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Best Posts in Thread: Ultimate and Supreme Colors

  1. 2legacybball

    2legacybball Celebrity Meeper

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    white chat for all #2020
  2. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    Over the last few months, the colors for the Ultimate/Legend rank have been swapped with the colors for Supreme. This was meant to be a trial to allow people to try it out without officially swapping them to allow for people to truly make up their minds on it. So with that in mind, with Meepcraft Reimagined on the horizon, we will be taking a poll on the server's official Discord to determine the final color. Doesn't matter what rank you are, just vote with whichever you feel fits it best!
    Pmx728, Vexmae, BooBear1227 and 2 others like this.