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Treehugger_Bill's Application for Helper

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Treehugger_Bill, Dec 28, 2013.

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  1. Treehugger_Bill

    Treehugger_Bill Popular Meeper

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    In Game Name: Treehugger_Bill
    Skype Username: Horthmund
    Teamspeak Username: Treehugger_Bill
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 15
    Time zone: EST
    Hours Online Per Weekday: 2-4
    Hours Online Per Weekend: 3-6
    Position Changes: Citizen - Helper

    Hello, my name is Treehugger_Bill. I think the name good only in the sense that it is easy to remember. Besides Minecraft I enjoy Martial Arts, I got my black belt last spring. I also used to do fencing, though I cannot continue for they changed the class times, and they no longer fit with my schedule. I enjoy drawing, as well, especially cartoons. I really enjoy guitar, that is one of my favorite pastimes.

    I started Minecraft back in October, or November 2012. I was introduced to this server in particular to a friend. I started playing regularly when I got my own account. I have enjoyed watching the server over the past year. It is remarkable how much it has changed.

    I have been a part of this server for over a year. I have a good idea of how things work, and how they need to get done. Having owned my own server, I also have tested some of the plugins on it and know how to use them. I have had staff experience, on a much lower level on other servers, and have an idea of how it feels to work for the community. I have owned my own town, and been assistant in multiple other towns.

    Work Ethic
    Sometime on Meepcraft I get bored when I don’t have something to do. It may be the reason I like to keep moving from one town to the next, it gives me something to do. Sometime I just sit and watch the chat, answering questions when I can because it gives me something to do on Meepcraft. I really enjoy helping others, and if given a job I would pursue it to the end and make sure that it gets done. I like playing on Meepcraft but I think that it would open up a whole new realm of possibilities to be able to assist others with mod requests. I so often see people asking when they would get their modreqs answered. Now, I couldn’t put a stop to this, I couldn’t answer them all. I could, however, come on the server with a positive attitude, and do my job to the best of my abilities. Ethics are your set of principles. Principles are your standard. My standard for working is to give it my best, and finish every task given.

    I would consider myself very committed to what I do. For example, I like to sell people horses. Now, when you do that, you’ve got to realize that most people aren’t going to want to ride their horse all the way back to their town. When I sell someone a horse, I always offer to transport it for them. Now, when I do this depending on how far away they live, I sometime have to ride for an hour, to two hours. I often want to just stop and go do something else, but I don’t. I always get it to its destination. Once, when I got there, the buyer wasn’t even home. I could have just left the horse in the front yard, but I knew that it might wonder off, get killed or stolen. Though it would’ve probably been okay, I made sure that the job got done, no matter how long it took. I did hand over the horse when the buyer came back online.

    Back in old meep, before the towns reset, I noticed a house in my town for free. I looked inside and found a double chest full of stacks of diamond blocks. Now, I could have taken the diamonds, after all they were still there, but I turned them in to the mayor, who in turn told an admin. They were found to have been duped. This story is my example of, when it the situation, I do the right thing. I follow the rules, and I would like to help others do so as well, and remove those who don’t. I am an honest person, and believe the server should be played the way the server owner intended it.

    My weakness is participation. I have a bad habit of watching what is going on at the sidelines. What I need to work on is involvement. As a staff member, doing my job in itself would help me get involved with the community. I don’t talk a whole lot in /shout, but I am working on it. Teamspeak is another weakness of mine. I don’t like to make excuses, but in earnest, it lags my already laggy computer. I still have used it, however, though my activity on it is not very good, I am working on it. Forum activity is something else I should work on. I am on a lot, though I don’t make many posts. This ties back with my lack of community involvement.

    I have a lot of experience, and am dedicated to any job that I take on. I do everything I do to the best of my abilities, and with good execution. I have a good work ethic, and I finish everything I start. I would be a good staff member, and would benefit the server by helping others follow the rules as I do myself.

    Thanks for reading
    Telinus likes this.
  2. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Honestly, I'm a +.75. You seem like a goodcandidate for Helper.

    - I've seen you in game; I think you misjudged how often you are in shout, because I've seen you in it often, helping and generally being friendly.

    - While your forums activity isn't the best, I think its actually pretty good. You post a lot in the areas I count, especially Staff Recruitment, which I think is very important so that we can see that you know what staffing is.

    - I've seen you often in TeamSpeak.

    - Your application was one of the most well-written I've seen recently. It was a good length, and your sections were all what they should be. I don't really have any issue with it.

    I see you a fair amount in game, and the only reason this isn't a full +1's is because your activity in all areas could be better.

    Good luck!
    Treehugger_Bill and BooBear1227 like this.
  3. Lysseal

    Lysseal Popular Meeper

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    I'm a -0.5 for the reasons below.

    -I've never seen you help in game.
    -Forums activity is low.
    -I haven't seen you on ts (may just be because of the time zones)

    But I like the length of your application. So I'm not a full -1. You also seem very mature.
    Lilliya and Treehugger_Bill like this.
  4. BooBear1227

    BooBear1227 Sunflower | Always

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    I think what chaos said is very close to what I have to say.

