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Accepted Unbrocken's.... Sorry....

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Unbrocken, May 10, 2014.

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  1. Unbrocken

    Unbrocken Popular Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): unbrocken
    Date/Time: may 10th
    Reason: towny theft?
    Ban Length: 3 days as far as I know
    Staff Member: slicknsly
    Why we should consider your appeal: I didn't know why I was banned I think I remember taking iron doors from plots that I had Built! No joke Pillowtherapys plot My best friend in real life hast played meep and enjoyed it in forever so I get him on once and a while to build houses but he almost never gets on so I built his house. So Since the town was being shut down I decided to to take what property was mine back (Iron doors in which I payed for). I didn't want to let all that money go to waist in a plot he was going to unclaimed and destroyed and I believe I did take iron blocks? I got them from floopsy's plot and sold them reason being I was going to buy them back when he got back on it was a stack of 64 and 8 I remembered specifically because I knew I would buy them back and the 8 diamond blocks! I was totally going to return those reason being I didn't want to put them with my stuff and end up getting them mixed up... You may think this is bogus but believe me after the incident of my last ban appeal with my friend I was playing it safe and intentionally stealing from houses is not what I would call playing it safe and I even asked k2tronic If I could take his doors because I built the place... And he said yes! I'm so sorry if I'm a bit upset but the plots were going to waist because blow_rubberduck was making it a solo ton and kicking everyone out with very little notice I think he said 7 day and floopsy had gotten on according to /seen like 3 days was it when I last checked so if he didn't get on soon he would loose all the iron blocks and the diamond (the iron doors and cauldrons I purchased so I don't know if you could really call that stealing) so I was protecting the stuff that was worth so much and Floopsy hadn't gotten on since we built the house so I didn't know if he would be able to get the stuff out in time... Sorry selling the items may have looked suspicious but I assure you it was not in any way for personal gain so sorry... And if I got a money wipe for this it was totally un-needed sorry and thanks for considering my appeal...
    Last edited: May 10, 2014
  2. floopsy128

    floopsy128 New Meeper

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    You stole 100k or more worth of iron blocks, diamond blocks, and iron doors from me, placing snow and quartz slabs in their place. I might not have been on, but that's because I have been busy in real life. You never made me aware that you were going to hold on to them to keep them safe, and you sold them! If you were trying to keep them safe, you should have /mailed me and most certainly NOT have sold the blocks.
  3. Unbrocken

    Unbrocken Popular Meeper

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    No I replaced them so the guy who was wrecking houses wouldn't take them man I really didn't want them to go to waist I'm sorry if you think this was theft but I am truly sorry for the misunderstanding. And selling them is the safest place in the world for them no joke it takes this to get them back /buy 72 iron block <--- That's how easy it is and I thought it was a damn good Idea myself when I looked in my chests and they were cluttered. But aside from that I am truly sorry and will pay you back more than enough if I have not been money wiped. (iron doors and cauldrons were mine if you didn't know but if you want those back to so be it). blow_rubberduck was even threatening the houses when I was on and being pretty cocky about it like "I'm making it a solo town :)" to me that sounds like I'm kicking you out and that seems a little wrong when you get to the point of kicking out 20 residents. So sorry... I really shouldn't have sold them now that I look back but it was a safe place in my mind but I can see how that can be taken extremely wrongly. I do admit I should have mailed you but you weren't on for three days and I had never seen you around before I didn't know well what I'm trying to say is you were unpredictable I couldn't have foreseen the consequences for trying to save someone's plot from being destroyed but I guess I made a bad decision If I am un-banned and 100k is something but a very easy fix I even remember planning to pay you back /mail was the best decision but I was thinking strait because I was a little ticked off at blow_rubberduck so im sorry thank you for reading my apology and please consider.... Sorry unbrocken...
    SX1 and Darke_Amethyst like this.
  4. floopsy128

    floopsy128 New Meeper

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    A bit hard to read, but I accept your apology. I wouldn't mind if you were unbanned, just make me aware next time ok? :)
    SX1 likes this.
  5. Unbrocken

    Unbrocken Popular Meeper

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    ok thank you for understanding accepting my apology regarding this matter.
  6. SJP

    SJP spicy jalapeno pepper Elder

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    Is it fair for me to expect you to return the items/100k to floopsy within 24 hours after getting unbanned?
    Unbrocken and Jwarian like this.
  7. Unbrocken

    Unbrocken Popular Meeper

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    --- Double Post Merged, May 12, 2014, Original Post Date: May 12, 2014 ---
    For sure I would do it within 2 minutes of being unbanned!
  8. SJP

    SJP spicy jalapeno pepper Elder

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    Appeal Accepted.
    SX1 likes this.
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