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Denied Best Posts in Thread: skateboy Ban Appeal

  1. skateboy

    skateboy Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Member Name skateboy

    Additional In Game Names: snowboardtiger

    When you were banned: Today as far as I know

    Reason for ban: Kicking someone from town

    Ban Length: three days

    Staff member who issued ban: shains

    Why we should consider your appeal: I share a house in our town with my cousin, the person I kicked from town griefed my house (stole all of our banners and all the supplies in our chest). He was able to do this because he was a co-mayor. I spoke with metr0n0me last night and he verified yearlyfive did take our items. So I kicked him from town.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: The rule #3 for town kicking, says kicking based on the circumstances, and griefing seemed to be bad/stealing. Our posting in the rules say no griefing, but doesn't say the punishment.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015