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Staff Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Lady_Hestia, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

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    In Game Name: Lady_Hestia
    Skype Username: NikkiVariable
    Teamspeak Username: Lady_Hestia
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 14
    Timezone: Est
    Hours online per weekday: 1-9
    Hours online per weekend: 2-15
    Position Changes: Citizen to Helper

    Hi there, I’m Lady Hestia. I used to be a helper on this server but I wasn’t very good at it. I’m applying again because I feel that in game I help so many people I’m a helper already. If I get the title I can do even more for the server that I love. I have always been a good student in school until a year ago I started having very severe health issues. I found this server and though sometimes I use it as an escape from life, other times I can come on and talk to really nice people and have a bunch of online friends. Though I’m not a “noob,” I haven’t played on this server as long as a lot of others, yet I feel that I know how the community runs and how I can play my part to make it better. I hate letting people down, if I upset you it really makes me feel awful. I always stick up for myself, in the past I couldn’t tell constructive criticism from people being mean but now I can. I may have used my illness as an excuse in the past but I know how immature that is and I thank Abby for helping me realize how I don’t have to make excuses but just do better. I didn’t think that I could do that- I though I had to explain myself. I hope you know me a little better now.

    Why I want to be helper:
    The months I spend as helper were the best of a large amount of my life. I know that if I’m hired again it will be even better because this time I will do more quality work. I see people getting kicked for language and I get so jealous of the helper/mod/s-mod because I want to do something great as well, and I feel this way especially when I see someone saying something awful and I can’t do anything about it. I’ve always loved volunteering for things but due to issues I have I can’t get out all the time. This is a place for me to do that with a flexible schedule and without me having to go anywhere.

    Why I should be hired as helper:
    I know I’ve posted lots of apps and I know you’re probably getting annoyed at this point but every time I post one I get comments and so in the two weeks between them I work on the comments and after I work on them I feel ready to apply again.
    - I feel I have matured, if you have an issue with my maturity please comment because I’m always looking to improve.
    - That jealously I mentioned before makes me work harder but not competitively because I respect all of the current staff.
    - I though hard forums work and modreqs were pretty fun so I have the motivation to work a long time.
    - I will take constructive criticism with maturity and always do much better after.
    - I am often in spawn helping out new players. When staff are offline I ask if anyone needs help and spend time answering questions and solving problems. It’s addictive to help which is why I want to do more.
    - Sometimes I see things that are really unfair happen to players in game and I want to be an advocate for the player (or another staff member) and help everyone to understand what happened and what needs to be done.
    - The fact I was demoted still stands and I understand being unable to trust me but Jackl seems to be getting another chance. Why can’t I? (I’m saying this without knowing why he was demoted but I’m assuming what I did was worse. This is just an analogy.) When I was demoted I had no idea I was even breaking the rules. I did not have any intent to actually follow though with my threat but I was looking for something to say that showed how mad I was. I thought that in the staff skype group that you could discuss things without penalty. I realize that I shouldn’t have said it there even if I could because it was immature. I think understanding the issue is the first step to being more mature about it.
    - Another strength I have is patience with people that don’t listen or know anything about the server. Often this is a weakness I see on staff applications. Instead of getting mad or annoyed I work out how to help them the best.
    - I am 100% dedicated to the server. I spend a long time online each day and I put lots of work into making it enjoyable for others.
    - My teamspeak activity is really good. I like being available for others to talk to directly.
    - I know the rules really well, in fact I know details that many veteran players don’t know. The rules have been updated recently and I will be looking over it for all of the changes.
    - I remember one time in the void. When we get stuck new players (and some old) freak out. There was a time I stuck it out for 30 minutes trying to help explain what was happening and make it interesting.
    - I’ve cooled down with my sucking up (it wasn’t meant to be sucking up but it was). The comments I make in shout are me trying to be mature, funny, and helpful. I also feel I don’t need attention as much anymore.
    - I try to always be in a positive mood and make people feel better.
    - I read lots on forums but I don’t post as much as I used to. I’m there though!

    My goals if I become helper:
    1. Always put full effort into modreqs
    2. Be a positive influence on the community
    3. Do forums work that needs to be done
    4. Stay in non-staff areas of teamspeak (I hear complaints of staff “hiding” in staff channels too often)

    Past Offenses:
    1. Threatening the server. I fully apologize for all of these but this one especially.
    2. Kicked for quoting Fuzzlr’s profanity
    3. Kicked for inciting spam (accident)

    This is what got me demoted. I know it’s hard for some to understand because they do not have the issues I do. Please do not hold this against me because I now have many things to help myself including medication (this is necessary not a sign of weakness) and a rule for myself that I will wait and reread what I write before hitting enter.
    Typing out what I mean:
    I’m often thinking a couple of sentences ahead of what I’m typing so my fingers get confused. I’ve been kicked for trying to teach new players how to shout but I worded it like I was trying to incite spam. I’m now taking more time to type to reduce this. This is also why I like using quotes or references to books to help people understand what I’m saying. The references annoy certain people though.
    Lately my activity has gone down to an increasing number of doctor visits and being unable to get online due to the worsening of some auto-immune disease I have (un-diagnosed at the moment). I need to take breaks due to exhaustion. I can get myself online when I need to though.
    I’m terrible at this. I don’t even know where to start! Maybe you guys could give me some tips in the comments.

