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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    You do know that your emperor Trump has many instances of fraud as well, correct? Should he also be imprisoned for Fraud? What about when he raped his ex wife? Should he have some type of punishment for that?

    You also keep assuming everyone here is a Hillary supporter and is blindly trying to protect her. Deinen has said many times that he's an independent, or something, and I supported Bernie. The only person that seems to have a blindly loyal bias is you.
    Erebus45 likes this.
  2. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Can you supply evidence there was legal fraud with the Clinton Foundation? If I recall correctly, Trump had some issues using his charity incorrectly too.

    Can you explain this more specifically please?

    Refusing to talk is not only not illegal, but it's a fundamental right American citizens have under the 5th amendment.

    It is a fairly common practice to not singularly charge for misleading statements.

    Can you prove that she genuinely knew about them and attempted to delay transfer of documents? I'm not arguing that she didn't, in fact, do this - However I'm not sure if this was in a hypothetical court case, they could even prove that.

    I'm glad you brought this up.

    I want to restate: I am not defending Clinton or her actions or making a statement to whether or not she did anything legal or illegal. But the massive difference between Clinton and Patraeus was intent, and circumstances. Patraeus was facing felony charges until he took a plea deal where he pled guilty to a mishandling classified information. Intent is a serious consideration is most legal matters and it played the same part in these two. Patraeus was found with intent - sharing classified information with his mistress. Clinton, on the other had, had a strong argument against intent and it's more likely than not the FBI/law enforcement did not, nor could have gotten enough evidence to prove she did intend to avoid the clearance systems for personal reasons, rather than her being a blubbering idiot on technology as claimed.

    Either way, the fact that a good portion of the population support the FBI/DOJ doing something they rarely ever, if ever do. Once making a recommendation - they never go back to just try to re-investigate/re-prosecute someone with no new criminal information. The fact that you guys want them to go ahead and do so now because you hold an irrational hate towards a single woman is a very very scary precedent.

    Which national security laws did she break, can you be more specific?

    I find it comical that the group who has spent so much time on Bengahzi are now baying against a year-or-so long investigation into the possible collusion between Trump and Russia. At the very least, let's dedicate the same amount of time to Trump/Russia that we did with Bengahzi and Clinton, seem fair?

    On that note, the absolute obsession with things like this poison your pool. Perhaps if less time was spent on the overall minute details of her, ya'll could have found something regarding the probably fraud/corruption that went on. But frankly the GOP screamed wolf so many times, people aren't giving much attention to the real wolves.
    Erebus45 and BlackJack like this.
  3. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    Deljikho and metr0n0me like this.
  4. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I can think of only one. Trump University and he paid them all back.

    No, as I said, the students got paid back and it wasn't via the government.

    This is a false accusation. Get your facts straight, sir.

    When did I ever say everyone who didn't vote for the great Donald Trump voted for Hillary? I know Deinen didn't support Trump or Clinton. Also, I would rather have Bernie Sanders in office then Hillary and if Sanders would have went against Trump I believe Trump would have had a harder time winning.


    Im gonna pull a you on you. "But were not talking about Trump". Anyway, he paid money back? he's good now, so no its not the same.

    Report: Obama spent taxpayer money campaigning for Clinton

    Does this count for Obama and Hillary?

    Not what I said. I said, under oath. She refused to talk about her emails under oath which to me means she is guilty. or trying to hide something.

    "oh I didn't know I was deleting top secret information"
    *slaps her on the wrist*
    "bad girl don't do it again"
    "yes sir"

    Also, lets not compare her. You don't like when I do it so don't do it yourself. Flynn should be punished to if he lied.

    Oh come on Deinen. Stop beating around the bush, you know she knew about it. She talked about it "being a mistake" during the what, I believe 1st debate?

  5. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Here's a summary, although it's not concrete proof

    "Ivana Trump’s assertion of “rape” came in a deposition—part of the early ’90s divorce case between the Trumps, and revealed in the 1993 book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump.

    The book described a harrowing scene. After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.

    "Your ***king doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried.

    What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.

    Then he forces himself onto her for the first time in more than sixteen months. According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’

    Following the incident, Ivana ran upstairs, hid behind a locked door, and remained there “crying for the rest of night.” When she returned to the master bedroom in the morning, he was there.

    “As she looks in horror at the ripped-out hair scattered all over the bed, he glares at her and asks with menacing casualness: 'Does it hurt?'"

    Trump denied the claims and his lawyer argued that in NY it was common case law that a man cannot rape his wife.
  6. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    Ok, this sounds a lot like bad fan fiction lmao.

