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Staff App: rAwson

Discussion in 'Denied' started by rAwsondayc, Oct 25, 2014.

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  1. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

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    In Game Name: rAwsondayc
    Skype (Yes/No): Yep, I think you all have me still
    Teamspeak Username: rAwson
    Mic use: When Im on Age: 15 Timezone: USA : EST Hours online per weekday: 3-5 Hours online per weekend: 5-8 Position Changes: Elite to Helper

    Hello Meepcraft, I think it's about time. For those of you that don't know me, I am rAwsondayc or rAwson or Dawson. I was Helper from June - July 2014 to August 2014 and Mod from August 2014 to September 2014. I was demoted from my previous rank and hope to come back into staff (I will explain my demotion in Weaknesses). I have been on Meepcraft since October 2013 and was staff with previous staff members on another server e.x. LexKristen, DancingCactus and more. In real life, I am an actor, singer, and very active guy who also enjoys a lot of video games. I am a Sophomore in high school and plan on trying out for my schools football team next year. In the future, i hope to pursue a career in the sciences or as a teacher.
    Why you should be Helper/Mod ?

    I dedicate myself 100% to anything and everything. I had done many modreqs in my time as staff and have never left someone needing something else. I helped other staff members learn more and work on cases together. For me, a job half done is worse than not done at all. I was a workaholic honestly.

    I am an active member (Yes, i am back even if you haven't seen me) and I try to help in shout, local, and report people when I can. It's been a while since I've made a report a player thread though, but I suppose that's a good thing considering it means I haven't seen any bad.

    I goof around with my friend, pull out a few jokes, and mess around sometimes but when necessary I become a completely different person. I try to get things done in a proper, "grown-up" manor. I don't mess around in serious cases and try to give as much constructive criticism and such when needed.

    I think (or so I've been told) I'm a super nice guy. I try to be nice to anyone and everyone I can in any way possible.

    Communication: Talking is the most important part of anything really, getting points across and helping others. I have done this well in the past and continue to do so.

    I hope to bring new ideas to the staff team and to make the server as good as possible. I am a very creative person, as I do act in plays and such, and want to make more fun for everyone every day.

    I take criticism well and don't get mad about it. I take real criticism (by real I mean constructive) and try to improve in every way possible. I really want people to point out my flaws, as it makes me a better staff member.

    I was staff for months and I have the knowledge of what the current Moderators have (unless new things were added, and I can only guess they were). I have knowledge with Hawkeye, Towny, Skyblock, Teamspeak, and the staff.

    I have been VERY rude in the past, especially after I was demoted. I have fixed this, and tried to regain my image as much as possible. I hope I can be forgiven, and I am still trying to work out little things about em that may come off as rude.

    I'm a loud guy, and I yell on Teamspeak and on Skype. I hope I don't bother anyone too much, I just get into my games.

    My family and I have been through a lot, and still are going through some new problems and old problems. I sometimes need a few day break from video games to deal with some issues or just relax for a little. Hope this doesn't get in the way, it hasn't in the past.

    I was previously demoted. I was demoted for putting inapropriot content on the forums many times and disrespecting other staff members. For the content part, I posted some text on the forums that should not have been there (if you wanna know more Skype me or pm me for my Skype). It was a very immature for me to have done those things, especially as a staff member and I can assure that it won't happen again. I also disrespected many staff members, mostly higher up staff and helpers that I felt were not ready. I never got to the point of bullying (I never would) but I was not respecting the decisions staff members were making and began to point out every little flaw of many. I can assure every staff member that this won't happen again, and I hope that you ask me this and more in my (if I get one) interview.

