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Best Posts in Thread: Togs' Helper App, Take Two.

  1. TogsTheWolfGirl

    TogsTheWolfGirl Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name:TogsTheWolfGirlSkype (Yes/No): YesTeamspeak Username: TogsTheWolfGirl
    Mic use: Yes?
    Age: 22
    Timezone: Australia
    Hours online per weekday: About 4 to 5
    Hours online per weekend: All the hours
    Position Changes: Ultimate to Helper

    Introduction: Hi, I’m Togs. Most of you know me. For those of you that don’t, Hi, I’m Togs. I write, watch Game of Thrones and play Meep. I’ve been here for a little over six months now, and have been staff before. I’ve made a lot of friends here, so I plan to stay for a long time. I took a break from meep after I was demoted to finish my book and publish it, and now that’s done I’d love to start helping again.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod ?

    As I mentioned, I was staff. And I was demoted. I was demoted because I was inactive for a while. Reason being, is my father passed away. Because he passed in another country, and I was his only living and able next of kin, there was a lot of legal stuff I had to take care of. As you might guess, I didn’t really think about letting anyone know why I was gone. Hence, demotion.

    But I loved being staff. I love being part of this community, because you guys are awesome.

    I know what to do and when to do it. It won’t be hard for me to get back into the swing of things, so here’s hoping I get another chance.


    I’m not very social. I like to work things out for myself, and don’t talk too much in shout. I can see why this would make people assume that I’m not doing what I’m supposed to. I don’t ask for help unless I really need it, and when I did, I would ask ShainTheWolfMan. Also, I don’t talk much in skype. I read it, but I don’t reply much. That might also have contributed to my demotion.

    I can also be too serious.

    Conclusion: That’s it, really. I figured I’d reapply, because I’m becoming a more active part of the community again, and plan to become more so. So there you go.

    Love, Togs.
  2. TogsTheWolfGirl

    TogsTheWolfGirl Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Eh. I've said this before and I'll say it here. I don't understand why everyone has such a bias about long apps. I'm not going to bore you with details about my life, or wax poetic about how much I want to be staff. If I see a long app I sigh. And then I don't read it all.

    So there it is. I have the experience. I've done it before. If ya'll want a new helper, here I am. If not, that's cool. I'll be here.
  3. MrsMegan

    MrsMegan Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You recently became active again, and had left without any mention of why or how long. Something you can work on is communication. When reading over your application it felt to staff as though you weren't super eager about the position. If you plan on reapplying take the time to make your application look good. For now keep up your activity on TeamSpeak, the forums, and in game.

    Please feel free to reapply in no less than 2 weeks.
  4. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

    Likes Received:
    Well togs you app was very weak. and i have not seen you on helping at all.
    if you wrote a book you could have done better on this app.