    Anyway, if that had happened, wouldn't Ivana be missing hair for several months? I feel like there would be more evidence if it had happened, and regardless, I have faith in our justice system. If nothing came of the accusations, then he's at worst an alleged rapist.
    Blue_Marlin, cnkropp and metr0n0me like this.
  7. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    The problem is Donald Trump says
    "You look hot in that dress" to a girl
    Girl: "he sexually assaulted me"
    --- Double Post Merged, May 13, 2017, Original Post Date: May 13, 2017 ---
    And that's not just for Donald Trump it happens to many more people.
    Ranger0203 and MeepLord27 like this.
  8. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    Actually 40% by air, about 60% over land.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 14, 2017, Original Post Date: May 14, 2017 ---
    This kinda sums up how I feel rn.
  9. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deinen im curious to see your response on @metr0n0me comment...... you've had enough time to google your opinion.
  10. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    Reading relevant news and studies to formulate an opinion =/= googling your opinion
    kwagscraft, Natsu, cnkropp and 2 others like this.
  11. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    Ranger0203 likes this.
  12. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    MeepLord27 likes this.
  13. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    1.) You still have yet to respond to @metr0n0me post.
    2.) I will let this go further into an "investigation" before I put my opinion on it.
    3.) Hillary Clintons email scandal and Benghazi scheme was much worse.
    4.) It literally says right in the article you posted that as a president he has the right to declassify information, so it isn't illegal of him to do that.
    5.) Someone made mention that "Hillary Clinton didn't know she was deleting highly classified information" so what if Donald Trump didn't know he was dispersing "Classified information".
    6.) Hillary lied about it, then lied about lying, then lied about the lie, then blamed it on other people.....

    (oops I made mention of Hillary Clinton)
  14. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    "The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement"

    “The president and the foreign minister reviewed common threats from terrorist organizations to include threats to aviation,”

    Seems like its all above the belt to me. 2 world powers sharing intelligence to help them combat islamic insurgency. I fail to see how theres anything shady with this.
    metr0n0me and Blue_Marlin like this.
  15. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    and the roller coaster ride begins.... the White House denied that any classified information was spoken of during that meeting. So now, is it true or not true. Either way if it is or isn't true Donald Trump did nothing wrong. However, I feel like this is just another "topic" to get our minds off of other things...
  16. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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  17. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I didn't say Trump is trying to change the topic I believe the media is. Trump didn't make the article. Trump did nothing but his job.
  18. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    You forgot:

    "President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.

    The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said."


    "The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State. After Trump’s meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and the National Security Agency."
    --- Double Post Merged, May 15, 2017, Original Post Date: May 15, 2017 ---
    Yeah, but I also don't need to reply to it on your schedule. It'll get replied to when I feel like it. In fact, since this is the second time you've brought it up, I'll make sure to respond to him personally in our discord group chat about Comey and to have a real time discussion.

    @metr0n0me - I haven't forgotten, just been too lazy/high/tired to set aside the time to get into Comey with someone who can debate.
    BlackJack and Natsu like this.
  19. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deinen Within that lovely source you have provided (that the White House is denying) it clearly states "Donald Trump as the president can declassify information" which means he did no wrong here. So even if he did give out classified information, he didn't do anything illegal.

    Also, about @metr0n0me 's post, it's real mature of you to private message him. Maybe I should have just "responded via private message" every single time you said to me "I'll take it that since you haven't answered, you can't give the actual information and are just ignoring me". But I'll go ahead and pull another Deinen move and say, you are just too uneducated to respond to it.
  20. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I lied. She did not recuse herself. She said she would accept the recommendations from the FBI after the entire meeting with Bill Clinton on a runway thing.

    Yeah, honestly it's hard for me. While I completely agree that his action was the wrong one, a mistake, I can still "understand" the position in which he was coming from. The situation itself seemed like a loose/loose, especially if found out he kept that new information to himself. But even if we assume Comey completely dropped the ball on this, we have to take into account Trump praising Comey about it shortly after that, even going on to say:

    "And I have to give the FBI credit. That was so bad what happened originally,” Trump said, referring to Comey’s announcement in July to not recommend charges against Clinton to the Justice Department. “And it took guts for Director Comey to make the move that he made in light of the kind of opposition he had where they’re trying to protect her from criminal prosecution. You know that. It took a lot of guts.”

    To go from there to firing him for that exact reason months later makes no sense, especially since Trump then went on to have an interview with Lester Holt, stated he fired Comey for being a showboat and that it was partially because he was sick of the Russian thing. Even then, it still doesn't take away the fact he was a highly respected in two ideologically opposed parties, under Bush and then Obama.

    Yeah, he absolutely said something that was untrue. My understanding of the situation is: Usually emails that were forwarded contained the instructions to print them. In the case of Weiner, the emails on his laptop were backed up, not forwarded to the computer.

    I don't understand the logic or purpose of recommending the issue be dropped regarding Clinton, but then go on national tv under oath and intentionally lie about something that has no hope of ever going way. What was the end action if this was a lie, and why did a guy so supposedly smart and respected do something so blatently and purposelessly dumb?
    --- Double Post Merged, May 15, 2017, Original Post Date: May 15, 2017 ---
    I never said what he did was illegal. It's just yet another very completely innocent coincidence involving the Russians, again.

    Paul Ryan on Twitter
    --- Double Post Merged, May 15, 2017 ---

    McMaster to reporters: 'This is the last place in the world I wanted to be'

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