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Best Posts in Thread: Public IG bans with some tweaks

  1. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    It's been awhile that bans are not public and have not been for quite some time.
    the arguments for keeping bans private are that it's simply private info and we don't need to know. It's valid.

    But to keep the bans public, we know things like that play who was advertising was permed, new players see that staff do indeed enforce rules and therefore they should not break them, as well as providing a learning service to people who want staff so they can learn the offences and times and that stuff.

    I'm not going to ask to make the bans completely public. But here's an idea
    Noob123 advertises her server. You better believe it's a super cool server. Don't worry, you'll get OP.
    A mod sees this, bans the player. Currently, we don't even know if the player is banned unless we do /seen.
    How about when the mod bans noob123, there is a message in chat saying this
    ''Klutchdecals has banned a player for [advertising]. Length: Perm.''
    It would stay this way, this way the player name is private but we also clearly know that the player was punished in that context.
    We can also see ''SomeStaffMember has banned a player for [theft - Second offense]. Length:2 days.''
    The brackets indicate the ban reason when the staff types /ban and the length is obviously the time.
  2. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't know if you realize this, but you joined when bans were private information. A year and a half ago, they weren't.

    What makes them private information now?
  3. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    I think you mean re-implement it. Or as far as I know, it's always been there.

    No doubt this helped me when I was nhnoob back in the primal days of meepcraft.

    I don't see a reason to not implement it. I can guarantee no player who logs on this server reads the rules at all. It's a waste of time, energy, and life. Till this day, I still haven't read any of the rules of Meepcraft (with the exception of me being staff to look up how long I should ban a player for). That's no joke, either.

    It would be much easier for me to look in chat and say "Hey, he got banned for advertising(or whatever), maybe I shouldn't advertise. I sure wouldn't want to be banned!"
  4. Enron

    Enron Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm against showing player's bans for small offenses like language, tpa killing and stuff because it's not really relevant
    However, we should be able to see serious bans they have gotten in the past like scamming, rank scamming, and hacking in their /seen
    It would be nice to be able to tell if someone has been trustworthy in the past before trusting them with your town or meebles
  5. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Doesn't say the player name therefore keeping it somewhat private while still giving normal players the benefit
  6. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    It is a business
    I am a customer
    Staff volunteer to do a job
    All business is profit driven

    It is true this is a game to players, but there is a staff team who do real actual work to keep things running. There is revenue, and bills to be paid. There is a profit to reinvest, this is a business in actuality.

    I just view this situation similar to me going into a local gas station every day for gas and a few drinks. Even though I would be a valued customer and my opinion would be taken above other non-regular customers, for example if I suggested a drink they should carry because I like it, or a bad experience with a certain cashier, I am still a customer and have no right to expect any insight into who they hire for what reason, how they train their workers, or anything else in that manner.

    The issue I see is this leads into an area where I personally think players should not be in. Players should not think they are there to make sure staff is banning, which there is a section that would. It's also not for players to question a staff's ban time, which this would doubtlessly begin again almost instantly.

    If the goal is to help disseminate rules then there are other ways to do this that are not tied into server affairs. My personal thought on it is just that players, generally not the older ones, view seeing people banned as entertainment, and thus all arguments are actually masking the simple truth, they think it's funny when someone gets banned.

    tldr: I think bans should remain private and there are more positive and productive ways to achieve the heart of this suggestion, to better associate punishment with rulebreaking to act as a deterrent.
  7. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    - New players see that there are rules and they are being enforced
    - New players learn the rules by seeing bans and offenses in chat
    - People who are looking to become staff would better know the times and the like, it helped me a lot and I watched the bans a lot when I applied in 2014
    - Players will see a person advertising in chat, therefore understand that staff are actually doing something rather than the advertiser just disappearing - It looks bad from a player standpoint if nothing happens to the advertiser. And nothing does from their viewpoint. they see staff talking and not enforcing rules, what does that look like?
  8. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

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    I would like it to be public so I can know if there is a new rule. When I was a new player it helped me learn the rules。
  9. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm pretty sure the reason they removed it was toxicity that followed. Honestly I like knowing who is banned and I'm pretty sure Klutch or Deinen (not sure who( suggested something about having a punishments list on the forums to see who got banned and why