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Denied Rusian's Forum Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by jimmy, Mar 21, 2014.

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  1. jimmy

    jimmy New Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): RuSiaN_PeDoBeaR(pls unban alt too, thedanchik)
    Date/Time: Yesterday
    Reason: Idek
    Ban Length: 3 days
    Staff Member: idek
    Why we should consider your appeal:
    I have no idea what I did wrong this time, and even if I did, it should've been warning. I've got a warning before this from abbythrowsstuff(not 100% sure who, a woman) for posting on staff apps. I posted my experiences with the person who applied, without putting a -1 or +1. When I replied she answered that I supposedly posted more than 2 times on that app(which is also absurd) which I didn't. Since then she didn't reply and chose to ignore me, instead of appologizing and removing the warning points. The convo can be posted when I'm unbanned.
    IHAS likes this.
  2. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    You currently have five active warning points. Two of these are due to inappropriate content, one more for your post on Togs' Moderator application, and two final ones for your constant harassment of Empoleon_Master.

    As for your alt, it appears to have been deleted.
  3. jimmy

    jimmy New Meeper

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    These ones were for me saying an abbreviation, something like "wtf"(not gonna say it again incase a stupid mod bans me again) which fuzzlr and staff say constantly. Why is one abbreviation containing a bad word legal and another not?
    I went over this. I said that I have never seen her on her app. What makes this a bad reply? It is a suggestion that she should be more active. I don't even what is going trough your triggerhappy staff's mind when banning for these things, like if you see a post without a + or -1 you autoban like a mindless robot.
    I called his ideas and plans stupid, giving solid facts. He replied to me calling me stupid and that I should be studying law at the age of 12 to be smart and crap like that, being a narcissistic douche. If he can't take negative feedback on his suggestions/plans then he is a very weak kid. I'm sure most of you also think like that about him, ignorant, narcissistic, blatant and an idiot in general. If I will report and complain about every small thing someone calls me I can get half the server banned, but I know how to deal with negative feedback.

    The guys who were involved with the first two should probably thing of themselves; "damn, I'm really stupid" or something between those lines, because those, are really absurd.

    Let the alt be, I can make unlimited other ones :D
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014
  4. DianaB72

    DianaB72 Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    Wow. With all this disrespect it sounds like you are gearing up for an ip ban. You might want to reconsider your approach here.
  5. jimmy

    jimmy New Meeper

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    But am I not right? I'm tired of getting banned, appealing, getting accepted and unbanned, without even an apology if the ban was mistakenly made. There are tons of people getting banned and their appeals getting accepted because of the staff not doing enough research/not paying attention and just automatically banning, not looking at the context/other part of the issue. Why should I be the nice guy when the staff keep making mistakes?
  6. DianaB72

    DianaB72 Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    I can not accept this appeal as you have accumulated too many warning points. Try being less aggressive on the forums and in game and what ever you do, please leave Empoleon_master alone or risk even more bans.

    As for wrongfully being banned by a staff member, I have not seen one complaint from you in our "Complaints about Staff" section on the forums.
    Jiltism and chaos546 like this.
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