This Is How Perks-Shop Should Be! *Revised
Since it seems everyone was making Perks or Shops or Jobs suggestions, I figured I would do the same. This is a combination of a few of my different shop ideas all into one place!
The Basic Idea
By organizing the shops in this fashion it will help regulate the economy better, as well as provide additional "perks" for the ranked players. All of these suggestions can be done at a BASE level that should not require any extra plugins or any other server work than for an admin to take a few minutes out of their very busy day and get it done.
Perks should be based of off different unique or super rare items, not on prices or restricting access to basic game blocks/items! The current /warp shop area will work just fine with out any re-construction as it has 20 spaces for the citizens area and 13 spaces each for donors area!
Your Thoughts?
If you think some prices should changed please say what prices you think and "why" you think they should be changed! If you can think of any other "perks" these the emphasis different player ranks, please post them in a similar format. DO NOT just say "this is stupid" or "tell me why its dumb" or whatever, just tell me what unique items you think the ranks would like in each section!
WARNING: You may be shocked and surprised by these suggested changes, but they are optimized like this for several reasons.
Note: Some items like coal, iron, emerald blocks can be changed to the OREs if needed, but the fact they are blocks make it and extra step to do before selling.
Citizen Area (basic blocks should be available to all)
1. Sponge - B5000:S2000
2. Cooked Steak - B1
3. Dirt - B2:S1
4. Stone - B2:S1
5. Gravel - B3:S2
6. Polished Dorite - B12:S8
7. Polished Andesite- B15:S10
8. Polished Granite - B15:S10
9. Coal Block - B20:S10
10. Iron Block - B150:S100
11. Redstone Block - B75:S50
12. Lapis Block - B75:S50
13. Emerald Block - B2000:S1000
14. Diamond Block - B4000:S2000
15. Obsidian Block - B40:S30
16. Clay Block - B40:S30
17. Glowstone Block - B75:S50
18. Quartz Block - B90:S60
19. Oak Log - B15:S12
20. Birch Log - B18:S12
21. Spruce Log - B18:S12
22. Jungle Log - B18:S12
23. Acacia Log - B18:S12
24. Dark Oak Log - B18:S12
VIP Area
1. Speed 4 Effect (10 mins) - B3000
2. Jump 4 Effect (10 mins) - B3000
3. Haste 3 Effect (10 mins) - B3000
4. Diamond "Swimmers" Helmet (Resp 4, Aqua 2) - B6000
5. Diamond "Walking" Boots (Feather Fall 5, Depth Strider 4) - B6000
6. Podzol - B5:S2
7. Mycelium - B6:S3
8. Cracked Stonebrick - B6:S3
9. Chiseled Stonebrick - B10:S5
10. Gunpowder - B100:S50
11. Exp Bottles - B200:S100
12. Cobweb Block - B500:S250
13. Name Tag - B1500:S1000
Premium Area
1. Speed 4 Effect (20 mins) - B5000
2. Jump 4 Effect (20 mins) - B5000
3. Haste 3 Effect (20 mins) - B5500
4. Diamond "Scuba" Helmet (Resp 6, Aqua 2) - B7000
5. Diamond "Jogging" Boots (Feather Fall 6, Depth Strider 4) - B7000
6. Black Inksack - B10:S5
7. Mossy Cobblestone - B15:S10
8. Mossy Stonebrick - B18:S12
9. Slime Balls - B20:S10
10. Cow Egg - B5000
11. Sheep Egg -B5000
12. Water Block - B25000
13. Lava Block - B25000
Exclusive Area
1. Speed 4 Effect (30 mins) - B6000
2. Jump 4 Effect (30 mins) - B6000
3. Haste 3 Effect (30 mins) - B8000
4. Diamond "Divers" Helmet (Resp 8, Aqua 2) - B8000
5. Diamond "Running" Boots (Feather Fall 7, Depth Strider 4) - B8000
6. Netherbrick Block - B15:S10
7. Bricks Block - B50:S40
8. TNT Block - B30
9. Rabbit Egg - B5000
10. Squid Egg - B5000
11. Bat Egg - B5000
12. Fire Block - B25000
13. Nether Portal Block - B25000
Elite Area
1. Speed 4 Effect (40 mins) - B7000
2. Jump 4 Effect (40 mins) - B7000
3. Haste 3 Effect (40 mins) - B10500
4. Gold "Battle" Axe (Sharp 10) - B9000
5. Music Disc Stard - B20000:S5000
6. Music Disc '11' - B20000:S5000
7. Music Disc Ward - B20000:S5000
8. Music Disc Mello - B20000:S5000
9. Mooshroom Egg - B5000
10. Wolf Egg - B10000
11. Ocelot Egg - B10000
12. Skeleton Spawner - B6000:S4000
13. Zombie Spawner - B6000:S4000
Supreme Area
1. Speed 4 Effect (50 mins) - B8000
2. Jump 4 Effect (50 mins) - B8000
3. Haste 3 Effect (50 mins) - B13000
4. Gold "War" Axe (Sharp 11) - B10000
5. Music Disc Mall - B20000:S5000
6. Music Disc Wait - B20000:S5000
7. Music Disc Far - B20000:S5000
8. Iron Horse Armor - B3000:S2000
9. Gold Horse Armor - B6000:S4000
10. Diamond Horse Armor - B9000:S6000
11. Horse Egg - B40000
12. Spider Spawner - B6000:S4000
13. Cave Spider Spawner - B6000:S4000
Ultimate Area
1. Speed 4 Effect (60 mins) - B8000
2. Jump 4 Effect (60 mins) - B8000
3. Haste 3 Effect (60 mins) - B15500
4. Diamond "Master Divers" Helmet (Resp 10, Aqua 2) - B10000
5. Gold "Magic Wand" Shovel (KnockBack 6) - B10000
6. Music Disc Blocks - B20000:S5000
7. Music Disc Chirp - B20000:S5000
8. Villager Egg - B20000
9. Burning Funance - B5000
10. End Portal Frame - B50000
11. End Portal Block - B200000
12. Bedrock Block - B200000
13. Blaze Spawner - B6000:S4000
Any Input? @Fuzzlr @Coelho @Cooleysworld @Sjoeppappentrap @Slicks @Deinen @Quaddy @reggles44 @btilm305
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