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This Is How Kit-PvP Should Be! *Revised

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Hornemans, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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    Since it seems everyone was making come kit-pvp suggestions even though @Cooleysworld made a thread about it i figured i would do the same. FYI, This is was already suggested in Cooleysworld's KITPVP thread... But i figured i would try to go into more detail here and better explain my thoughts!

    The Basic Idea (if you don't like the separate money part ignore and meebles can be used instead)

    Kits should to be able to bought with "minigame money" (that can be used in ALL minigames not just kitpvp) like "tokens" or "points" or whatever you want to call it. For every kill a player gets 1 token/point. You will keep whatever "tokens" you earned from the previous weeks or "tokens" you earned at other minigames. Once you die, you start again, but you always keep any "tokens" you earned. You can see your "token" balance by the command /token or who has the most tokens /tokentop or /paytoken to other players.

    When you /warp kitpvp EVERY TIME you will start with the "Standard" kit and you will have the option to change your kit and/or add bonus items to it. Once you kill enough and get more tokens, you can switch to different kits. The Different kits will cost like 2 tokens (or whatever cost we want). (Note 1: Kits can be separated by ranks and be free to use OR left so everyone can use all of them if and they have to use tokens to switch between them.)

    You will also be able to add "bonus items" to your kits if you buy them with tokens (like 1-4 token each or whatever). Extra items would be things like pots (all will be in splash form): slowness 1 - 1:00, weakness 1 - 1:00, Posion 1 - 0:30, Regen 1 - 0:30, FireResist 1 - 2:00, and Harming 1. Tokens could also be sold/traded for meebles if you wanted to save them instead of use them (remember with this idea you can use tokens to purchase "extras/upgrades" in all other minigames as well)!

    There would be 3 different kills scoreboards, one weekly, one monthly, and one for all-time scores. The Kills SCOREBOARDS can reset (go back to zero weekly and monthly, say Sunday at midnight and the 1st of month) so every player has a chance to be the weeks/months "best" player. The top 10 players with the most kills can be displayed on a Board at the kitpvp spawn or you can see a players list by doing a command like /topkills. (Note 2: this is the scoreboard that keeps track of your total kills, not your kill streaks)

    Kits SHOULD be based of off different strategies/styles, not separated by ranks!
    (Note 3: If everyone is complaining about "rank perks" it can be done like rank below, though that would be silly and counter productive to overall kitpvp fun and equality).
    (Note 4: all soups, pots, arrows, etc., refresh after each kill you get, back to your kits default. The instant heal crap will be removed).
    (Note 5: also to be more fair unbreaking 3/4/5/etc can be added to the weaker armor/weapons so they all break about the same rates)

    Standard Kit (Citizen) - Chain Armor w/ Prot 2, Stone Sword, Bow, 20 Arrows, 1 Soup

    Defense Kit (Citizen) - Diamond Armor, Wood Sword, 1 Soup

    Attack Kit (Citizen) - Leather Armor /w Prot 2, Diamond Sword w/ Sharp 2, 1 Soup

    Endurance Kit (VIP) - Iron Armor, Stone Axe /w Sharp 1, 5 Soup

    Berserker Kit (Premium) - Iron Armor, Iron Axe /w KB 1, FA 1, 2 Soup

    Speed Kit (Exclusive) - Gold Armor /w Prot 1, Gold Sword /w Sharp 2, KB 1, 2 Soup, 1 Speed 2 Pot (5 mins)

    Long Range Kit (Elite) - Gold Armor /w Prot 1, Bow /w Power 4, Punch 1, 32 Arrows, Gold Axe /w Sharp 1, 2 Soup

    Pots Kit (Supreme) - Chain Armor /w Prot 1, Staff (aka Stick) /w Sharp 5, KB 2, 2 Soup, 4 Damage 2 Pots, 2 Damage 1 Pots

    Magic Kit (Ultimate) - Chain Armor /w Prot 1, Fire-staff (aka Blazerod) /w Sharp 5, KB 2, FA 2, Bow /w Power 2, Punch 2, Flame 2, 20 Arrows, 2 Soup

    Your Thoughts?

    If you can think of any other Kits like these the emphasis different player styles or strategies of pvp please post them in a similar format. DO NOT just say give it "god armor" or "god sword" or whatever, these are the basic items/equipment each would have! (The sharp, protection, etc can be tweaked later to make all the kits seem more "fair" if the equipment alone is not equal by default).


    Any Input?
    @Fuzzlr @Coelho @Cooleysworld @Sjoeppappentrap @Slicks @Deinen @Quaddy @reggles44 @btilm305

    ------ Added some additional thoughts that i that were great idea to add to this ------

    I really do like this idea! This would give 1337 pvpers an option to make it more "challenging" and to get more tokens at the same time!

