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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deinen Thank You for responding to that. Now,

    To start, let's be honest. He wasn't praising him a few months ago. This was like an entire year ago. Trump already didn't care for the guy. Comey did something fairly good and Trump applauded him for it, again still didn't care for him.

    Another thing, why do you seem to always throw the Hillary Clinton issues and more leftist view issues under the rug but when it comes to a more conservative stand point you highlight the littlest thing in yellow. Why not point out each of their flaws equally (although Donald Trump hasn't done anything near as bad as Clinton).

    I would also like to say,
    Hillary Clinton lied about the emails.
    Then got caught.
    Then lied saying she turned them all in,
    Then she got caught.
    Then lied about her not knowing they were classified"
    Then she got caught.
    Then after all that, she blamed Comey for her not winning the election.
    I'm sorry but Hillary should be thanking Comey for him recommending her not be put behind bars.

    The Russia thing is crazy, this is going way too far. This is the media just trying to find any and every way to make Trump look bad because they know he has done nothing wrong.

    I'm not sure why the McMaster thing is even relevant. Kinda stupid if you ask me.
  2. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    Another coincidence! This is nearly verbatim of what was said of Watergate. It was a story fabricated by the media to bring Nixon down.
    Ranger0203, Natsu and metr0n0me like this.
  3. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    No, because the claims you guys keep making about his "ties to Russia" are
    1.) Russian buys his estate
    2.) Calls Putin on the phone
    3.) His daughter his friends of the ex wife of outings friend
    4.) Donald Trumps son was caught talking to a Russian official in Trump tower

    I mean come on,
  4. lfpnub

    lfpnub Popular Meeper

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    Not. Even. Close

    Email thing was blown way out of proportion. That email was never compromised. Not once. Benghazi was investigated 8 TIMES by adverserial GOP and they still couldn't get it to stick. She did nothing wrong.

    This, on the other hand, is high treason. Impeachment has happened for less. Clinton was impeached, and was 1 vote away from removal, over the Monica Lewinsky thing. This is worse. This is waaayyy worse. The fact he fired Comey and gave classified info to Russia leads me to conclude that at best he's hopelessly incompetent, and at worse he's treasonous.

    Rant concluded.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 15, 2017, Original Post Date: May 15, 2017 ---
    Roger stone, the fact he called on them to attack Clinton, the fact aides like Bannon and Manafort have worked with russia, the Flynn debacle...
    --- Double Post Merged, May 15, 2017 ---
    All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts
    metr0n0me and Deinen like this.
  5. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    He doesn't believe it. He literally thinks that is fake.
    Blue_Marlin likes this.
  6. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    oh come on. You literally have got to be joking right now. The email thing was not blown out of proportion. What she did was wrong and if a Republican had done it (i.e. Donald Trump) you guys would fight until he was behind bars.

    Lying about Benghazi isn't bad? causing people to die isn't bad?

    She is breathing.

    There still isn't proof about him giving classified info to Russia.
    He as President can declassify something.
    He did not commit treason.
    YOU GUYS WENT RIOTING WANTING COMEY FIRED LITERALLY A YEAR AGO! well here ya go he's gone and now y'all are ranting because he's... fired? WHAT!?

    Stop bringing up Flynn he is gone!
    Manafort is also gone!
    Bannon - no comment

    This chart keeps finding its way back, go back a few pages where I debunked it. It was the stupidest chart I've ever seen a 3rd grader could make a better one.

    awww you remembered <3 anyway, 100% stupid chart.
  7. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Have you literally not read the news today? He literally leaked classified information last week - and not just minorly classified. The information was so classified we hadn't even shared it with our most important allies and top levels of government. Not to mention the information was apparently given to us by an intelligence partner.

    If you told your friend a secret, and they tell someone else - How many more secrets would you tell them?

    You = America | Friend = Allies | Secrets = Secrets

    Donald J. Trump on Twitter

    I mean he sums it up so well.
  8. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Well I know enough that the White House is denying the information and was it the Washington post that deleted that video of Trump "making fun of a handicap reporter" because they found out he actually wasn't making fun of a handicap reporter?

    Again, I don't see a problem here. Plus what they are claiming the "classified" information is about was ISIS!? literally one of the biggest peasant groups on this planet.
  9. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    Judge Nap: Trump Russian Intel Leak 'Most Potentially Catastrophic' Yet
  10. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    So basically, what I'm reading is that he was honest yet incompetent and bad at his job? I don't really see why he should still have his job.

