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Best Posts in Thread: Venice Needs You! (Alpha Town Hiring Staff)

  1. Vamp1re_Man

    Vamp1re_Man Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:

    Hello! Venice has recently seen a massive drop in residents and as a result, we are now hiring some new staff members!

    Recruiters will receive a 5k payment for every five residents that they invite with the town.
    Builders will receive a 2k payment for every house that they build.

    Staff members do not pay taxes and do not have to pay for their house.
    Hardworking recruiters and builders will be promoted to assistant.
    Hardworking assistants will be promoted to co-mayor.

    To apply, either post your application on this thread or message me in-game for an interview.

    What rank are you applying for:
    Why should you be staff:
    Anything else we ought to know:
    Last edited: May 26, 2016