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Accepted Unban Shortman17

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by shortman17, May 31, 2014.

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  1. shortman17

    shortman17 New Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name):shortman17When you were banned:5/30/2014Reason:Towny GriefingBan Length:3 daysStaff Member:Sirrr_PigWhy we should consider your appeal:Because my screen said wild and if the blocks were breakable, it was wild.
  2. Supershot1200

    Supershot1200 Popular Meeper

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    (Sorry to post, but I was involved in this ban)

    Hey shortman,
    Sorry, but I think you should remain tempbanned. The plot that you griefed was right outside of Drag0nsw0rd1's plot, in Lakewood. There was an error in the town in which the plot permissions were accidentally set so that everyone could edit the plot. Drag0nsw0rd did not know of this error, however, and had no control over it, since the plot was not owned by him, it was part of the town's unowned areas, thus denying Drag0n the oppertunity to change this.

    However, this plot was part of the town of Lakewood, not Love (shortman's town). Even if it wasn't stealing from Drag0n, it would still be considered theft from the town of Lakewood. May I also ask, why were you walking around in Lakewood, trying to find a plot to steal from? This was not the towny wild, proof being that no players are enabled to break blocks in it.

    Drag0nsw0rd1 would also like the heads back that you took, since they were collected by him, and pretty hard to collect, as well. If you agree to returning the items, I believe that this ban appeal should be accepted on the condition that you do return them.

    As a tag so Drag0n may state his opinion, @Drag0nSw0rd1
    TimtheFireLord, Khafra and Jwarian like this.
  3. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    It seems to me this fault rests 3 ways at this point and time. Shortman17 is at fault for taking these items. Dragonsword for placing the heads in a perms open town plot. And mine for leaving a plot open perms and enabling this to happen. So I believe all three of us should accept some of that responsibility.

    Considering this theft happened on my property, I will +1 an unban only under the conditions you can return each and every head that was taken. As well as an apology to both Dragonsword and me.
    Supershot1200 likes this.
  4. Darren Darcy

    Darren Darcy Popular Meeper

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    I hope you get unbaned
  5. shortman17

    shortman17 New Meeper

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    I accept this, please reply asap
  6. LexKristen

    LexKristen Celebrity Meeper

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    I will unban you, please return the items asap. Thanks for explaining that it was a misunderstanding
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