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Tagswag33's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Tagswag33, Dec 13, 2013.

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  1. Tagswag33

    Tagswag33 Popular Meeper

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    In Game Name: Tagswag33

    Skype Username: staff message me.

    Teamspeak Username: Tagswag33

    Mic use: yes.

    Age: 14.

    Timezone: EST.

    Hours online per weekday: 4-8.

    Hours online per weekend: 3-7.

    Position Changes: Citizen to helper.

    Introduction:Hello! My names Cade, but just call me Tagswag33. I would like to introduce myself before my application. I love playing Minecraft, I play it almost all day, every day. I am homeschooled, leaving a lot of time for Minecraft. I love playing baseball. It’s definitely my number 1 favorite thing to do. I honestly like it more than playing here on Meep. I logged in last December to this server and it was the first server I ever joined. I didn’t get active till around March, I played from March till July. I “quit” when the server reset, but returned in October. Have been playing actively ever since. I love fishing, too. I fish a lot during the summer/fall with my friend, we would put in 5 hours + a day during the summer.

    Why you should be Helper?I have a lot of experience in the community. I feel that I would be fit to be a helper. I enjoy helping other players, even though it can cost me a lot of precious time. I don’t lose my temper easy. I feel that to be a helper you cannot have a short temper, as this will get you demoted for being rude to someone in need, or kicking someone for being “annoying”. I have been working on helping others a lot in the past few weeks. Even though sometimes it goes unseen, it is so very worth it. Here are the qualities I have that I think are required to be a helper.

    Honesty : I am always honest, I am too afraid of the people above me to deceive them. I never lie to the people I work with on Minecraft. I try to be honest as much as possible, even if that means losing a position. I have never had a good “poker face” so it is very easy to tell if I am telling a lie, I normally am very nervous about anything and overthink everything.

    Ingame-Activity : I am almost always online if I am not doing something with my family, friends, etc. Like I said in my introduction, I am online when most are in school. That being said, I am able to answer Modreqs and such when most helpers are not online. I play during the week more because I am homeschooled, when I get done with my school Meepcraft is the first place I go to. I feel very welcomed here and I also absolutely love the community.

    Maturity : I feel like I am very mature, I don’t do dumb things and act like an idiot like most kids my age. I never enjoy acting immature, but I can tend to get caught up doing dumb things with my friends. But on Minecraft I try to be as mature as possible. Another part of being mature is grammar, which is something I don’t feel I am lacking. I try to look professional, because “yes, please”. Looks a whole lot better than “ya plz”. So I feel I am mature enough to be a part of this great team.

    Weaknesses :Okay, let’s get this over with. I don’t want to write this part, no one does. But we must know each other’s weaknesses to build each other up. I can’t always talk on TS, as my parents aren’t a big fan of me talking to strange people on the internet. But they are warming up to it. I can tend to be over bold. Example: I might be arguing with someone, they prove me wrong in every way, I won’t admit I am wrong. I will continue to argue with them until someone just gives up. I know I need to work on this. The reason I do this is because I hate being wrong more than anything. I feel I can help people grow past their weaknesses as I grow past mine with them.

    Conclusion : So, let us look back at my application. I believe I am a good fit to join the great staff meepcraft has. I feel that if I am accepted, you will add another beneficial member to this great team. I am a team man, hopefully joining a group that has a lot of teamwork, even in their ups and downs. I hope you consider my application. If not, then I will continue to make my way up through this community. Thank you for your time, have a very nice day. And if you could, give me some tips I could improve on. :)

  2. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Tag, I'd like to begin by saying that I am very proud of you. You've very obviously put a lot of work into improving yourself, so kudos to you.

    - I see you in game quite often, and I have actually seen you joining in with conversations and helping out. You dont always help out, but its a really, really great start. You are very friendly and don't seem quite as immature as you used to.

    - You have been working hard on improving your forums activity; I can really tell. While your replies don't always contribute completely to the topic, I've definitely seen some improvement. Remember to keep at the Suggestions, Q&A, Report a Bug, and Staff Recruitment. To make it easier in yourself, you can watch each of those sections, so that whenever someone posts something, it gives to an alert. Thats what I do.

    - Now, I normally don't include TeamSpeak in my reviews, but because you seem worried about it, I wanted to mention that the times I've seen you on you've been very pleasant and have actually talked quite a bit. Thats just personal experience though.