    Trump's reasons for firing Comey likely were not legitimate, but I fail to see why Comey should still be employed and not in danger of being fired.
  11. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    The conclusion I get from this is that it was a blunder to not check with the "partner", but the actual sharing of information was on the up and up. Isis attacks russia to, Donald giving them information could be irresponsible, but theres nothing "treasonous" about it.

    Its really not. Donald was discussing isis with russia, he revealed some information that helps them fight isis that might piss off one of our allies. Its a dolt move, but its not "high treason". If Donald had gone and told russia all of our spies or something, that would be treason.
  12. WhoNeedsJimbo

    WhoNeedsJimbo Popular Meeper

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    --- Double Post Merged, May 16, 2017, Original Post Date: May 16, 2017 ---
    Have you ever did that when you were a kid? You would say "nah, I don't want a cookie" then later you're like "oh hey, I want a cookie." Believe me, you have done that. But you're so quick to respond that you don't have a damn minute to think.

    Like how you said being poor was a choice.

    Or how if a person didn't want a baby and they are pregnant, screw them and tell them to spit it out.

    Or how you can't get upset over a death because you NEVER HAD TO FREACKING EXPERIENCE THAT.

    It must be so easy for you. Sitting in your parents home, typing away random arguments on your trusty keyboard. Changing topics once you realize you are wrong. But you never admit that, since he is "your president" I don't blame you. But please, for once, listen to what others have to say. If you think its wrong, find at least 3/5 news sources that say the same thing.

    Donald Trump Calls Justin Trudeau "Canada's Worst President Yet"
    Trump calls Justin Trudeau "canadas worst president yet"
  13. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    canada sucks.
    trudeau kept it suck.
    snow mexicans are terrible.
    cnkropp, Natsu and Erebus45 like this.
  14. WhoNeedsJimbo

    WhoNeedsJimbo Popular Meeper

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    Okay i know that was a troll post but that literally made me laugh
    "Snow mexicans"
  15. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    (I'm on my phone right now so excuse me not quoting you).
    1.) Yes, opinions can change. However, Donald Trump got called out because he fired him when last year he talked about how Comey did something good. Why can't Donald Trumps opinion change on the matter.
    2.) Why is it that when Comey was attacking Hillary Clinton you guys wanted her fired yet Donald Trump fired him because he wasn't being a very good FBI director and got a letter from 2 people saying he needed to go because the left thought he would get Trump for the "Russia" thing?
    3.) I said being poor and staying poor is a choice.
    4.) Yes, spit it out.
    5.) Do you think my family is immortal? They like never die?
    My great grandparents died (except 1)
    My grandma died
    My grandpa died
    My aunt died recently
    My cousin died
    My step brother died the day after my dad married his mom
    My grandpa just found out he has cancer
    Yes, I have people in my family who are sick and or died. It's life, the difference is I don't let someone's death stop me from living my life. It sucks, bad but I'm not going to give up on life because someone else died.
    6.) When have I changed a topic because I couldn't think of an answer? Please quote me.
    7.) considering I'm in HIGH SCHOOL I'm not going to be able to afford to live on my own....?
    8.) Do you think because many more places say it, it makes it right? A lot of scientist say global warming is a thing, yet few say it isn't a thing. Does that mean the bigger crowd is always correct? I do listen to people, no matter how much I disagree.
    9.) Justin is a bad president.

    @MeepLord27 I wouldn't say Canada sucks, and LOL snow Mexicans!!

    P.S: I'll yell if I want too.
    MeepLord27 likes this.
  16. lfpnub

    lfpnub Popular Meeper

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    Bit of a problem when you realize we're fighting Russian allies in the region. Remember Assad? He's backed by Russia. Intel from that region should stay as far away from Russia as possible.

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
    Deinen likes this.
  17. lfpnub

    lfpnub Popular Meeper

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    Canada's pretty dope.
    It is a nice place to live
    Competent leader

    It's a haiku- 5-7-5

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
    Natsu likes this.
  18. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    You know you've got a good story when the best defense that Trump supporters can muster up is "but her emails".

    --- Double Post Merged, May 16, 2017, Original Post Date: May 16, 2017 ---
    Stop bringing up Clinton she is gone!
    Obama is also gone.

    Epicdude141 and Natsu like this.
  19. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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  20. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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