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Staff Recruitment Application- Sophieweasel

Discussion in 'Denied' started by SophieWeasel, Mar 4, 2014.

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  1. SophieWeasel

    SophieWeasel New Meeper

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    Hi! I'm SophieWeasel! I would like to become a mod or a helper. I am 14. I have experience with Meepcraft (I have been playing since October 31, 2013). I am not extremely familiar with mod commands, because Meepcraft is the only server I go on, but I am a fast learner and I do not take sides when I settle arguments. I spend probably around 1- 3 hours per day on Meepcraft. And I hope you'll consider me as an option for being a mod! Thanks! :D Please let me know what I can do to improve upon this application.
  2. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    No format…
  3. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Denied. The proper format is required, please do not reapply any sooner than in two weeks.

    I also suggest that you;
    - Increase in game and forums activity, as we want helpful, active, and friendly Helpers.
    - Familiarize yourself with our rules and requirements, like the format and the fsct that you must be a Helper before applying for Moderator.
    - Ensure you have all the required accounts, like TeamSpeak and Skype.
    - Read the tips and tricks post to help you make a better application.
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