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SpongeyStar's Helper App

Discussion in 'Denied' started by SpongeyStar, Nov 14, 2014.

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  1. 00000

    00000 Guest

    I agree, but posting this does not help your odds.
  2. jmelara

    jmelara Popular Meeper

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    Big -1 I am actually disappointed in you! Nice try trying to suck up and make a useless and dumb thread to try to improve your chances of getting staff.


    • Not mature
    • Short app
    • Inactive(don't argue but you are!)

    • Passionate
    I suggest you ask a few people in a convo to help you on your app! I did that and mine got accepted(never did the interview though....) If you need my help I can just start a convo!
  3. Videogames321

    Videogames321 Celebrity Meeper

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    I'll be doing a fairly short staff application review this time, my apologies... :p
    You probably do want to help out the server, but sometimes being passionate isn't enough. Strive to better yourself in maturity or activity.
    Dedicated fits into being passionate, but you can't get everything you want without putting enough effort:

    You might mean this, but don't post these types of threads. They attract too much attention, and can make you seem like a suck-up. It's kind of like online etiquette. It instantly attracts haters, so it's best to keep it privately or to yourself.
    New to Meepcraft. It's not like it's something really bad. When Telinus applied for staff, I was all for him for becoming staff. He was actually decent as a staff member (to me), but then went downhill from there. Now he's off being a walrus :D
    Short application, not really to the point. As a 13-year-old, I think that you could've made a better app. I would suggest proof reading it a few times and clear out any errors, or to edit and revise it. Having someone look over it would also be a great alternative. I couldn't help but see all of those sentences starting with 'I'.
    A bit immature. When you become staff, it's not all fun and games. I've been there done that, and messed up at it. I thought it would be easy, but when you realize the truckload of work you have to do, it can be stressful, and maturity can mess it all up. For me, I utterly goofed off.

    Good luck, -.50.
  4. ArcticGamer

    ArcticGamer New Meeper

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    Maturity ( quality that a LOT of applicants are lacking )


    Teamspeak, I never see you on there, maybe it is just the time zones.
    Forum activity :(

    I'm a +1

    SpongeyStar likes this.
  5. KariStar86

    KariStar86 Heroine of Time

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    This is denied, but thank you for your application!

    I think you're only a "New Member" because of a glitch with forum trophy points right now, but we still want to see you increase your activity here on the forums and on TeamSpeak. Your application also could use some more work, including more about what would make you - as an individual - a good Helper. For your weaknesses, we want to see not only that you know what you need to work on, but what you are doing to overcome it. For a potential staff member, this is troubling - "My laziness might be a problem with helping, as I might not be bothered to help." You may reapply in no less than two weeks from this post.
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