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Discussion in 'Denied' started by TNT404, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. dragon8877

    dragon8877 Celebrity Meeper

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    Well that can be debated. Swear words were created because they either A) Have a past to them that makes them bad (the n word for example) or B) They're extremely strong words with multiple meanings(the B-word originates from how a female dog in heat will do anything to procreate with another male animal). Now, I'm arguing that there are places where you need to use swear words, not that the server needs them (I could care less). For example, if you encounter gang members (or people with a highly diminished vocabulary) not using curse words will actually tick them off (experience from Corpus Christi Texas, don't go there, the Mexican Mafia is there and they're jerks), so in that scenario, you may need to use curse words so you don't get shot.
    metr0n0me and Deljikho like this.
  2. Dat_Coffee

    Dat_Coffee Popular Meeper

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    Gratz on calling yourself ignorant
    Kachess likes this.
  3. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I have no need, I choose to do it. When I am in situations where it is not appropriate - I don't curse, I don't expect them to change their rules, I simply respect that situation.
    metr0n0me, Jiltism, Chaase5 and 2 others like this.
  4. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Thank you @dragon8877 for sorting that out. I would agree that in some certain threatening situations there may actually be a need for swearing. Even to a point of being considered decent depending on the situation. Also I appreciate that you pointed out how swear words are formed. That's helped me see it in a 'new light'. :)

    For the topic of Meepcraft; swearing holds no decent position. Unlike most of you it seems, I do not swear. I won't do it on TS, I won't do it around my friends, it's very rare for a swear word to slip from my mouth. I believe that there is a plethora of words to use rather than curse words. I suggest that anyone having a hard time coming up with some words use thesaurus.com. It'll help expand anyones vocabulary. There actually are words better suited to convey emotions than swearing..

    I'm not sure why the swear rule is in place, I'm sure there are many reasons to it. I've figured that it's more than to 'protect kids'. Often when you give someone an inch they take a mile. You allow swear words and players use it to a point that it becomes banned again. They are constantly pushing a line between legal and illegal. This is what causes the formulation of our current policy as is.

    I believe by setting reasonable guidelines Meep is able to foster a better communtiy. I don't think we need players that feel they need to curse and swear so often that they would rather quit than simply not swear. I am constantly talking to players when I am online. Never have I felt that anyone has been in a position to justifiably swear while playing on Meep.

    Just my opinion
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2015
    metr0n0me, Jiltism and Deinen like this.
  5. TNT404

    TNT404 Popular Meeper

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    I don't go to Church. I wouldn't want to go if my Parents would take us. And I'm pretty sure I'm not doing the talking there.

    You're telling me to grow up? I use more than a few words that aren't "Normal" but it's so much easier and a lot more accurate to use that.

    So you're saying that since a few adults don't want it, and define it inappropriate, it shouldn't be done? That seems awfully like arrogance. It may well be what happens, but that is the internet... It tends to happen that way, and yet it will still be better moderated than like ROBLOX or just about any other Multiplayer game.

    Those last three lines explain every suggestion ever and have no merit what so ever.
  6. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Everyone has heard it anyway

    Allow Deez nuts
  7. Adam34falcon

    Adam34falcon Celebrity Meeper

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  8. _Rigel

    _Rigel Popular Meeper

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    I agree that this server is starting to act a hell lot more childish than two years ago (been here for three years nearly). Yes, swearing ain't the nicest thing, but it's not always swearing. It's the internet, and plus, aren't we all meant to be 13+ because of US rules?
  9. 00000

    00000 Guest

    You are one of our youngest members, do you know swear words?
  10. RoyalTea

    RoyalTea Active Meeper

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    The server hasn't really changed that much, but it might have become a little bit stricter over the years, but at the same time you grow older, so even if the server didn't change it would look more childish to you.
    metr0n0me likes this.
  11. Adam34falcon

    Adam34falcon Celebrity Meeper

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    Of course.
  12. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

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    It actually is "inapropriate."

    You are a waiter.
    A customer asks: "How are the fish tacos?"
    You respond: "It's some good s***."
    You would be fired.

    That does not give a good representation of the restuarant you work for.

    I realize that the internet will be the internet. I have my moments where a curse word slips out. But, there are so so so so so many other words you can use to portray your feelings. Take it to teamspeak; take it to skype. MeepCraft is family friendly to attract a crowd of all ages; in the end, promoting more business.
    Deinen, Deljikho and CreeperCristi like this.
  13. Dat_Coffee

    Dat_Coffee Popular Meeper

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    Being family friendly just makes a bunch of toxic annoying 9-year olds join the server.
    metr0n0me likes this.
  14. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I'm not sure if you meant to do that or not but I laughed so hard.
    Lilstokes, Jiltism and metr0n0me like this.
  15. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    1) "damn" and "hell" are allowed.
    2) I don't understand where we would draw the line between "occasional f*** s***" and "too much swearing." It would leave a bunch of subjectivity in the rules, and it would be insanely hard to moderate as we'd have to count how many times a given player curses in a given period of time.

    I mean, I curse all the time in real life, I have 3 language bans and countless kicks, but I don't really feel any need to curse [anymore] in game--though I generally don't kick/ban for it.

    TL;DR It would be really hard to moderate, and the lack of a dividing line between acceptable and unacceptable would become a problem.
  16. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    I don't find that there is a necessary need to swear in game for example:
    For ____ someone has destroyed my house.

    When you could just well say:
    Wow someone has destroyed my house..

    You may swear by reaction in real life but why would there be a necessary need to type it in game?
    I don't see the point, yeah I curse from time to time when I'm hurt for instance but there is no need to type into a game now is there?

  17. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

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    That's with most communities. COD is a mature game; at the moment, it's flooded with British 11 year olds. I'm a huge part of the Destiny community. That game is ruled by 9 year olds, and it's rated teen.
    metr0n0me likes this.
  18. Videogames321

    Videogames321 Celebrity Meeper

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    I learned curse words when I was 8 from my friends.
    Does it mean I use it often?
    In real life, a bit- sometimes a large amount when I'm angry.
    Here, there's no big deal as to why they should be allowed, even in minor situations. I'm fine with some minor swearing in game, but others most likely won't. When the staff make up a new rule, some random player breaks it and argues that they didn't break it because "they didn't do it excessively".
    -1, current rules are fine as it is- I don't see the need for you to swear up a storm.
    Jiltism, metr0n0me and Deljikho like this.
  19. _Rigel

    _Rigel Popular Meeper

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    Good point actually +1
  20. TNT404

    TNT404 Popular Meeper

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    I didn't suggest having the "Excessive swearing" limit thing.

    That's the most legitimate argument I've seen against this. But why must people need to use chat if there is TS to talk with?

    Public Service is irrelevant to this.

    Most people aren't going to look at a server on whether or not people are swearing.

    Why use chat at all if there is TS.
    RaidByNightOnly likes this.

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