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Denied Unbelievable. I lose everything so then I get banned?!?

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Waverunner98, Feb 5, 2014.

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  1. Waverunner98

    Waverunner98 Popular Meeper

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    I own the town called wave. I have a friend there who wanted to make a town near me. I gave him 10k of my money and was helping him out on what to do, when all of a sudden, some lame no-life Ult did /t spawn Aqua, (Name of friend's new town) as a bat, killed me and my friend, and got away with my god d-picks, Loot 3 d-sword, and a bunch of other smaller things. I /modreq for some help, get none, except jacknat saying he can't help me because "Towny PVP is allowed" when clearly matt didnt have towny pvp and I said nothing about being in towny PVP. So then I did /g Asking for help from someone other than him, and waited 10 seconds... then posted it again... and got banned?!?!? I honestly think bluecarneal banned me just to defend his little mod friend... So please. Guys, unban me, give me even just my picks back, and i'd be happy. Thanks.. Waverunner98.
    Dem0Gorgon likes this.
  2. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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  3. Waverunner98

    Waverunner98 Popular Meeper

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    Here's the stats:
    IGN: Waverunner98
    Date/Time 20-30 mins ago
    Ban Length: 3 hours
    Staff Member: Blue Carneal
    Why Consider: (See above)
    One more thing; I know that 3 hours isn't much but when you add on to the fact that you are not only completely innocent but have also been ripped off, it really gets to you. I have two other people who have proof of a random Ult being there.
  4. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    If you believe there was illegal actions you should have filed a modreq about it.
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