    The only one I cannot agree with is the TeamSpeak aspect, but I have not been on it heavily the last few days, so I can't evaluate it there.

    Overall, I am a +1. I wish you the best of best of luck with your application!
    Treehugger_Bill and chaos546 like this.
  5. bideawee

    bideawee Active Meeper

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    Up the posts and it will be a +1
    Treehugger_Bill likes this.
  6. OrangeNinja3

    OrangeNinja3 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hello Treehugger_bill,

    Cons:Forums activity is lacking and you should get a bit more involved in the community

    For now I am a -0.5 due to the posted above and my reasons
    Treehugger_Bill likes this.
  7. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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    I've never heard of you, but the application itself convinced me, and you seem to be known

    Work on activity pls

    Treehugger_Bill likes this.
  8. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    Even after that application I still don't know who you are. It helps to see you help.
    Treehugger_Bill likes this.
  9. Flamedemond

    Flamedemond Celebrity Meeper

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    Honestly, I don't see why you guys are +1'ing this because of just the app alone. The whole point of helper is because you help and want to help more efficiently. I've never seen treehugger help so I'm a -1

    Good luck though!
  10. ShadowLiran/Liran2207

    ShadowLiran/Liran2207 Guest

    I'd say + 0.5 for the reasons of:

    + You made a very well written and well structured application
    + You explained how you could be helpful in many ways
    + You are online (Very important in my opinion)

    - You need more forum activity

    +/- You should try to get TS to be more compatible with your computer
    +/- You stated some weaknesses you had, which could be worked on, even as a staff member

    The major problem that I see that you lack in, is the forum activity.

    I'm not a big poster either, just like you said, you are on a lot but you post only to certain things.
    It makes sense, just try to find more threads to post in, if you think you have something to say, don't hesitate to say it.
    All it could do is increase your post number.

    Wish you the best of luck on your application! :D
    Treehugger_Bill and Grandblue like this.
  11. UMADBRO?

    UMADBRO? Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Fourm activity??

    Treehugger_Bill likes this.
  12. kevman967

    kevman967 Popular Meeper

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    I think you are pretty mature, not 100% sure though
    I saw you help
    I never saw you cuss or do something bad

    About the ones who -1 for forum activity, I understand if this would've been his first post BUT it is not. As some of you may know, quantity =/= quality. Also, as a helper, hes forum activity shall increase.
    Treehugger_Bill likes this.
  13. lightspeedtitan

    lightspeedtitan Popular Meeper

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    Explaining how they could be helpful doesn't make them helpful. -1 have rarely seen you /shout its actually been a while since i have seen a /shout from you that was actually helpful & i rarely see you /shout . A bit of advice to anyone wanting to apply make sure you are Active on Team Speak, active and helpful in game and on forums aswell. Even anyone with a half decent app shouldn't be accepted for interview let alone become helper just because they have a decent app yet there ingame and forums activity sucks. It makes staff look desperate
  14. ShadowLiran/Liran2207

    ShadowLiran/Liran2207 Guest

    If he shows the staff what aspects of a staff member he is very skilled in, and they prove to be true, the staff won't need to worry on him about let's say, his usage of perms. They might know that he won't abuse them, things like that.
    Treehugger_Bill likes this.
  15. HotAsianBeans

    HotAsianBeans Celebrity Meeper

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    I've recently noticed a trend on staff applications, the same people seem to give all the apps -1. It isn't just coincidence that all those same people either have a helper app out, or are planning on making one soon. This is why the -1 +1 system is worthless and has pretty much no say in whether or not they get helper. Bill appears to be competent enough, and hopefully staff can see that and make the right decision
    Treehugger_Bill and Flamedemond like this.
  16. PurpleHornet42

    PurpleHornet42 Meeper

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    I don't know you personally, but you have been a resident in two of my towns, and I know you to be courteous and responsible. +1
  17. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Pros: good, well structured app
    maturity shown
    DECENT forum activity

    Cons: could be more active
    haven't seen helping at all

    Treehugger_Bill likes this.
  18. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

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    That's the problem, it needs to increase before he applies for helper. We can't just accept him and wait to see that it increases. How are we to know that he will improve his forums activity? I know it's not as severe as not being in game and increasing activity spoon getting helper, but it's the same principal.

    I do however think that you are cut out for helper. You are, from what it seems, very mature and quite well known. I have seen you often in game as well but would like you to increase you shout activity. Your app was very well written and had a very good structure and length.

    Let's talk about your forum activity for a second, it's not very good. If accepted, I would like you to keep working on it before it comes time for you to do the interview. If denied, I would still like to see you active on the forums and participating in all regions. I can see you becoming a great staff member, I would just like your forum activity to increase regardless of how your app turns out.

    Overall I am a +0.5 but good luck! :)
    Treehugger_Bill likes this.
  19. kevman967

    kevman967 Popular Meeper

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    If he doesent, he will be kicked out, no biggie.
    Treehugger_Bill likes this.
  20. Saiakaley

    Saiakaley Well-Known Meeper

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    Since when does forum activity matter?
    Treehugger_Bill likes this.
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