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The Ideal Terrarium

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Chaase5, Jul 20, 2015.

  1. SwagUnitedFC

    SwagUnitedFC Well-Known Meeper

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    lol nub
  2. marshallmafers

    marshallmafers Celebrity Meeper

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    To be fair Architects should take more note of what the players want. But if you guys keep complaining about everything little thing that could be complained about you're not going to get anywhere.

    Flatter ground, blocks no higher than 3 tall?
    RE: If you want flatter ground then go into the wild and make a super flat area to pvp on. Or do the same thing in towns.

    ''Make it so there's less lag''
    RE: There's a few issues with this problem. Most players don't have NASA computers that are capable to render the extreme amount of blocks/chunks it requires for this game. Also, lag can be client side or server side. Its impossible for there to be no lag at all.

    This entire thread seems to me a great input on what ''pvpers'' want for a terrarium but in my honest opinion its complete rubbish. All you guys tend to think that the server revolves around you, like everything you do wrong on the servers you always seem to blame the staff or the lack of action being taken against it. And to be fair terrariums aren't made to look fancy, they're made for the user experience. Having lava pits, having water pits, having cobwebs vines scattered all around make the arena more competitive. From a new players experience would you want to join this server and see a super flat, diamond armored filled terrarium?

    All in all some of this is actually useful but 90% of it is rubbish.
    leodavinci9000 likes this.
  3. Chaase5

    Chaase5 Popular Meeper

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    This mini-rant was horrible, I am going to tear it apart tomorrow.
    ryker26 likes this.
  4. marshallmafers

    marshallmafers Celebrity Meeper

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    In all fairness I do love seeing things like this. I take notes of such things when I'm imputing them into my builds. Its not just about ascetics anymore, its functionality first before ascetics. But keeping in mind what you're saying you do bring up a lot of good points.
  5. ryker26

    ryker26 Well-Known Meeper

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    We're just getting mad because we've been asking for change for a while now and staff and arch's are completely ignoring us.

    This is about the terrarium, we want the terrarium to change. not the wild, not towns, the terrarium. Is that clear? I thought the title "the ideal terrarium" would be clear enough for people.

    Very true but the terrariums lag is terrible and doing all of the things stated would reduce the current lag significantly.

    Where in the suggestion do you see us asking for absolutely no lag? We all know its near impossible to achieve no lag. Please read what @Chaase5 said before commenting your crap on his suggestion.

    Yay! You can read! I hope this is about what PvPers want for a new terrarium considering we're the ones that are PvPing in it.

    Yes yes because the opinion of a fantastic PvPer like yourself is much appreciated even tho the thread says this
    Right! Because you (the amazing meepcraft builder) knows EXACTLY what every PvPer thinks on meepcraft!

    What have we done wrong? What could we do wrong? We have no perms or anything, bud.

    Are we supposed to blame the citizens? The blocks? Of course we blame the staff because they are the people on the server who have the power to make change but they don't fight for what the PvPers have been begging for for years. The only staff member trying to help the PvP community is @Foretvert he's doing a fantastic job but we need more than just him.

    The last 6 were.

    Yeah, that hasn't happened.

    smh you really do know nothing about PvP. What makes a player good at PvP is strafing, moving a certain way, several things that are almost impossible to do with all the useless crap in the terrarium. We NEED open space to do all the things that makes a good PvPer good.

    Absolutely! That it what I look for in servers, it means there is a great community of active competitive PvPers. Something this server is greatly lacking now. If a new player wanted to PvP but didn't want to lose stuff against the big scary PvPers they can go to kitpvp.

    You don't know jack about minecraft PvP! Please take your useless comments elsewhere.
    We don't need any input from the one who made the WORST terrarium in meepcraft history.
  6. SurvivingSword11

    SurvivingSword11 Celebrity Meeper

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    Not rekt [ ] rekt [X]
  7. Qaztar

    Qaztar Celebrity Meeper

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    So much burn....
  8. Redolwolf

    Redolwolf Popular Meeper

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    How about none at all. Especially lava, god I hate when people know they've lost so they go in lava so when they die, everything dies with them.

    Although that sounds good, people would just run and then when the timer is up they'd quickly exit. Just keep ladders. Only like 1 or two ladders though.

    But what if we wanted to have a big team fight of like 5v5 or something. Would suck if we weren't allowed the freedom to do this.


    How about this, if no one is in the terrarium other than you, it will allow you to issue the /fix command. If it was possible to make a plugin that could do this, that'd be great.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 14, 2015, Original Post Date: Aug 14, 2015 ---
    what are you talking about, I strafe in cardboard boxes
    Foretvert and leodavinci9000 like this.
  9. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    SuperVladimir and I jump in with God iron sometimes- but I always bring a full God with me:)
  10. SwagUnitedFC

    SwagUnitedFC Well-Known Meeper

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    good for you.
  11. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    SwagUnitedFC likes this.
  12. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Add added to the new new terrarium

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