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Removing "Eggplant" filter

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Austincf71, Jul 12, 2016.

  1. dragon8877

    dragon8877 Celebrity Meeper

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    If meep is defined by an annoying filter that half the server hates, and confuses the heck out of new players, then I think I found the reason why we're not doing that well....
    Draqq, cooey, Summers and 1 other person like this.
  2. X11

    X11 Well-Known Meeper

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    1) Meep is not fully defined by this filter
    2) I doubt that half of the server hates it
    3) By confusing new players, those new players forget about the lag
    4) This is in no way, shape, or form, the reason that meep is not doing well.

  3. dragon8877

    dragon8877 Celebrity Meeper

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    1) Never did I say meepcraft was fully defined by the filter, please refrain from putting words into my mouth.
    2) I'm using a statistic that another player used on this forum post, but you're right. It could be bigger, but we will never know until we interview every person on this server
    3) You're right, because we want players to become confused, then made fun of by the meepcraft community over them panicking over lag being replaced by meepcraft, Then they forget about the lag because it's replaced by the loving feeling of annoyance, which in turn makes them leave because who in their right mind would want to play on a server that they're annoyed by?
    4) We have lost a lot of players, little is being done in suggestions, donation money is flowing into the server like it used to, and just about very old player who has left talked about this server's decadence. According to http://minecraftservers.org/server/79375 we have been barely scrapping by with 100 players, that great for a newly created server, bad for a server that has been around for years. We also have a bunch of negative comments on multiple minecraft sites. Two of these sites being: ---> http://minecraft-server-list.com/server/26122/ and http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/meepcraft-towns-and-villages/
    5) Respond in a paragraph instead of a list for short responses.
    2leah2 and Lady_Hestia like this.
  4. Jalapenos

    Jalapenos Celebrity Meeper

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    Lol. You are seriously going to start a debate of this nature because I appreciate the eggplant filter? It is something that I remember since the first day I logged onto Meepcraft and it had me cracking up. It is one of the only things that hasn't changed and it to this day puts a smile on my face when it catches me. So yeah, maybe us old meepers would like something to hold onto. Now to address your point; no, it is by all means not the reason why we are doing poorly. In reality, I am sure whether the filter stays or goes there will be virtually no effect on player count whatsoever. Though in my opinion, I feel that it is one of those little things that makes Meepcraft unique (trust me, I'm not the only one ;) ).

    Maybe the reason we are doing poorly is because the many members of this community (including yourself) like to set fires on issues that virtually don't matter in an attempt to feel like you are a part of something. It is a waste of time or resources. Not just yours, but the staff who have to read through all this. If you think you are going to help the server by getting rid of the word eggplant when someone tries to complain about lag, then you seriously need a reality check. The actual reason why the server is doing so poorly is at the hands of people like yourself. Many newbies feel intimidated and unwelcomed by the community, and they just end up leaving because of it. So maybe next time you decide you want to help the server by making change, do something that matters instead of merely creating useless divisions within the community. Could you possibly try to be more welcoming next time someone hops online and say hello? Could you perhaps make an effort to help someone when they are asking in shout? Trust me, it will be a much more appreciated and overall better use of your time. This message was a response to you dragon, but I think everyone who feels passionately about this filter being removed and thinks that it is truly a pressing issue should take what I said here into account. Have a nice night.
  5. 00000

    00000 Guest


    it's so negligible, oh so negligible. nobody will see it and think "wow im staying on this server bc they have a filter that changes lag to eggplant xDDDDDddd". You have to realize that this is not going to have much of an effect if it's removed. You'll be like "wow really?" for seven hours and move on.
    but it's not funny. it has been two years and now it's so old
    It's stupid, immature, and annoying. We have good people like @kcschmidt welcoming new players. tbh it will be a sad day when this filter brings in players, but that day will never come.

