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Best Posts in Thread: Supreme+ Colored Signs Guide!

  1. Telinus

    Telinus Celebrity Meeper

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    With the new colored signs available, I've decided to make a short little tutorial on how to set up these swaggy signs.

    Click here for the little cheat-sheet website that I use for colors.

    If you are too lazy to click the link then here are the codes put into words.

    Dark red: &4
    Light red: &c

    Goldish: &6
    Yellow: &e

    Green: &2
    Light/Lime green: &a

    Dark blue: &1
    Blue: &9
    Turquoise: &3
    Light blue: &b

    Purple/Magenta: &5
    Pink: &d

    White: &f
    Gray: &7
    Dark gray: &8
    Black: &0

    You want to put the code closest as you can to maximize space for the message. Example:

    Putting a color code at the beginning of the line will make all the words/symbols in the line that specific color. Example:
    This code will make everything in that line dark red, like so.

    If you want to make different words/symbols different colors, you need to put a code inbetween each word, like this.
    This code will make the 'Hi' dark red and the 'there' dark blue.

    Unfortunately, you cannot use any of the font customization codes like bold, underline or itallics.

    If you need any extra help, please reply below and I (or someone else) will answer.

    And yes, this is a perk for the Supreme+ rank only! Donate now!
    Sqreix, Zachpwnr, l3urgerKing and 3 others like this.
  2. qawsedrf1835

    qawsedrf1835 Guest
