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Accepted Reason Im Sorry Meep

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by cmpunk9991, Jun 30, 2014.

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  1. cmpunk9991

    cmpunk9991 Active Meeper

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    IGN: cmpunk9991
    WHEN: 6-30-14 around 1:30pm EST
    REASON: /modreq sexual content abuse
    BAN LENGTH: I think forever until i get unbanned
    STAFF MEMBER: bluecarneal
    WHY YOU SHOULD CONSIDER: I really LOVE meepcraft i really wanna play again soon
  2. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    You have a lot of sexual content offences, and language in general. What makes us think you wont do this again?
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  3. cmpunk9991

    cmpunk9991 Active Meeper

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    yes sirrr_pig you are right so i guess i will never play meepcraft again :( well its just that if i do get unbanned i promise to my god that i will never say anything like that again if i do, sirrr_pig, then i will be banned forever just please give me ONE LAST chance
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 1, 2014, Original Post Date: Jul 1, 2014 ---
    Well you do know sirrr_pig, VKL has been banned 30 times im not even half of that and Krazycat600 has been banned for a total 14 times for me thats about half so please trust me again im begging you if i do be inappropriate one more time then ban me forever i PROMISE i will never do it again like i said one more chance if i do something like this one more time then ban me forever please understand and please unban me :)
    SurvivingSword11 and Chaase5 like this.
  4. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    unbanned. dont letit happen again!
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