    It's confusing for new players. It makes us look like stupid little kids. eradicate.
    note: lol that post seemed insulting with the power of 2 seconds' hindsight. it's not meant to offend anyone just to debate a little
  6. OKNEM

    OKNEM Celebrity Meeper

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    +a thousand billion trillion all the way to Neptune and back and then to that planet that scientists think that life could be sustained there but I forgot the name and can't be screwed to google it and all the way back to Earth and into the core and massive explosion
  7. dragon8877

    dragon8877 Celebrity Meeper

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    No I'm not, don't try to push this argument somewhere else because you're losing it. The argument here is "Should we get rid of the chat filter"

    First, we want to get rid of something that annoys us, and annoys about every new player that enters the server. How abowt I bweak it down to yowu. Annoying=bawd for the swerver(You are not getting the point that we're are all trying to make, the filter does nothing but be annoying. Being annoying in any form or way keeps people away from the server) Second, "Like to set fires on issues that virutally don't matter" it appears that this issue matters enough that people are commenting on it. Third, I can't believe that you think that this is us setting a fire on this issue. Setting a fire would involve a hell of a lot more than simply commenting on a forum post. Please refrain for over-exaggerating in a feeble attempt to push your idiotic point.

    Find any PROOF of this crap Jalepenos? Or are you making it up?

    Jalapeno, you are blowing this all out of the water with your stupidity(I really thought that you were an intelligent man, please prove me wrong in a GOOD response). This is a flipping chat filter, we're not going to war over it. Some people want it removed because it's annoying, others want it removed because they think laughing at others is funny.

    I have this great thing called "hey, wassup" or "welcome to meepcraft XXXX" when a player comes online as I view it not "saving meepcraft" but being polite. I used to run my town tax free to welcome new players in to help them get off their feet(which last time I checked you haven't done anything to help new players) I don't help people in /shout because we have great mods and helpers that do that for me. And when I do help, I do /msg to take it away from /shout so it doesn't bother anyone else who are reading /shout.

    Jalapeno, after reading through your entire damn post, you have done nothing to solidify your point except try changing the issue, insult those trying to get rid of the chat filter, and over-exaggerate this issue. I expect better from you.
  8. Peero

    Peero Celebrity Meeper

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    LOL how are we losing this argument? If you ask me it seems pretty equal.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  9. dragon8877

    dragon8877 Celebrity Meeper

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    You have nothing else to say, evident by you, again, trying to change the argument. Stay on topic _Piro_
    00000 likes this.
  10. Peero

    Peero Celebrity Meeper

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    Uhm no. I have nothing else to say cause I'm right and this is a pathetic argument. The filter won't be removed.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  11. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    You're fighting over a filter and a word.
    Chill out a bit, lol
  12. Jalapenos

    Jalapenos Celebrity Meeper

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    Thank you.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  13. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    if a word makes meep meep then idek what to expect from here anymore

    +1 this is v annoying and I want to say lag if I'm lagging. There's an evident confusion problem and all the people who are -1ing won't care after a week.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 14, 2016, Original Post Date: Jul 14, 2016 ---
    why are you saying thank u lol ur in the argument too
    Lady_Hestia, Enron, SX1 and 1 other person like this.
  14. Photoave12

    Photoave12 Popular Meeper

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    Can we just put our differences aside and discuss what the OP was proposing?

    In my opinion, its this kind of fighting that makes people want to quit meep more than any chat filter...

    In an attempt to get back on topic, might I bring back my suggestion to delay the filter coming into effect until a player has been playing for a few weeks. How does everyone feel about this?
  15. benster82

    benster82 Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm sure there's better ways to attract players than changing a word.
  16. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    he's not saying changing the word will attract players...???

    he's saying that it's not doing any good having the filter and it should just be removed

    tbh a much larger portion of the community doesn't want it, and the points on the side that support it are extremely weak and limited. I hope this suggestion's verdict is made soon @staff
  17. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    If this isn't accepted meep will continue to lose players thus ending meep forever.
  18. Jalapenos

    Jalapenos Celebrity Meeper

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    Knew someone would say this. Read what I said in response to dragon.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  19. dragon8877

    dragon8877 Celebrity Meeper

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    Did you really respond with a "thank you" so people can read your post? That's kinda sad, if you ever need someone to talk to Jalapenos, I'm here for you ;_:
    Draqq likes this.
  20. Jalapenos

    Jalapenos Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't follow what you're saying here but chill with the personal attacks. This is a pointless debate as it is so don't put too much of your energy into it.

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