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Staff Application: Iatemyfriends

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Iatemyfriends, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. Iatemyfriends

    Iatemyfriends Supreme Leader

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: Iatemyfriends
    Skype (Yes/No): Yes
    Teamspeak Username: Iatemyfriends
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 13
    Timezone: GMT
    Hours online per weekday: 3-5 hours
    Hours online per weekend: 5-10 hours
    Position Changes: (ex. Citizen to Helper, Helper to Mod) Ultimate (Citizen) to Helper

    Introduction: Hey guys! You may all know me by Iatemyfriends or that guy who has a load of bans, but in real life I go by Matt. Currently I'm in 7th grade with 15 days left. I'm applying because I feel like being a staff member would be nice, because I could help the community and server I know and love. I play hockey, soccer, and I do Karate. I may have 40 (Or something like that) bans, but lately I've been on a roller coaster that only goes up, my friends.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod ? I feel I should be promoted to Helper because I feel if I tried I could posses all the qualities needed to become a staff member. I know the rules very well based off of my bans/time playing. I know how to catch hackers too. I have experience from helping run other servers, with my friends to test stuff out.

    Weaknesses: Weaknesses, my my. My clearest weaknesses are: When I get dissed/made fun of I tend to go all rage at them, I've been working on that though, and I certainly hope its been showing on my ban history. Another major weakness of mine, is: Multi-tasking. I'm not a person who can multi-task as much as someone else. I'm currently trying to tackle my weaknesses to become a better person all together. A big problem I have too, is my loud keyboard on TS. I've had complaints before but I can't seem to get a hold of keeping my keyboard quiet.

    Conclusion: Well, this is it my friends. I feel pretty good about this Staff application, please post constructive criticism. If I don't get accepted, I'll be prepared next time! Thanks for reading my staff application, and I hope to become a staff member! Thank you.
  2. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    This is funny because you got kicked yesterday for saying something inappropriate.

    You're more immature than the word immature itself (since my other analogy was innapropriate)

  3. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    Iate...I like you and all...but are you even trying?
    Ridiculously short app, no helping in shout, activity's fine....
    Look at cooley's tips for making a good app. Your intro is fine, but everything else should be quite a bit longer.
    Feel free to PM me or talk to me on TS if you want more tips from me :D
    I'm at a -1, good luck.
  4. Nman830

    Nman830 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    this is cute
    -being a jerk
    -not following rules
  5. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    You constantly bash players in /shout and you constantly bash staff in /shout. I don't see any real want for you to actually be on staff since you hate so many of us.
  6. Miro995

    Miro995 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    - Short app
    + very friendly and helpful
    - can be immature
    Sorry buddy, but I am at a +0 at the moment
    Good luck!
  7. j32400

    j32400 Popular Meeper

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    Didn't even read the app. -1 Because of all the times you scammed ohDraqq.
  8. Iatemyfriends

    Iatemyfriends Supreme Leader

    Likes Received:
    Thank you, for the constructive criticism! I will try to fix all of these problems!
  9. Raegan1030

    Raegan1030 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Didn't read the app.
    You've been banned alot and scammed etc.
    I never see you helping, and honestly, you usually act like a jerk.
    You just said you doubt yourself and that's not positive.

    Sorry, but for now it's a -1.

    Good luck!
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
    Videogames321 likes this.
  10. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Bad app man,
    -You just said in game you wouldn't get it, have confidence.
  11. _Chef_Carrott_

    _Chef_Carrott_ Popular Meeper

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    -1 reasons above
    Good Luck though!
  12. FluffbearRCT

    FluffbearRCT Popular Meeper

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    Immature and argues a lot. It's a no from me.
  13. bbycakes2012

    bbycakes2012 Half baby, Half cake

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    I'm happy you want to help the community & applied. But i think your app wasn't the best & was very generic in the "why".
    I think you should continue to improve on your attitude to people & help more people & prove your helper material. Then come back and make a very good app & see where it goes.

    EDIT: And as abby said. You need to respect staff more. I've noticed you "hate" almost all staff & talk bad about them
    Videogames321 and TimtheFireLord like this.
  14. TimtheFireLord

    TimtheFireLord Celebrity Meeper

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    I think he was parodying all of the recent staff applications. If not, -1. You aren't ready for the position due to many bans, immaturity etc.
    Videogames321 likes this.
  15. Videogames321

