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ReadingRockstar's Helper --> Moderator Application

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by ReadingRockstar, Aug 26, 2013.

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  1. ReadingRockstar

    ReadingRockstar Popular Meeper

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    In Game Name: ReadingRockstar

    Skype Username: natedogg3213

    Teamspeak Username: ReadingRockstar

    Mic use: I am capable of using a microphone.

    Age: 13

    Time Zone: UTC-06:00

    Hours online per weekday: I am starting school soon, so this may be limited to about 1-2 hours.

    Hours online per weekend: 5 or more each day.

    Position Changes: Helper to Mod


    Salutations, MeepCraft players, and staff members. Today, I am applying for the promotion from Helper to Moderator, a big change. Allow me to introduce myself, the part of me that is not hidden behind a screen. I am Naythen, that one kid that enjoys school, math, homework etc. I am always the first to volunteer for the difficult tasks, as I take pleasure in the occasional challenge. My personality might be described as, “outspoken,” or, “blunt.”

    Why you should be Helper/Mod/Supermod ?

    Among the plethora of reasons I believe I should be promoted to Moderator, let’s start with the basics.

    My Performance thus far: As Helper, I have performed in what I would be to be an efficient manner. I am always trying to resolve how to take care of those 10 modreqs, in a fashion to where the asker would be completely satisfied with the answer, along with myself. In addition to my efficiency, I have been attempting to go beyond the expected of me, and become more open-minded and suggestive. I try to put forward useful ideas, formulate plans, and, just recently, I have even pondered about helping with the organization of this hamlet of a staff.

    The development of my TeamSpeak activity at the start of my Helper term was very difficult, but, sure enough, I have been improving my activity, and I have became a part of this small TeamSpeak community. I try to answer any inquiries, and also have the occasional conversation with people, to familiarize myself with them. This meshing of myself and these people helps me to maintain a reputation and further spread my dedication.

    From my perspective, one of the most important thing a moderator must do is keep an eye on the, “Support,” section of the forum. I have done several things in this subforum, such as commented and mediated ban requests, left the intermittent constructive criticism on the staff application, and also left my viewpoints on ban appeals here and there. While this is something I believe some moderators do, I believe it should become more of a priority, so that these people are not waiting so long for the responses they crave.

    To end this part of my, “Why, “ section, I would like to specify my specialty. Something I do exceptionally well is convey myself, and communicate with others. I am almost always availabe, in different means, be it the forums, which I check VERY often, Skype, TeamSpeak, and in game. I am there for the people who need me, at all times except for when I am resting.

    What I believe I could accomplish: To be utterly honest, your potential is limited when you reach the Helper position. You can do very few things, kick, modreqs, but it matches the title. I place confidence in my capabilities, and I consider being a moderator more fit for my abilities. With the permissions as a moderator, I could accomplish the act of banning players, without having the burden of asking a moderator, slowing down the process of cutting these fiends out of the system. I could also accomplish gaining the trust of players. When an inquisitor approaches a Helper, they tend to underestimate their characteristics and potential; they request the assistance of a moderator. Lastly, I would accomplish something most would lack, I would try to my fullest ability to assist the people like I am now, the Helpers. Assist in their development, and, overall, make them the best possible staff member they could be.

    Weaknesses: Some unknown weaknesses of my own have emerged as I have traversed through the steps and responsibilities of Helpers.

    1. Difficulty with sudden fluctuation.

    During this two and a half weeks, I have realized that sudden plan changes affect my performance in the slight level. With these planned, replanned, planned again meetings, where I am expected to be there for my fellow staff members has been a change for me, as I used to be a staff member and this never occurred.

    2. Minor difficulty pertaining to comprehensiveness

    The simplistic things seem to stump me, in this case it is the spoken word. For an odd reason, I seem to panic and hesitate when told something via TeamSpeak, but through text it is just fine. I felt this was important to mention because most of the staff-oriented activities take place in TeamSpeak, or places where your voice is projected, and I must listen to these projected words and thoughts.

    3. Unsure of certain decisions

    Although this does not occur often, but when I am forced to make a decision, I sometimes second-guess it, and publicly display this uncertainty, which may not seem to citizens very staff-like.

    This is a tiny and brief description of a few of my weaknesses. I am not perfect, and believe as I progress and go through this staff system, will improve these and eventually diminish them to the point where they are non-existent.


    To conclude this application, I believe that as a Moderator, I could further expand my potential around, using all of my dedication and abilities which are limited at the Helper level. I do more than expected of me, I try to achieve major and excessive success, and, overall, I would be able to completely cover everything possible and wanted of me. Thank you for taking the time to view and, hopefully, review this application.

    SuperVladimir likes this.
  2. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

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  3. Danielrulesman

    Danielrulesman Popular Meeper

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    Reading is an awesome helper and would GREATLY improve gameplay if given this position.
    ReadingRockstar likes this.
  4. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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  5. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    You are always helping out on modreqs, you are always helping other staff in game when needed, and you definitely show mod qualities in my eyes, you have proved what sets you apart from the others, +1
  6. Ohyeah95207

    Ohyeah95207 Popular Meeper

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    This guy is a champ. Nuff said

    -KoolAid Out.
  7. adtheren

    adtheren Popular Meeper

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    Nice long application, seems mature while in game.

    But as you state, uncertainty can make the difference, as you cannot improvise and bring in new ideas for the community.
  8. smeef

    smeef Popular Meeper

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    I'm god so +i
  9. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    ugh ur weird at emphasizing wods

    FluffbearRCT likes this.
  10. FluffbearRCT

    FluffbearRCT Popular Meeper

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    Next time don't italicize random words though
  11. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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    plus one
    plus juan
    plaus onen
    make him mod
    Qwikin out
  12. smeef

    smeef Popular Meeper

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    I don't understand the purpose of Helper, TrialMod was just fine. Anyway, +1 because I'm god and I work in mysterious ways.
  13. Tasmiki

    Tasmiki Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 if you accept my Skype bby
  14. bass_flow

    bass_flow Celebrity Meeper

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    why are you not staff already?!?!?
  15. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    Hey reading,

    I think if you keep up on your activity, you'd definitely be ready for moderator. I know things happen (as my computer just broke >.>) but active mods are really needed. I'm a +1, because I do think you're prepared.
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