    I hope you all accept me back into the staff team with open arms and give me that second chance I hope for. Thank you for your time and please post replies that can help me. ASK QUESTIONS and have a nice day Meep.
    superbros1211 likes this.
  2. JaMiiE_Londors

    JaMiiE_Londors Popular Meeper

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    yur gud
    i liek u
    u did gud wen u waz mod
    Jiltism likes this.
  3. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    -1 Wait a bit, you got really angry and lashed out at people after your demotion and until quite recently. I would wait a bit, but if you prove me wrong, I'll change this to a +1.
  4. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    Changing score to -1 You make no sense. Your sig says I don't play minecraft. If you don't play... GTFO :D
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
    HotAsianBeans likes this.
  5. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    I was just about to tell u to apply again
  6. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    The way you disrespected the staff, when you got demoted has broken any trust i had in you.
    It has been only Been 1 mouth since you were removed from the team, I don't think you can change so quickly.
    -1 You applied way too soon after the Demotion
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
  7. ReadingRockstar

    ReadingRockstar Popular Meeper

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    You were extremely negative at the time of your demotion. I am not quite sure that your attitude about serious situations is the best, but I guess if we give Monkeyhead a try, you should get one too!


    btw you have i dont play minecraft in your signature. pretty counterintuative if you ask me.
  8. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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  9. TheOddPorpoise

    TheOddPorpoise Popular Meeper

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  10. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    nice sig m8

    You barely play on the server and don't show any signs of dedication towards the staff system. You have expressed your opinions and distaste of the staff through many negative actions. This honestly feels pretty rushed and you barely play on the server. You have yet to fix most of the relationships with players you insulted after your demotion and I feel that your negativity and immaturity would carry into your staff work.

    If you can integrate yourself back into the community, maybe you would have a better chance, but currently I have a greater connection with the IG community.
  11. Fangdragon1998

    Fangdragon1998 Queen of the Nubs, La Elite Dragoness, Kæri On!

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    Darke_Amethyst and Sqreix like this.
  12. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 Rawson, Dude. You were a great staff before. I know you're literally EXPERIENCED, But the way you raged when you got demoted lost my respect to you. It's been just a month after you got demoted, Try again next month, Eh. Maybe i'll change my vote :)
  13. chrisandmatthew

    chrisandmatthew Celebrity Meeper

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    You were a great staff member before rAws; I was shocked that you were demoted and it seemed to be the beginning of the end for staff. (There are still plenty of good staff, but the Helper team has gotten progressively worse.)

    After your demotion, you were incredibly rude, but I have seen improvement on this.

    You haven't been active enough in shout lately. Your sig even says you don't play Minecraft.

    I feel you have applied a bit too soon after your demotion, and you need a bit more time to improve.
    Sqreix and Jiltism like this.
  14. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    After the demotion, you were very VERY mad at everyone. I think you need to wait a bit more because it's only been like 1 month.
    Good luck though! :p
    Sqreix likes this.
  15. SirCallow

    SirCallow Legendary Meeper

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    While I don't know why you were demoted really, and I don't know if I believe what people are saying about you raging at everyone, I do know that I have never heard anything mean or unkind out of you. I have to keep this short because of the stupid Canadian "computer" I'm using, but I give you my +1.

    Hope to see you with that staff member tag again. :)
  16. TrinityIV

    TrinityIV Popular Meeper

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    league community dont need u cuz ur bad go back to meepcraft community +1.

    nah jk u were great staff member league just make u rage too much
  17. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

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    I did rage after my demotion, and said some terrible things. I can't apologize enough for this.
    SirCallow and metr0n0me like this.
  18. Grandblue

    Grandblue Celebrity Meeper

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    No, you can't. -1.

    But for real, you were an amazing staff member and fun to be around. +1.
    Toostenheimer likes this.
  19. SirGiggly

    SirGiggly Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 Very immature and you just left, not in the best way
    anikin ultimate and Sqreix like this.
  20. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    I do think you have the capabilities to be staff again, as I was talking to you on teamspeak and you seemed very serious about the server and you had a very great dedication to it. You have seemed to mature a lot since your demotion, and I feel like you deserve another chance, if not this time, next time for sure.

    The only thing that affects me is your anger. You sometimes come off really rude and that's not the correct attitude for a staff member.

    Other than that, I think you have improved.

    Good luck.
    rAwsondayc and Sqreix like this.
  21. Owen Powell

    Owen Powell Popular Meeper

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    -.5 rAwson, I'm starting to see slight improvement since your demotion, but I don't think you're ready yet, as you seem to be just re- gaining activity, and you still can be slightly rude sometimes. But, on the bright side, your server knowledge is impressive and I do think you an intelligent player who knows his flaws and has the capability to overcome them ;)!
    Sqreix likes this.
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