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Best Posts in Thread: Remove Purchasable Fly Notes

  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    In conjunction/opposition - What if:

    To distribute fly notes in some systematic way, would it be possible to use an NPC to send a player on a quests to some coordinates in wild. Within 1000 blocks of those coordinates perform some task, either kill X mobs, X type of mobs, collect X items, etc to return back to the quest-giver, and get a fly note of X hours.

    Perhaps this could be a daily quest.
  2. reggles44

    reggles44 NANA NaNa nana NaNa NANA NaNa nana NaNa, REGGLES! Elder

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    Hello Meepers,

    So this thread is specifically targeting the recent sale of fly notes but it also addresses a larger issue with the development of the economy. To start I would like to talk about some simple economics of supply and demand.


    Now this graph is a simple representation of a supply demand graph and how they relate to create prices in an economy. Supply is driven by the amount of an item that a producer would want to sell at specific prices and demand is driven by the amount consumers would buy at specific prices. Where they meet is equilibrium price in the market. This price satisfies both demand and supply quantities and price which allows for increased trade of that specific item.

    With the current setup of purchasing notes in spawn the graph changes, and not in a good way. While demand is unchanged supply suddenly has a set prices without the regard for demand. Meaning that demand (aka the player) no longer have any power to change prices in the economy by either reducing supply or increasing demand. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but it does start to remove an interesting aspect of the server which I believe most economy players have missed for a while.

    That is to say, power. While many players work towards larger and larger balances players already with large balances have very little options to use that money. Currently there are a couple options that provide dismasl end game. Players can invest in spawners and build up a huge grinder to spawn in items which he will then sell for money to recuperate his loses on the initial investment. That player may also put a large potion of his money into a town so he can live and build in peace. Finally that player can make a huge collection of items where he will have some of the rarest head, blocks, eggs, and collectibles. These are all great options but they absolutely suck as any kind of end game economic playground. If player could freely put their money into the market to change prices or supply and start controlling different items it would allow for that end game power that an economic server needs.

    Getting back to fly notes and other purchasable notes that have a set price now I think it is rather clear as to what aspect is being removed. When they were first created these notes were meant to be a new item which could be traded in a completely new market with completely new players who haven't already made a huge investment. However now that the prices are set there is no reason to trade them, why invest money into notes when the server will out compete you in price and supply every time. Therefor to help endgame trades and economy players we need a free market for specialty items.

    At the same time having universal fly notes doesn't bring in any money but infact loses the server players as people don't have to vote to get them anymore. This whole ordeal has lost the notes value and lost the server daily voters.

    The set prices of fly notes ruin large scale trading and don't bring any benefit to the server, therefor they should go.
  3. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Anyone can fly with these notes?
    cooey, Jwarian, Toostenheimer and 2 others like this.
  4. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

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    This allows the 1% to control commodity prices, hoarding and manipulation of prices is worst for the new player. This is what we don't want.

    Sorry but I think staff should be setting the prices, not the rich players. We cannot operate a free market economy when supply is unlimited. Or as shain and fuzzlr have said before, there is no use to a supply and demand curve in minecraft.

    The only downside to people being able to fly more is it makes notes worth less.... Are you sure you aren't biased in this argument?
    Seems to me the amount of players who will benefit from /fly notes being sold will FAR outnumber any upset meeper about their worth of their note collection going down.

    Sorry but strong -1