not correcting the ban time which is still 6 days.
  7. nasapc123

    nasapc123 Popular Meeper

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    The ban was longer than expected due to me applying the general points for language along with a warning already issued for posting in restricted sections, causing the ban to be longer.
  8. VrasskBanned

    VrasskBanned New Meeper

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    And have you actually looked at my evidence that I did nothing wrong?

    Also I never posted in a restricted section. Why did you do that?
  9. nasapc123

    nasapc123 Popular Meeper

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    This appeal is denied - You posted inappropriate content regardless of the time it was online - enough for players to see it. As for the extra warning point this was for a post on a staff player report some time back, being unnecessary to the point of the thread. 'Im sure you can run your own datacenter dude.' This was issued by reggles on september 4th

    Please wait out your ban - and ensure no further inappropriate content is posted.
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