Here are my issues with this application.
A.) Just the other day, when I was on TeamSpeak, you spoke of leaving. How can the community know of your dedication, if you throw words and sentences around like so?
B.) One of your biggest tendencies is to be quite immature. I am sure it is just a thing you probably do to try to be funny, but to be staff you have to portray some level of professionalism.
C.) Your opinions on the server have a right to be heard. However, when you insult the server, and say it is going downhill, yet apply to help the server the next day, I see two faces: the Akira that wants staff, and the Akira who wants to vocalize herself about the servers issues in a rather obnoxious way.
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Best Posts in Thread: Staff Application
We made our decisions on the debt because it is a major factor of what the criteria we decided a staff member should have. Because you are unaware of what it is we are talking about, maybe you shouldn't tell me how I should grade a potential staff member. :]. Ty.Last edited: Jun 2, 2014Videogames321, Akiratohiama, KariStar86 and 2 others like this. -
mrli1, Killer2themx, TheRealWoohoocheese and 1 other person like this. -
Wow, you would be willing to give about 200+ hours over the course of your summer, minimum?
Too much time, but ok. +1--- Double Post Merged, Jun 2, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 2, 2014 ---
VKL_ReWinDzz, FluffbearRCT, Akiratohiama and 1 other person like this. -
In Game Name: Akiratohiama
Skype (Yes/No): Yes, it is: Akiratohiama (Olivia Kowalsky)
Teamspeak Username: Karitohiama (Akiratohiama also.)
Mic use: Yes, when I need to, or when I want to interact with other people.
Age: 13.
Timezone: Central Time Zone
Hours online per weekday: Since it is now summer break, I will be online for a maximum of 19 hours, with a minimum of 7 hours. I have no plans the entire summer, making me available to come on everyday for that amount of time. I also have two computers meaning I can watch two-three servers at once.
Position Changes:
Ultimate -> Helper
Hello, My name is akiratohiama, and recently I hit 2 years on Meepcraft. During these two years, I have been staff from the very beginning, as RainbowdogFish as staff in 2012, till being Akiratohiama being staff in 2013. While being staff I have grown in maturity, activity, and in learning. I have learned many commands in old and current Meep. During current Meep, I’ve become much more active, and I have interacted more in the community, by talking to people on Skype or on TeamSpeak. I also have a no ban record, except the ones I requested to be put on there. I also have very few kicks, with one being a mistake, the other they kicked the wrong person. After many tries at becoming staff before, I believe I have the potential now to be staff.
Why you should be Helper/Mod?:
After two years of being on Meepcraft, I believe I have matured up, and I can finally step up and take on a role as being part of the Meepcraft Staff team once again. I’m constantly active in every part, Skype, Forums and In-game, but lacking in TeamSpeak activity. With a small flaw, I believe I can up the activity. While me, and another of my accounts are always on at the same time, I can easily do two things at once, such as one looking at chat, another doing modreqs. I also have fast typing skills. After countless hours on Meepcraft, I am almost always on, with previous skills as staff, both old and current Meep.
My current activity in Team Speak is lagging, due to me not being able to play on Meep and go on Team Speak at the same time without dropping on Team Speak, or my computer Freezing. I have come up with a solution, which is play Minecraft on one, Ts on the other computer, but with still lacking Team Speak activity. I believe I can fix this with going on every other hour, staying on for a hour.
I also am somewhat shy to the people I have never talked to before on Teamspeak, and some staff, while being my normal talkative self with other people.
After the two years of being on Meep, I have finally matured up, increased both my In-game, Skype, Team Speak and Forums activity, and I am finally ready to become staff again.CrohnZero, Lady_Hestia, SirCallow and 1 other person like this.