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Towny Advertisements

Discussion in 'Denied' started by OneBreadSlice, Jan 16, 2015.

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  1. hippapajo

    hippapajo Popular Meeper

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    @Hornemans, stop acting like a child. Try to at least pretend to act like a 35-year-old.

    Other than that, +1. I really don't think the giant signs are helping anyone, especially the newbies who get stripped of their 5.5k they have when they spawn into the server for the first time(plus the tutorial money). Every time I go to /warp alpha or /warp beta, I cringe at the signs. They're butt-ugly, disruptive, and annoying.
    If you want to get your town noticed, try /shout and, if this is implemented, use the towny advertisements feature.
    I, for one, am for the removal of the signs.
  2. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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  3. leodavinci9000

    leodavinci9000 Popular Meeper

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    Our main point is that introducing new players comes first (Direct quote from Onis)
    If this were to be added, we'd only be smaller versions of Horneburg. The idea is to personally invite and introduce new players to Meepcraft. These ads will do everything but that.
  4. OneBreadSlice

    OneBreadSlice Celebrity Meeper

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    You do realize that these signs aren't going to just be "Hey join DerpName. Do /t join DerpName and ask for a plot". No, they are going to be "Open town, looking for new members. No taxes, no griefing. Friendly people."

    The point if these signs would be to send new players to reliable towns, so we probably need some community input and/or staff input.
    Jessy1990 likes this.
  5. leodavinci9000

    leodavinci9000 Popular Meeper

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    Two questions:
    How much can you fit on those signs?
    And how much of it can mayors keep true?
  6. OneBreadSlice

    OneBreadSlice Celebrity Meeper

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    Might be a board of multiple signs per row on a board, tomorrow I'll make an example in creative and post a SS.

    As long as a committee and/or staff can prove factually that it it's indeed true, then mayors are allowed to put it on their signs.
    leodavinci9000 likes this.
  7. chrisandmatthew

    chrisandmatthew Celebrity Meeper

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    00000 and Dockson like this.
  8. leodavinci9000

    leodavinci9000 Popular Meeper

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    How about if it's proven factually false? I doubt staff will judge every single town.
  9. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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    O i got your failed attempt at sarcasm, and i clearly explained the details behind it in my reply... but just incase, why dont you try to explain it again this time so it actually sounds like know you what you are talking about!
    This is a good idea, but it is exactly OPPOSITE of the current system and will MUCH MUCH LESS effective. Why? Case the new player BARELY read signs (big or small) and they sure had heck barely read that "blur" of chat they are not use to yet! Hell, they barely respond to /msg that IF they even know how too!
    I would have a headache too if my hair was a greasy as that guys! But funny pic none the less, though with lack of words to support its meaning its hard to tell if you are disapproving of my "pitch" for ECO ADMIN admin admin (<-- my attempt at echo's) or the overall disapproval of "owners" for not appointing "another representative" which was also clear suggested in the my post you quoted?
    First of all no one in this post is acting like a child except for hippapojo it seems. Secondly, How about you act like someone that has a brain, and just reply to the post instead of calling people a child. Anyways now on to the good stuff! No one is getting ripped off, so don't tell lies and make up stuff! If you think there ugly then go build a NICE ONE so says you for the mayors that might want signs, if you don't want to put the time or effort to make it Less-ugly then don't complain about it here! Yeah, "great idea" shout more or implement this so there is 100x more spam in chat that the NEW PLAYERS already BARELY READ the current spam! Lastly, the big signs DO help new players cause they sure as heck don't read ANY of the small ones! If it was not for the big signs you would have 1000 new players running around spawn no know what to do for 10 mins quitting and never coming back. So again your welcome for putting a big sign and getting 100's of players to stay on the server for at least enough time to read a big sign join a town go to it and get a plot! If they never log on again after that, not my fault!
    This information would have been nice to been put in the Original Post! Do like this more then what you made it seem originally, but only 1 sign (no more) with 4 line of text what mayors put on those 4 lines is: 1# Town Name, #2 Daily overall Taxes (res+plot), #3 & #4 up to the mayor! BUT now saying that this idea won't work as discussed already in this thread. New Players don't read the small signs that are already there, so they are not going to stop at a big billboard of DOZENS and DOZENS of small signs (probably off to the side somewhere) to read stuff when all they want to do is RUN AROUND and explore cool things and build a house a fast a possible!
  10. Old_Pink

    Old_Pink Celebrity Meeper

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    With you I just assume ignorance, wouldn't have surprised me if the sarcasm would have went right over your head. Talking to you is like talking to a 35 year old brick wall, there's no use in explaining anything to you. I'm honestly starting to think you are a troll because no one can actually be this ignorant and self-important.
  11. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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  12. GingerManOWNS

    GingerManOWNS Selfie Master! BOW!!

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    So like a little board at /warp alpha or /warp beta? +1 if that's what you mean.
    Jessy1990 likes this.
  13. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    This is under consideration, we have some stuff coming in to alleviate some of this issue, and other pending ideas that are essentially this.
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