    Meep has helped me grow as a person, and I want to help it grow as a server. Helping as a cit. is fine- good even but being staff and helping would be amazing! I know how staff works and I have worked on everything holding me back before. Though I have issues I promise to work through them. I’m sorry for the things in the past but it’s the future now and I’m ready to start a new chapter in my life on MeepCraft.
  2. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

    Likes Received:
    Lady, My vote is still -1 I did not see you helping in chat the last few weeks. or on teamspeak.
    Telinus likes this.
  3. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

    Likes Received:
    Too lazy to write a long well thought out rant, and I don't think this is worth my time since my vote hasn't changed
    Just wants power
    Previous Demotion
    Haven't seen too much activity

    CyborgZeroX likes this.
  4. MeGustaYou

    MeGustaYou Popular Meeper

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    I remember you bashing the staff a few nights ago...
    Why would you want to become a part of a team and work with people you didn't like?

    Also, I'm still at a -1 for reasons I posted on your last app. You seem to just want helper for the title and power rather than benefiting the community.
  5. AthenaAnneWalther

    AthenaAnneWalther Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 Your a nice person and all but
    1) Never helping in chat
    2) inactive
    3) Not on teamspeak
    But hey good luck! ;)
  6. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    (I've posted this on every app you should know this is coming by now)

    Bravo for putting this in your weaknesses, still -1 even more so because you put them in your weaknesses. Health issues are a part of you but they aren't a weakness. To save some writing, I'm just going to copy and paste my last post.

    You blamed your contact on a mental and physical disorder.
    It takes control to get over these things.
    You seem to lack the prior.

    Honestly I can't get over the fact that you made a thread to say that "My actions are because of my physical pain which caused mental disorder." That is ridiculous. As someone who has a myriad of mental disorders-schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, to name a few- I find it as a giant slap in the face. Me feeling like I want to off myself isn't going to play on the server, I feel like death, and I still go to work and I slap a smile on my face and I act like a decent person. Yes, you're bound to slip up once or twice but, correlation does not mean causation. The fact that you have mental disorders does not constitute bad behavior.

    And you constantly try and excuse things and you need to live up to your actions. I mess up, almost daily as a helper. But, I live up to my actions, I know that my actions were wrong when someone points it out. It seems like you will go "I did something wrong" -> "Here's this this and this to explain why I did something wrong and why I was not wrong because of this this and this."

    Seriously, you're insulting the rest of us half the time.
    Its staying that way for a long time.
    Lady_Hestia and CyborgZeroX like this.
  7. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I've said no before.
    I'm gonna say it again.


    Too immature, too silly, too unprofessional,
    and you care way too much about what people say about you. Your whole mindset about how things work is directly unproportional to reality. You don't get how things work and you are still too unstable for this position. This is going to come off rude, and yeah, it is rude, but you don't seem to be getting it any other way. We've all said our comments many times over and over, and you still feel that you deserve a chance.

    My answer will probably never change, I'm just getting tired of writing the same rant over and over again every 2 weeks.
  8. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Lady, I'll be honest. You were probably a good staff member at first, and I understand that you were once accepted, but for now, i'll have to go -1 because of reasons above. You never help in chat, and
    You've never come and said hi on my profile.
    CyborgZeroX likes this.
  9. HotAsianBeans

    HotAsianBeans Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    So in your weakness section you are saying that we shouldn't hold you accountable for your poor decisions because you have issues. Lets say theoretically I have a mental disability. You can't really blame me for my mistakes, but should I be put in a position where my mistakes have serious repercussions? Of course not. -1
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014
  10. james_Grimplin

    james_Grimplin Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    lady, i felt like i was biased on your last app, i will not on this one. -1
    • 1. you have recently been inactive
    • 2. you haven't been helping IG that much
    • 3. what hot said
    good luck though!
  11. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

    Likes Received:
    Eh, I had free time, rant time

    Before we even go into the rant, let's calm down, take a moment, and breathe. Think for a moment, reflect. Take a moment to collect yourself. Realize that you should really stop posting these.

