I've seen half a dozen complaints about it so I"m making an official thread
I understand that staff don't want vshop to be used like a chest, and yeah that's a real thing, but I also don't see why it should not be raised. Especially after a few weeks, where towns are now being made and people are settling and able to store stuff. Additionally, what with the 5% tax, I don't see a reason why the cap should be low enough for people to be complaining this much about it.
Either A: Raise the vshop cap by like 10K items. That's honestly not a ton, but definitely enough to resolve some issue with this.
or B: Set caps for some/all individual items. Like there can only be 10K cobble on the vshop at one time. If there's only 100 slots left and you try to sell 1000, it'll say that "There is not enough room on the vshop for this item. You can sell up to 100 of this item." 10K for cobble is probably low but you get the idea