    Videogames321 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey there IAMF! I'll go straight into my post now. -1 for the following reasons:
    Activity in Minecraft: Although I see you are fairly active in game, you could spend more time chilling out in shout, and altogether be a bit more active. I see you pvping for long increments of time, so I don't know you too well. Take up your activity up a 'notch' (pun-ny!), and be more of a people's player which I'll go into more detail in my 'Qualities' section.
    Activity on Forums: Any player with the forums rank of 'Well-Known Member' shows that they spent time into it. Your posts are quality posts, and consists of many reports. Keep up the good reports! Along with activity in Minecraft, you should also improve this aspect of the server too.
    Activity on Teamspeak: Firstly, I'm not the most active staff member on Teamspeak. I can't judge people much on this, due to the fact of how rarely I am on, which would only be for asking questions or special business of my own. I've seen you there a couple of times though, so it's decent and is fine as it is.
    Immaturity:Note:You can be very immature at times. As abby has already said, you bash people very often. I noted that there are multiple occasions where you are on the 'bad side,' not stating a clear argument and just plainly starting up some fights. Many people have this side of themselves, it's a bit hard to change. I used to have a knack for starting up arguments, and altogether being a noob/jerk. I'm typically fine with you, but you have a bit too much immaturity. Sometimes you get too worked up on a certain thing.
    Application: To be honest, it should definitely have been longer. Take a look at some other applications, and spend more time dwelling on Cooley's thread on applying for staff. I like long apps, but like short and sweet apps just as well. Usually when I say 'short,' it's still a little longer than yours. The 'Why' is something the typical applicant says. Try to go above and beyond, something different than what the majority of players would say. In my opinion, it was really good to be blunt about your weaknesses. I know that you have the 'PVPer side,' which is the loud, obnoxious, side of a person.
    Qualities: Even though not everybody agrees with me here, you can be fairly nice at times. On many occasions though, I find you in your PVPer side, as I was saying beforehand. I've seen that side of players many times, not just you. Quite frankly, it's annoying and is not the right trait for a staff member. Try resisting the urge of bringing up that side of you. Sometimes, you say things without thinking beforehand. It's just as you stated in your weaknesses; you tend to rage very often. You're ban record is also a bit extensive.
    In conclusion, if you can push the pvper side downwards more and the normal side up you would have a great chance of succeeding, along with bringing up your activity a bit more.
    Good Luck! ;)
    _Chef_Carrott_ likes this.
  16. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 you deserve it, It will Help the staff A LOT. They will need you.
  17. Iatemyfriends

    Iatemyfriends Supreme Leader

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    Look I want to be confidant, but I don't really understand that +1. I an understand that they kinda need someone with a good education on hacking but that's about it.
    TimtheFireLord and Videogames321 like this.
  18. ReadingRockstar

    ReadingRockstar Popular Meeper

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    -1, if this could be lower, it would be.

    The only reason I know of your character is because you have spoke to my brother on many occasions.

    Things I have noticed:
    -fairly impatient, immature, and argumentative
    Patience is one of the most crucial values as a staff member. If you cannot deal with the burden of helping those who are new to the game, I believe that it makes you less adequate for staff. As far as maturity, I don't believe possess an ounce of it. You tend to make nasty and inappropriate remarks, which is what I hear warranted most of your bans. Last, even though at time arguing is a good thing, the way you argue seems to be more negative than positive. If you participate in PvP, which I have known you previously to do, you always seemed to argue about pointless things, such as who won that, "1v1," or who, "2v1's and gapples on me."
    -Your bans, if there truly is 40 of them
    What if you make a mistake as a Helper, if you were, hypothetically, accepted? You know if it is an offense most players are banned temporarily for, you could potentially permed, due to your ban history? If you make 40 mistakes, I clearly see you making another at any given time.

    Sorry for bashing, but it is the solid truth.
  19. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Iate, you know I like you a lot as a person, when you aren't
    1. Getting banned.
    2. Insulting someone.
    3. Insulting staff.
    However, I personally think you have a lot to work on before you get Helper.

    First of all, try to stop yourself from doing anything against the rules for the next, I dunno, month and a half at least. This will let you prove to us that you are not going to break the rules if you were to get accepted for staff. I truly think that you need to show us that you can handle it before you try for it.

    Secondly, I suggest focussing less on PvP and more on generally being friendly and helping out. I know you have generally good relations with community members, but I think it'd be nice to see you genuinely helping out everyone on the server. It'll reinforce that you are caring and responsible enough for this job.

    There's a slight issue I have with your forums activity; I'd love to see you more often in Report a Bug, Q&A, Suggestions, and Staff Recruitment. Contribute to these topics with your obvious extensive knowledge of the server, I know you can.

    Finally, I truly think you need to glance through a couple guides just to improve your application. I've made one myself, PhoenixPuppy has made one, and of course, there's the one under the format. Read through them and work on improving your application, especially the why. Elaborate on your points.
    TimtheFireLord and Videogames321 like this.
  20. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    I mean you ca shape up staff. They are too, perky and so sweet cheeks, like everything has to perfect, I know you can change that. Your type of personally can "cool down" the staff and change the way they view everything.
    _Chef_Carrott_ likes this.

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