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Staff Application: Deinen0

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Deinen, Apr 26, 2014.

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  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: Deinen0
    Skype Username: Deinen0
    TS Username: Deinen0
    Mic Use: Yes
    Age: 29
    Timezone: EST
    Hours Online Per Week-day: At the moment 6+ daily
    Hours Online Per Weekend Day: At the moment 8+ daily
    Position Changes: To Helper

    Hello, you may know me as Deinen0, but my name is Matthew Sawyer. I am 29 years old and I am married with four wonderful children. I have had quite the full life growing up, and I am glad at this age I've found something to settle down with and enjoy. I have been on Meepcraft since March 2013, but due to circumstances wasn't able to settle down completely until April 14th, 2013. Since then I have discovered what a unique place and community Meepcraft is, and I am glad I've gotten to know some of the people I have here.

    There are a few reasons that I feel I would be qualified for the helper position on Meepcraft. I have in depth knowledge of the plugins needed to assist new players, or any players in general. I firmly believe in being an efficient, and effective helper. While providing players with accurate and lengthy assistance, which can be verified by anyone I've answered a modreq with, is very important; I believe time management is as well. If you have one modreq on hold for another reason, and you can do a 2nd modreq at efficiently at the same time, I do this. This alleviates the wait time for people with questions and needs, and helps reduce the modreq wait if there is one.

    When I come across a problem I do not have an answer for, there are several things I can and will do. Whether this is searching google to find a solution, asking higher staff, or those experienced with a situation, or taking time to experiment myself to solve a problem. Whether a player files a modreq, or asks me a question via forums, skype, or in /msg I will strive to resolve their issue in a quick, detailed, and pleasant way. This has been been demonstrated many times throughout my staff tenures, and I continue to strive to not ignore people. If you contact me on skype, mail me, or contact me in any way, I can promise that I will return to assist you as soon as I am back at the computer, or free to do so.

    As far as my knowledge in plugins, I can efficiently and effectively handle modreqs and their commands. I complete modreqs as fast as I can, while being thorough, including a mail sent if the user if offline on how to re-contact me for assistant, or to file another modreq. After modreq completion I automatically done it with a informative message to describe how the issue was handled. I am very familiar with hawkeye, and able to use it to accomplish anything needed to be done. From straight foward issues to being able to use round about ways to gather the information needed.

    As far as punitive measures go, I fully understand how extreme to go in order to accomplish the desired level of moderation. If the offense is extreme enough, I know when to ban and how long, vs kicking people when a ban is not warrented. I excel at quick replies to bans that I've issues, complete with evidence and a description of the isuse, as well as being available on forums, or on skype for the banned person to get a fair explanation of my actions. Being the person who developed the system for bans, and how they are handled on the forums, I understand very well how to use this system. The same applies for forum moderation, being the one who implemented the warning system I know in depth how and when it should be used.

    The biggest reason why I am qualified to be helper is that I am always open, and available, if you contact me I will contact you back. Sometimes this means in a few hours, or a day, but I will always get back to you. Aside from the availability, I pride myself in not only in helping someone as much as I possibly can, but during this time I want that person to leave with a smile, and satisfaction. I want the person to be glad they got me on their modreq, and feel they have been adequately helped in all their questions or problems.

    In conjunction with my strengths, I also have weaknesses. I can be an opinionated person on things. I will say something in a reasonable way if I disagree with something, however I am not stubborn to the point where I will not admit being wrong. At times I can be short with people who are pushing the line, in the way a stern father can be with their children. You love them, but you make well known there is a line, and where that line is.

    I have made one terrible mistake, in November I spawned in 10368 gold blocks. There is no justification to my actions, and any attempt to do so I feel will trivialize the issue. What I did was wrong, and I took the trust many gave me and ruined it. This is not a recurring attitude, or issue. I take very seriously what I have done, and have been open about it, deserving any anger that has been expressed at me. However, every action I had done before that, and after has been transparent, subject to peer review. I do not play Meepcraft any longer for any personal gain reasons any longer, instead dedicating all my time running Lakewood, and Woodhaven.

    In conclusion, I know I have brought extreme good and extreme bad to this server. I do not hide this, or am I ashamed of it, I am only a human. But I believe I bring enough experience, intelligence, and prior knowledge with me that I can be a benefit to the staff and server. This is what I will spent my time with, improving things to bring back some levity to the server.

    Thank you for the time you've spent reading this application.

    - Matt (Deinen0)
    SJP, CinnamonTiny, UMADBRO? and 22 others like this.
  2. kdocherty7

    kdocherty7 Guest

    Very good person

  3. Nman830

    Nman830 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Anyways, Hello Deinen0 I have interacted with you many many times and you have either been helpful or nice to me
  4. Candy_Master

    Candy_Master The Canadian Candy

    Likes Received:
    2klassy likes this.
  5. Klitch


    Likes Received:
    +1 all the way. You're insanely well-known, helpful, nice.. You obviously have PLENTY of experience.
  6. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Your obviously gonna get accepted lol to be honest.

    UMADBRO? likes this.
  7. kevman967

    kevman967 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -Hard working
    I hope you shall be accepted :)!
    UMADBRO? likes this.
  8. FatUnicornzz

    FatUnicornzz Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 because you don't support my race.
  9. Khafra

    Khafra Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -Very nice and helpful to new players
    -Former experience
    -Show that you have weaknesses that can either get you accepted or denied. (This is good showing that you had a big mistake happen and you take full responsibility.)
  10. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Plus one, even though you have that incident with the gold blocks back a while ago I think you would be a great staff member. :)
    UMADBRO? likes this.
  11. SirCallow

    SirCallow Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 your always coming up with new ideas and are extremely nice and helpful!
  12. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

    Likes Received:
    + great app
    + active
    + mature
    + experience
    + did something wrong, but understood and therefore resigned (what I mean is that you understood what you did wrong, and realized you deserved a punishment)

    Overall +1
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2014
  13. Faithful2001

    Faithful2001 New Meeper

    Likes Received:
    • AS much as your app goes, it was really good. However, I've never seen you on TeamSpeak. +.5
  14. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    Not to seem tedious or nit-picky, however I have never been demoted from staff. Both times I've stepped down were from voluntary resignations.
  15. Ninja_of_Tempest

    Ninja_of_Tempest Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:

    You are mature and responsible. I don't even need to wonder if you are on because you are so active. I could give a million other reasons to say yes.
  16. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

    Likes Received:
    Oh ok, sorry I thought you were demoted, I'll change that.
  17. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    Yes, with four children, and a wife, at most times it is not an ideal environment to be tied to a voice chat program as I am interacting with my family. However this does not reduce my availability or my ability to assist players. My skype is Deinen0, and it stays open 24/7, if skyped I will respond back to someone as soon as I am back at the PC or otherwise. Outside of skype I am consistantly in-game for most the the day on and off, and able to be contacted there.

    Edit: To clear any confusion that may stem from this, I am able to attend all staff meetings, interviews, staff app reviews etc. But you will not find me on teamspeak for hours at a time.
  18. RuSiaN_PeDoBeaRAppeal

    RuSiaN_PeDoBeaRAppeal Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 app too long for me
    +1 pretty cool guy
    +1 aint stupid like most staff
    +1 total
    scoowby likes this.
  19. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Guest

    omg, +1 as long as you promise not to ban me
  20. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Hey Deinen0
    +Very Nice
    +Active on Teamspeak and Forums
    Good Luck :)
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