    I also like this idea a lot! An achievement could be things like: if you are a "whatever kit" one achievement is to kill 1 different kit of each type, or kill 10 kits of the same kind. This section would also include the "kill streak" bonuses as and achievement (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200 and so on).

    ---------------- Consolidated below from page 3 ---------------------

    It is not a must use, however it is based on the idea of turning "minigames/pvp" from a money faucet (making meebles out of nothing) and turning it into a meeble trade. Meaning, that instead of making money out of thin air and inflating the economy, it would make "tokens" (or whatever you want to call them out of thin air) and those tokens could be traded/sold/given to other players for meebles. Basically, its the same idea as using 'Cobblestone" in skyblock, people still make money from skyblock by selling dirt, sand, etc for meebles so why not tokens?
    Nothing, people could still buy it with meebles or tokens this part of the plan will work with either. The plans main concern is to stop making meebles out of thin air and converting to transferring meebles between players instead.
    Your right, I mean it would be way less confusing to just use meebles, butif we are going to keep it as meebles, I think that the overall OP kits the higher ranks have, needs to be address to everyone can make meebles fairly not just 3 donors that "team" and kill everyone else (which, I feel is an abuse of the system to make mebbles).
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2015
  2. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

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    Meh, maybe a non-op donkr boost.
    CyberneticToast likes this.
  3. OneBreadSlice

    OneBreadSlice Celebrity Meeper

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    I like these kit ideas... Finally something that hornemans made that I can agree with.
    GroovyGrevous and metr0n0me like this.
  4. Bloopers

    Bloopers Legendary Meeper

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    lol i wonder where this came from

    Mjr_Minor and kwagscraft like this.
  5. Staraptia

    Staraptia Popular Meeper

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    Cool! We needs more ideas. I think the standard kit should have a stone sword though, and maybe give an iron sword to the 'speed kit' :D
  6. weewoozesty

    weewoozesty Popular Meeper

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    I just think the kits should be more balanced. For example The difference between the kit the Ults get and the ones offered to driters. Its night and day. Sure you can say skill plays a factor too. But when you have an ult running around with diamond armor in kit with a good number of potions and stuff. Most Drifters just dont stand a chance in a one on one fight.
    legendcaleb likes this.
  7. weewoozesty

    weewoozesty Popular Meeper

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    Did you even read my post!

    I think you should have gathered the context from my post.

    "I think the kits should be more balanced." Your option clearly offered that.

    Learn to read.

    I assume "Ranks" would reflect to donor rank. Again, learn to read.
  8. Lilliya

    Lilliya Celebrity Meeper

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  9. chrisandmatthew

    chrisandmatthew Celebrity Meeper

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    noooo thank you
  10. Perryjay2

    Perryjay2 Popular Meeper

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    Just dodge em
    Username likes this.
  11. Killer2themx

    Killer2themx Celebrity Meeper

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    Not like you don't PvP at all...
    GroovyGrevous likes this.
  12. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    You're funny
    You have the best kit (excluding the elite bow)
  13. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    Pot spam isn't a style.
    GroovyGrevous and Videogames321 like this.
  14. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    This isn't based off of ranks. Its a totally different section.
    Kitpvp is something you wouldn't donate for, that is the point of this.
    If you donated for a better kit in kitpvp. It turns into a "pay to win" situation.

    GroovyGrevous, metr0n0me and Username like this.
  15. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    Kitpvp is just fun pvp. You get payed for every kill, yes.
    Nothing lost.
  16. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    I realize, that, but who wants to fight some crappy kit, against some fire aspect bow that only takes 2 shots to kill. It isn't fair to the new players at all. Kitpvp should be equal amongst ranks. However, it should be based on strategy and skill, not how much you pay to win more money. Kitpvp is like a mini game. You are basically paying to win the mini game, even though you lose nothing.

    Also, kitpvp isn't 'fun pvp' if all the new players are getting torn apart by the ranked kits.
    kwagscraft likes this.
  17. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    Mjr_Minor, Bainbridge3 and Snamenroh like this.
  18. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    Snamenroh likes this.
  19. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    Except sanity.
    Seriously, though. I cannot tell you how many times I have ragequit because I kept getting repeatedly killed by someone with a kit that I couldn't stand a chance against.
    Snamenroh and UglyUnicorn like this.
  20. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    Also, you probably dint even read the thread, because it talks nothing about donor kits. Only the fact that they should be removed.
    And you just proved his point, ult is one of the best kits, therefore, you just payed for ultimate to win battle because no skill, but a good kit.
    Snamenroh likes this.

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