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Superbros1211 Helper Application

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by superbros1211, Jul 1, 2014.

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  1. superbros1211

    superbros1211 Most Popular Meeper

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    In Game Name: superbros1211
    Skype (Yes/No): Yes
    Team Speak Username: superbros1211
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 14
    Timezone: ACST
    Hours online per weekday: 1-2 hours (Sometimes more, depends on homework)
    Hours online per weekend: 2-5 hours
    Position Changes: Citizen to Helper


    Hello reader, my name is superbros1211 however out of game my name is William. I live in Adelaide, Australia and I am 14 years old. I enjoy sports, especially cycling and running. I also love spending time with my family and hanging out with my friends. I like to think of myself of a chilled mature person who always tries to stay and think positive. I don't get stressed easily either!

    Now for a bit of my history on the server: I joined MeepCraft back in February 2013 and since then I have learnt a lot about the Meep Craft and the community which backs it. Over time I have become active in all aspects of the game including in game, the forums and talking to people on TeamSpeak. Now lets talk about the important, why I should be a Helper.


    Listed below are the reasons why I believe I have the qualities required to become a Helper.


    I have been playing on MeepCraft for a almost a year and half now and in that time I have learnt so much about the server. I have owned many towns and am very familiar with how the Towny system works. I am also familiar of how the staff system works (I talk a lot about it with my brother funkyrainbows). Also out of game I take on many extra responsibilities especially in school where I have taken up many leadership roles, through this I have learnt how to act in a fun but also mature and professional manner.

    Work Ethic:

    I am going to start this section with a quote from an amazing man, Steve Jobs.
    "When you’re a carpenter making a beautiful chest of drawers, you’re not going to use a piece of plywood on the back, even though it faces the wall and nobody will see it. You’ll know it’s there, so you’re going to use a beautiful piece of wood on the back. For you to sleep well at night, the aesthetic, the quality, has to be carried all the way through." I like to relate myself to this quote as I go the extra mile and work the extra hour even without wanting credit. I work efficiently and don't get side tracked allowing me to work quickly with the same amount (or more) quality in my work than others.


    Again I am going to relate to my out of game life. I like to go the extra mile, I often stay back after school helping. Examples of this include helping make sets for a large school production and staying late to repair my school's Pedal Prix bike (3 wheeled racing bike, look it up). I also hate to leave work unfinished, if I have the ability to complete something I won't put it off until tomorrow or leave it for someone else to finish/do. I also will not decide to quit on something or not try it because I just cannot be bothered to do it.


    Compared to many other people I know (my age and older) I am very mature. I know how to control myself. I don't say what ever I think, before every post I make I stop and read it through to make sure what I am saying is fair and polite. I am also in a timezone which is lacking staff right now. Another important thing about me is that I am honest, I never alter a story or punish someone unfairly because it will benefit me. I also very much appreciate the work other staff put in and not once have I criticized them of anything. It is that dedication which they put in which I will strive to do myself.



    I have many school commitments which restrict my weekday hours. These include 3 sports trainings each week and I don't usually get home to around 5:30pm. I can't say the amount of homework I get is a problem though as it does not take me long to complete it. I also need to work more on my TS activity which is something which I have been working on over the last few weeks.

    Ignore chat:

    Sometimes when I am working on something I focus on it a bit too much which can mean I miss important things said in chat. However when ever I do something I try to keep an eye on chat and it is something which I feel I will improve on quickly.


    I have always wished to become a part of the staff team and I feel that I have the experience and knowledge to apply now. I believe that my dedication, work ethic, professionalism and ability to work as a team is what is required in a staff member. I would just like to finish on one last statement. I believe that there is good to be found in everyone and that everyone deserves a second chance.

    Thanks for reading this and I look forward to reading your comments and feedback.
    ~ superbros1211

    Important notice:

    I have a younger brother who I have mentioned in this application who is on the staff team. I just thought that this would be important to mention this.

    I am also going away on a family skiing holiday from the 11th of July to the 20th of July. In this time I will be able to go on the forums but not in game or on Ts.
  2. Lilliya

    Lilliya Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Your inactivity is keeping you down, I rarely see you online nowadays, apart from that, app was actually nice.

    for now -1. im looking forward to seeing a future app from you lad ;]
    Lady_Hestia and superbros1211 like this.
  3. _socceris4me_

    _socceris4me_ Well-Known Meeper

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    +1 your awesome and active gl!
    superbros1211 likes this.
  4. superbros1211

    superbros1211 Most Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Yea thats true, I am working on that. Thanks :)

    Thank you!
  5. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    The replies....... It always makes the applicant look desperate. I have also honestly never seen you on, -1
    Flamedemond and superbros1211 like this.
  6. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

    Likes Received:
    + active (ingame, forums and TS)
    + friendly ingame
    + good app
    - Just came back from a break

    I'm +0.5
    superbros1211 likes this.
  7. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 your nice, good player helpful.
    superbros1211 likes this.
  8. superbros1211

    superbros1211 Most Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Aha ok :)
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2014
  9. Killdogx

    Killdogx Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I barely see you in game. That means I do not see you helping with shout.
    But I see you helping in forums. So Im with +/-
    superbros1211 likes this.
  10. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You used nodus.
    superbros1211 likes this.
  11. BooBear1227

    BooBear1227 Sunflower | Always

    Likes Received:
    Accepted for interview! :)
    funkyrainbows and superbros1211 like this.
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