    - Now, I really actually enjoyed reading your application. It was a good length, and each section seemed to be around the right length for what it is used for.

    - You did pretty well on your introduction; the only part that I didn't like was you mentioning your mine craft stuff, but you did it in a way that it wasnt too obtrusive.

    - Your why was pretty well written, and although it wasnt the most organized at the beginning, you followed through with some pretty strong points Great job.

    - I have nothing I overly dislike about your weaknesses sectionn. Well done.

    - The only part of your application that to me, wasnt the best, is your conclusion. Not saying it wasnt good, you just come across as a little power hungry at the end and it was a little long. Other than that, I enjoyed reading it.

    Overall, I am a +1. I really think that you could succeed on the staff team. You have worked very hard toimprove since your last application, and I think you really took a lot of things said to heart.
    Tagswag33 and Videogames321 like this.
  3. james_Grimplin

    james_Grimplin Popular Meeper

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    tagswag buddy, i am going to be honest here,

    good things
    • 1. you are good at helping people.
    • 2. you aren't immature, but not exactly super mature.
    • 3. your app was pretty good, a lot better then your old one.
    • 4. activity is good.
    bad things
    • 1. you need to shout more
    • 2. in lease you do it in/msg i never see you help people
    and that is about it. my vote is a +0.90! good luck!
    forces5 and chaos546 like this.
  4. Alepty

    Alepty Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 Tagswag you're perfect for this.
    kevman967, forces5 and james_Grimplin like this.
  5. Netrarc

    Netrarc Popular Meeper

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    We usually interact on Teamspeak, and I have seen only good things from you. You are nice and helpful, and I think you would be a great addition to the staff team. +1
    forces5 and Tagswag33 like this.
  6. Treehugger_Bill

    Treehugger_Bill Popular Meeper

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    You used good grammar, your application was well written, and I think that you would do well as a staff member.
  7. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

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    You seem to be one of the (srry for the label) "money making players" (a group that I stick rich players and people I talk to on ts that seem to always be making money) but that's not bad! Hornemans would make a great mod if he wanted to put the effort into it. Netrarc has done great and JDubz was just excepted. You'll just have to balance the time spend making $ with the time helping players.
  8. savvvy420

    savvvy420 Popular Meeper

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    Tag, for the short time I've known you have shown me that you are mature, helpful and smart. I think you would make a great addition to the staff. +1 :)
    james_Grimplin and Tagswag33 like this.
  9. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    I may not have agreed with everything you've said on the forums. I guess you talked about it in your weaknesses so it's okay. You've been a good resident in my town back in MeepNetworks so I wouldn't expect you to do anything bad. I say +0.5 for this application.
    james_Grimplin and Tagswag33 like this.
  10. Tagswag33

    Tagswag33 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for your input everyone. :)
  11. Videogames321

    Videogames321 Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 You are on for quite a bit, you are nice and not impulsive. I believe you are quite fit for the job. You have way more good things than bad, and tend to help out.
  12. Kazarkas

    Kazarkas Legendary Meeper Elder

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    You are a good kid.

    I see you a lot on TS and you are mature.

    Tagswag33 likes this.
  13. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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    Meh, mostly reasons above, maturity, activity, etc. I'll give you a chance, +1
    Videogames321 and Tagswag33 like this.
  14. Lysseal

    Lysseal Popular Meeper

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    +1 You are mature, and very active. Good Luck :)
    Tagswag33 likes this.
  15. PuckMiner

    PuckMiner Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 You are definitely qualified for the position. I would list all of your pros but there is just to many! Good luck :)
    Tagswag33 likes this.
  16. Landonator419

    Landonator419 Celebrity Meeper

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    I think you should get a +1! You took your time and did it good! Good job!
    Tagswag33 likes this.
  17. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

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    *Insert gasp here* chaos gave a +1!
    In all seriousness, +1, you seem to be helpful in /shout, and I have only seen kind words from you. Good Luck!
  18. forces5

    forces5 Celebrity Meeper

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    All the reasons above its a +1 from me
  19. Flamedemond

    Flamedemond Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm sorry to burst your bubble but, as it stands, I am a +/-0.

    I have never actually seen you help but your maturity is way above par so good luck to you, my friend :)
    Tagswag33 likes this.
  20. DeathBunny55

    DeathBunny55 Popular Meeper

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    You are a great person, from what I can see you're pretty dang active. +1!
    Tagswag33 likes this.
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