    Let's start with your past. You had a "notice me senpai" thing going with Onis and it got ridiculous. I'd say that's basically where my dislike for you manifested itself and deeply was rooting in the small hole I call my heart. Afterwards, your utter rudeness to me and other players kind of just kept driving the nail deeper and deeper. In fact I was amazed when you got staff the first time. Then you managed to completely blow it (and your "chances" with Onis) by threatening the server, getting yourself demoted and sent back to the land of exile (metaphorically speaking, of course).

    Onward to the nearer past, your most recent helper application and the things surrounding it. My opinion on you wasn't changed, I still didn't like you. What really did it for me (and is going to be the basis of this paragraph) is the fact that you decided to take the way out of blaming every single one of your problems on your so called "illness". Honestly, regardless of whether you have health problems or not, there is no reason to bring those up. As a person who struggles with at least 1 of the things you mentioned (probably more if I think about it which I don't feel like doing) I find it very offensive. As abby put it, it's huge slap in the face, and I suppose that's where I began to utterly be against you being on staff ever.

    And now we're onto the present.
    Still immature
    Still inactive
    Still annoying
    Still attention seeking
    Still power hungry
    Still blaming it on your illness
    Still sucking up
    Still trying at staff
    Still lying about things changing

    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014
  12. PuckMiner

    PuckMiner Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 Honestly I haven't seen anything for the better change about you. You still don't help in chat alot and I feel you are very immature.
  13. Oroperion

    Oroperion Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Wow. You are persistent.


    I don't know why you think that our opinion, the community's opinion, of you is going to change if you don't change anything yourself. You're just as "bad" today as you were the day that you were demoted. There hasn't been improvement. There hasn't been change. You have given us no reason to think that you're a better person now, and until you do, your apps are going to continue to be denied.

    This is what I've said on your past 3 applications:

    Gonna keep this nice and simple. No.

    You were not a great helper, and your actions to get yourself demoted demonstrated that. If you cared so much about the server, you would not have acted that way in the first place. I don't care how much regret you have, the way you acted was far worse than anything I've ever seen by any staff member in the past couple months. If I had my way, you wouldn't be staff again. Sorry, but in no way do I ever see you being staff again.


    My opinion is the same now as it was then.
    Once we start to see improvements on your behavior in terms of maturity and your respect towards other staff members, then we can start talking about maybe, maybe giving you a +0
    Mylucky7 and LR_Davius like this.
  14. LR_Davius

    LR_Davius Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You've gotten so much feedback this post is almost unnecessary, but I'm bored so here goes.

    I agreed with only one thing in your application.

    Your weaknesses have always bothered me. You've gotten so much criticism for hiding behind your issues that you included this..
    Then don't mention it. Why did you include it if it isn't a weakness? Honestly, it looks like a lame excuse. Then you go and contradict that sentence with this..........

    Now before you think me as some evil non caring inconsiderate person who doesn't know what you're going through, let me tell you this. I have gone through many, many trials with health. I don't have a immune disease, but I've gone through brain surgery, and other not fun experiences. I feel bad for you, but stop using your illness as a fallback for your misbehavior.
  15. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

    Likes Received:
    Wow I am sorry if I was bashing staff. I can't believe i did that. I love the staff. Wow. I know it seems that I just want the title but it's not about that at all, in fact I would rather not have the helper title and just be able to do modreqs.
    Thanks for the feedback again :) will work on everything

    I didn't realize it sounded like I was blaming my issues on medical issues. I really wasn't, at least not on purpose. This weakness, to me, is just the same as getting annoyed at people not listening- something I am just going to have to work through.

    Thanks for the feedback. I will be working on everything :)
  16. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

    Likes Received:
    No way! I am working hard on the issues. I am responsible for everything I did. I never mean to blame my health issues.
  17. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

    Likes Received:
    I don't help in /shout I help in /msg
  18. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Lady, that is not an excuse. I have seen lots of people saying 'oh, helping in shout is too spammy, just help in /msg' the problem with this is, well first, THAT IS NOT CONSIDERED SPAM. Second, If you help in shout, then people sometimes see you as more of an active, helpful-type person. If I was at -0.5 before, I am at a -1 now. I just don't think you will ever be a staff member again, or perhaps waiting a half a year before applying again. But for now, and for future apps, I will most likely be a -1.
    TL;DR (Qwikin what does that mean?)
  19. Telinus

    Telinus Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    It means too long; didn't read.

    I don't really know you that much or have seen you as a staff member, so +/- for now.
    mrli1 likes this.
  20. chirp1234

    chirp1234 Celebrity Meeper

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    ^ My reaction when I saw this.

    Anways, rant time.

    Edit: Click "Click to expand" because it went all funny.

    Last edited: Jan 29, 2014
    DeathBunny55, Alepty, Telinus and 2 others like this.

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