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Best Posts in Thread: Rethink Meep

  1. superbros1211

    superbros1211 Most Popular Meeper

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    MeepCraft has a problem, it isn't growing. When I first joined, MeepCraft regularly had over 500 people on at a time, this was good because it meant we had a large player base, a strong stream of donations, active forums and chats, and a big community.

    Over the past few years our server has been struggling to have over 100 players on at a time and I think we really need to fix this before it get's worse.

    I propose we use this thread as a way to discuss ideas which we think will grow the server. So if you've got an idea suggest it, then we can all discuss it.

    I'll start this off.
    • Let's make another awesome trailer like this one, which is professional and upload it to the official MeepCraft channel. If we are lucky it will get lots of positive views! The new spawn trailer is good, but personally I think it is flawed because of the intro, lack of players and fancy animation
    • Custom texture pack for MeepCraft - nothing too 'out there', it will be something unique for the server
    • Do another round of big advertising - give rewards to players who are genuinely helping new players, perhaps incentives for members of a town if their town brings in new players who stay.
    • Cut down size - I believe the server is far too big for the current player base. The massive spawn is creates large distances between players in the world. This means that when someone joins the server it appears empty and lonely. We also have way too many TeamSpeak channels, do we really need all 36? Or does this potentially make it look empty and reduce discussion?
    • "I think that the thing we need to get done is to make it so that people that has a lot of money has something to spend that money on. And then make it so that the money flow will be redirected to the people that do the work in wild. This would also create a flow up towards the richer players, the reasons for this is that when the money moves more around in the economy it can make it so that it is easier to make money. But you also have something to spend it on. This would create a outflow of money and a inflow of money. Almost like the state invests money in to the community and by doing so the money moves in to a company and then the company gets taxed. It is a circle we need to improve because right now the circle ends after buying the Ultimate rank." - @PainCakexx1997 Much easier said then done, but I do think this is a big issue.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2016
  2. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Go back to towny and stop sinking all the dev into stupid mini-games people get bored with a month later.
  3. Achmed

    Achmed Popular Meeper

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    I've been waiting for someone to make such a scrumptious thread.
  4. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    I think that our biggest objective is to fix all the current bugs and eula problems, which have been a big rock in the middle of the road. Once all the ideas that have been gathered from the community and fixes were implemented, then I think that we could start taking a look at these problems. Instead of having a large amount of mini games that are low quality/broken, we should have a small group of mini games that are worked on daily, and are free of bugs, as well as attracting a decent amount of players. Before we start working on major things, we should wipe clean of bugs and things with the Eula. I think that it's just a matter of re-building the foundation of everything.