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Best Posts in Thread: Selling Heads!

  1. GroovyGrevous

    GroovyGrevous Break hearts not blocks

    Likes Received:
    I am selling the following heads - bid increasments: 5k for heads with starting price less than 20k, 15k increasements for heads more than 20k.

    Lysseal (Ex-Helper) (Supreme) - 100k MattIsAPerson
    Mylucky7 (Ex-Admin) (Ultimate) - 125k MattIsAPerson
    jeffhill1997 (Ultimate) 45k?
    Teakizz99 (Ex-Helper) (Exclusive) 35k
    Perryjay (Ex-Helper) (elite) - 35k MattIsAPerson
    Jmelara (Ultimate) - 100k MattIsAPerson
    Bob4444444 (Ex-Mod?) (Ultimate) - 40k MattIsAPerson
    SuperVladimir (Ultimate) - 250k MattIsAPerson
    Torger10 (Ultimate) 75k?
    carlthien (Elite) 15k
    lolisweet101 (Ultimate) 20k
    limonade100 (Ultimate) 20
    henrique_crafter (VIP) 4k
    beefplayer (Premium) 5k
    Spider_Strike (Elite) 100k?
    SickLight (Elite) 25k
    Watermallaun (Elite) 20k
    kevman967 (Ultimate) 75k
    Ninja_Of_Tempest (Elite) (probably ex-staff) 35k
    vrohan (Supreme) 25k
    ExReDe (Elite) 25k
    abdullah999345 (Elite) 25k
    MasterTurtle_101 (Premium) 5k
    OwenBrew (Premium) 10k
    levidj1 (Elite) 15k
    xLizrox (Ultimate) 25k
    ReggyR00 (Exclusive) 8k
    Creepersrok1474 (Ultimate) 70k
    Flaming__Death (Ultimate) 30k
    DiskDrive (Ultimate) 65k
    BirdVarv (Ultimate) 35k
    JPonyyy (Ultimate) 35k
    JonnehboiDaMon (Elite) 60k
    Lilstokes + SaltyEgg (Elite) 60k
    Fireheart2k12 (Elite) 15k
    Window_Licker (Ultimate) 25k
    levebot (Exclusive) 8k
    _iBacca_ (Elite) 12k
    maluhia808 (elite) 12k
    TimtheFireLord (Premium) (Ex-Helper) - Pmx 20k
    leodavinci9000 (Elite) 20k
    Videogames321 (elite) 20k
    Ziqids (exclusive) 10k
    DarkWarriorX5 (Supreme) 25k
    kevbuilder2014 (elite) 25k
    MrCreeperCat (Elite) 10k
    timeeater1 (Ultimate) 10k
    kindlewing (Supreme) 20k
    Soudathin (Premium) 8k
    anton1234p90 (Elite) 20k
    Sparkflamec (Exclusive) 10k
    CreepyEndermen (elite) 30k
    BobbyBlueDragon (Supreme) (only 2 exist) - DancingQueen33 70k

    The auction will end in 7 days from now, the person with the higher bid gets the head. Contact me in game to buy it.
    I reserve the right to cancel selling a head at any time.
    Happy bidding!
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016